Absolute chad cucks his gf with porn during sex

1  2020-02-22 by TeeEssDoubleU


“Permanently damaged” because her boyfriend watched porn 🤣🤣🤣

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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Absolute chad cucks his gf with por... - archive.org, archive.today

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Lmao. I mean, clearly he's an asshole. But how fat and ugly has the broad to be for him to only be able to enjoy sex that way

She’s obviously reached units of absolute.

Burgers not even once

I did this once or twice with my ex when we had sex in the dark. I don't know how to explain, i needed a visual image to get hard.

Are you one of those people without a mind's eye that /pol/ keeps calling NPCs?

No internal dialogue is NPC. Lack of a mind's eye just means he is scion of Devadatta, cousin and brother-in-law of Gautama Siddhārtha, the Sākyamuni Buddha, and brother of Yashodhara, wife of Prince Siddhartha , son of Amita, sister of suddhodhana and Son of Suppabuddha, nephew of mahamaya and prajapati.

This. ^^^

Very probable


Jesus watch less porn coomer

Yeh, wut. That setup is tragic, any way you look at it.


In the beginning I would notice him not putting his phone down while we were intimate, which I found odd but kinda just shrugged it of.

goddamn foids are fucking pathetic. imagine seeing this happen repeatedly and just shrugging your should at it

Her body her choice sweaty 💅🏻


was this dude fucking her while on his phone lmao?

what an absolute chad, this feels more like a skit than real life

imagine a couple fucking missionary style and the guy is on his phone the entire time

Reads like creative writing tbh. Guess the English majors are bored with r/nosleep closed

There is no way you dont notice someone on the phone while fucking lmao fake

at least read the post you dumb nigger

what are you, gay?

yes why



I need to try this, just see the look on her face when I whip out the phone in missionary

As if you’re having sex.


When I was tired and cbf my girlfriend at the time would just go at it while I lied there on my phone lmao, both of us got what we wanted so fuck it

She has to be fat as fuck and fucking a dude way above her smv. Explains the body comparisons too

he might be fat and ugly too, it's not like being fat and ugly makes you attracted to fat and ugly women.

Thank you. I’m having PMS and feeling down but posts like this make me realize I’m not a degenerate. Wowie.

admitting to having a womb



This why bussy is always superior.

You're degenerate just for being a foid tbh

Mashallah 🙏🏾

I’m from the east, dummy.

你喺嗰喥好喇, 千l祈咪搞佢啲嘢。驚いた彼は道を走っていった。大韓民國 農業이 더 發展할 수 있도록 도와주는 硏究 結果가 公開되었다。

Based. Tell that foid, watermark

just smile more honey :)

I noticed since I transitioned that I went from getting hardons to getting pms. Womanhood is amazing huh?

PMS? Pre-marital sex?


I started to get a feeling he wasn’t just browsing fb or answering someone’s message anymore (like he said).

Wait, she was okay with non-porn internet browsing while they were fucking? Something something soft bigotry of low expectations.

I didn’t tell him that I had seen it and thought I could use it against him later

Typical femoid. What an absolute riot dude goes back and clicks through FB pics. Who even uses FB anymore? This leads me to believe that they are in an under developed, rural part of the Midwest and they are both absolute ham planets, and when they did it by his desk it was the only part of the house that wasn’t over taken by garbage from all of the hoarding.

I can't even coom to reddit posts anymore. After seeing the pics of those reddit meetups, any comments about sex only make me feel disgust knowing who's on the other side of the screen.

Just subbate to the black screen that follows you closing those pics because you are a sexy motherfucker 😉😏

dude, you're really cool.

Shut the fuck up nerd

ok daddy

I’m pretty sure they’re not from the US because she uses 1,5 instead of 1.5

Not here in Burgerland, no sir



Throw in a pastrami sandwich and it's the George Costanza special.

I would probably be in jail if I ever caught my man doing this. Holy shit.

I will admit, I had those thoughts too at times :D

And the curtain falls away so easily.

I wish it was mandatory that the foids on that sub had to post pictures of themselves so I could get more context. Although I’m pretty sure what I’d see across the board.

months later

Why does he keep doing it??

He keeps getting away with it

How dare she kink shame.


Yeah if you can't compete with porn then the problem is with you, not the bf.

Imagine getting boned by some dude and he whips out his phone in the middle of it to watch a Minecraft let's play

'Cause baby tonight, The creeper's tryin' to steal all our stuff again, 'Cause baby tonight, You grab your pick, shovel And bolt again, bolt again -gain,

Minecraft song parody compilation 6

Family Guy funny moments number 26

Family Man*

Is that a good sub?

It is! It is a good sub!

But what about the show? Is that a good show?

It is! A great show!

Yeah I'm fine with this

Honestly looking at porn is way less weird and it's very strange that she was apparently OK with it as long as he was just bored browsing through rando stuff while fuckin

Chad move tbh

It could be worse, he could do that thing where he reaches inside her pussy and jerks himself off with his hand. For some reason foids with really loose pussies fantasize about that.

If you weren't fat and ugly he wouldn't need to look at porn. This is your fault ugly.

gr8 b8 m8

Such a based guy.

Presumably, he's hitting it from behind, right? I mean, if they're face-to-face and he's holding a phone in front of her face that's just ...wow.

I started to get a feeling he wasn’t just browsing fb or answering someone’s message

h-how is that any better??

put the phone on her neck, then lean it against her head, pull her hair to keep her head upright.

Good morning

Lmao imagine seeing your bf using his phone during sex



He damaged me permanently
