Mixed race couple? CRINGE!

1  2020-02-22 by MikMakesBeats


Lmao loser jannies nuked fucking everything, even the nice positive posts. They cant even do it for free correctly

Jannies are overpaid, CMV.

Jannies should pay for the right to be a janny

A lot of them probably still would.



Centrists of drama they are

AC in general is cringe

Ah, so it's you...

Oh, I ain't surprised, kid. Nah, I had a feelin' in my gut you'd pull a stunt like this. The gut don't lie.

I can see ya thinkin' furiously over there, right? "How'd that sly mole catch me? Is he a ninja?"

No ninja. Nah, over at the Reset Center, we got us a switchboard that lights up when someone resets.

No magic, no ninjas. Just the way of the world. Bad deeds don't go unpunished for long, get me, kid?

But hey, even a bright kid like you makes mistakes, am I right? Or heck, maybe ya just misheard me.

Yeah, so today I'll just run down the basics for ya again, hopin' deeply that they sink in this time.

Ya still remember my whole speech about the right way to end your time in Animal Crossing, right?

Right. Ya either sleep in the attic bed, or ya hit that save button. Either way's just peachy by me.

Look atcha, noddin'. Ya do remember. Maybe try usin' that noodle to remember the rest of my advice, huh?

Listen good, [name]. Ya live life, and all that time ya spend, that's what becomes your memories.

Memories are precious, kid. And same goes for your time in Animal Crossing. Every second is precious.

Now, since everythin' is so precious, don'tcha wanna make sure ya preserve those precious moments?

There ain't no bigger waste than just throwin' away a whole page of memories just like that.

That's why I want ya to make sure ya save before quittin'. Simple enough, ain't it, kid?

Wonderful. Helpin' kids like yourself see the light makes me a happy mole. I'm ecstatic over here.

Now, allow me to hammer this message home so it stays in that brain of yours.

You can save your game by catching some Zs in the attic bed, or by pressin' the save button, OK, kid?

Don't forget it! Now...


All them words won't bring your pa back.

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I demand to know the context after wasting time reading all that.

Dude I tried to play the new game but I went to the sub and holy shit I definitely am not buying a switch ever. The entire community got infected by tumblr trannies and commies over the 8 years there wasn't a direct sequel.

Not like you’d be interacting with them

not having principles

It's literally a social game lmao

Yeah but you choose who to interact with, dingus. Usually real life friends not retards over the internet

yea wtf is up with that? I've been playing that game ever since I was a youngin but I never knew the cesspool the playerbase was..🤢all them subs are cancer

example of top post:
"hurr durr look at my faggot pride flag I made!!"

What's wrong with being gay

Being gay.

Thanks for stalking my post history faggot


Animal Crossing, the game they’re discussing in the post

I think you like run a farm with animals and plant

I never played

Imagine being able to recognize modern Nintendo games on sight.

I never played

You liar you.

The name of the game is in the name of the subreddit lmao

And I’ve honestly never played it

But I don’t deny being a Gamer™

The name of the game is in the name of the subreddit lmao

You mean the initials AC are in the name of the subreddit, right?

This isn't like...a lie you can rush to coverup.

AC New Horizons

Anyone that pays a little attention to vidya knows it

Sure sounds like the title of a new Assassin's Creed to me.

a little attention.

Gaymer spotted. mods!




Damn it's so cool that you don't know that

it's so cool that you don't know about the newest installment of animal crossing or what it looks like

Yes. It is. It literally is.

Wow that's cool

I know. I was having doubts for a second but I went in and told my wife and then she high fived me and insisted on sucking my dick because of how cool it was and how happy that makes her by virtue of comparison to her past lovers. Then I told her that this was all to settle an internet argument I was having with some drama incel and it made her even happier and then I peed on her a little.

Also I know you might think that's a joke but it's not. I even took pictures to commemorate how cool it was.

I read it as assassins creed first time and I was real fuckin confused

I think you like run a farm with animals and plant


I think it’s supposed to be fun relaxing and childish or something idk

lmao moo ok

Grown men that want to run around building boats as a cartoon yellow dog girl need to unironically be cleansed. This is below even furry shit. They are sub human scum with crinkle fetishes.

Also lol.

Once the Japanese start letting black people migrate into their country they'll realize how great diversity and inclusivity really is.





works. Need one more. Adding because I can

That person says that as if Japan is perfectly fine with mayos. They hate literally everyone who isn't a racially pure Japanese.

As they should. Weebs ruined mayos for japcels.

what does that even mean

in english please?

rightfully so.

Just look at how they treated Bob Sapp to know what the Japanese think of non-Japanese. They had that mother fucker acting in commercials like he was King Kong.

look at how they treated Robert Sapp


I see no issue.

King Kong

Chill with the racist caricature

That black girl seems based af tho

Her channel is rabbit hole. She raised money through gofundme to move and live in Japan, became a prostitute while taking up the fight against the male patriarchy and capitalism, and talks about how small Japanese dicks are. Some of her more infamous videos are here.

From what that video showed she has awesome tits and she had no problem showing them off so I agree

I feel like Animal Crossing cares more about poc than the US government

Yes. A Japanese video game company cares more about black people then the US gov lol

If Nintendo adjusting some saturation and hue sliders on their fucking advertisment means their stock value goes up then fucking whatever, dude.

My life has progressed to the point where these soy vampires are making me money. So add a character to AC that drinks cum for all I care.

Dividends are coming soon, so good work jannies. Delete the negativity so I can reap the fruits of your labor.

This makes the rightoid seethe

Dad looks like the kid in that image tho what did nintendo mean by this

I didn't even notice that! That's really wholesome!

Grrrrr! I hate Redditors.


Why else would we be here?

Call me when they have human x furry couples in AC. uvu

I'll boycott those bigots until they introduce a polyamory anal prolapse storyline


Mutts 🤢🤢🤢

Mde 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. Mixed race couple? CRINGE! - archive.org, archive.today

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Mixed race couples are only ok if it's WMAF ngl

Deleted my thread please spare my bussy

Haha for real though?

Lol I mean seethe