One user is flabbergasted to learn that one of their alters has been participating in “ableist and bullying subreddits”

1  2020-02-22 by longfacepug


Using your "alternate personalities" to escape social consequences for stepping out of line is like a combo move you'd use against the final boss of SJWism

Respect. This man knows the hustle.

lmao what is this? It looks like tulpamancy but somehow even more pathetic.

It's tulpamancy without any of the meditating or misguided effort. And if you replaced the lanky /r9k/ rejects with fat dangerhair foids and a culture of endless oneupmanship.

Woah, that really is more abjectly pathetic than tulpamancy. But maybe this is a good thing, since the fact that these people aren't hiding behind Tibetan Buddhism means we can just ridicule them with gusto without worrying that we might offend the Dalai Lama or Axl Rose.

its the split personality disorder shit

think hollywood tier shit but made up by and induced by therapists

DID is a completely real thing dude

no it’s not retard, its diagnosis is seriously controversial and has a huge law of the instrument bias too

“Now, I am not denying that people can have strange, disconnected, amnesic, and fragmented experiences, nor am I totally decrying the diagnosis of DID. It is possible that some unfortunate people who have suffered through horrendous abuse, neglect, or trauma may indeed suffer from some malady resembling this condition.” good job, you didn’t even fully read your source. plus, this individual is writing from experience, not fact. plus, calling people retards doesn’t make your point any less invalid.

yeah bro imagine a psychologist who runs a huge organization about psychology writing from his experience

that would be terrible

good job leaving out the next paragraph where he says true DID is due to a neurological problem or drug intoxication

“The bottom line: Based on the evidence I've seen, MPD or DID is not a widespread or common disorder—despite the insistence of some practitioners. If it does actually exist, it is most likely due to a profound neurological illness, not a psychiatric condition.” you clearly didn’t read it well, the article says that you should rule out possible drug use, not that it’s overall caused by drug use, the point of the article is that it’s rare and therapists are over diagnosing.

the point of the article is that it’s caused by poor therapy practices or a neurological disorder lmfao are u brain dead

the fact that you’re clinging to one article and ignoring the wealth of evidence is very telling.

look at my edit

take off your tinfoil hat lol

DID is one of the most controversial disorders out there

just because there's quite a bit of the population believing the earth is flat doesn't mean it is

yeah controversial in the medical field retard not the random people on the street field

lol ok "retard", no need to call each other names. I was just saying that just because someone questions the existence of something doesn't mean it automatically doesn't exist. Anyway, I'm sure back in the day whether the earth is flat or not was actually controversial in the scientific field too.

i think ppl knew the earth wasn’t flat since the vikings

They knew it since the fucking Egyptians. Turns out with two sticks and some math will tell you quite a lot.

bold of you to assume any of these internet clout-chasers have ever even seen a therapist

The fuck? Whether this person is faking or not this is a mental disorder called DID. It's real and it's on the DSM5. It's created by childhood trauma and not meditation or whatever, so bullying someone with DID is kinda fucked.

Most online "systems" don't even have actual DID. It's all made-up LARPing for internet points.

I haven't dropped enough acid to understand this thread.

same but an alclohol

Pussy shit.

what the fuck is that?

DID is a legitimate therapist created disorder


Some therapists suck, what about it? I am diagnosed with DID and I had all the symptoms before I even knew what a DID was, let alone went to a professional. It took quite a while to get diagnosed with it because most professionals aren't informed on it because it is indeed rare, most of them didn't quite know what was up with me. Never had I encountered a professional that encouraged my illness or forced this label on me. Whether it's called DID or not, personally I always experienced what it is so I have no reason to believe it's some fake stuff induced by a psychiatrist.

literally isn’t fake just induced by poor therapy tactics like memory retrieval and hypnotism

yeah I know about those things? When I went to a professional I got diagnosed with a lot of different things before I got diagnosed with DID, but the treatment I was receiving was not working. If a therapist really induced some fake memories into me they should not be related to DID. You're really implying that majority of the professionals working in the field of psychology are dumb bitches that wanna harm their patients? someone with so little faith in the world of helping mental health makes me worried honestly, not everything is a scam. Especially when it comes to mental health, things are very complicated and you can't just dismiss a disorder just because some therapists wanted fame and money so they induced an illness in a person. Again personally, I have no reason not to believe in DID. I have my own experiences and I'm sure of them, I'm afraid I can't help you even if I actually felt like pulling up an article pro the existence of DID because you'd just find something else that will make you think DID is fake. If you don't want to trust the DSM5 then idk mate.

too many words not reading that sorry 😐