Sardines try to bully the only class beneath them, fail miserably.

1  2020-02-23 by Neon_needles


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. Sardines try to bully the only clas... -,

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there's a distinction between people who play video games, and gamers


I play video games everyday but at least I'm not a gamer is peak reeeeeeetarded

Idk, Chris Rock had a similar bit actually, but I reckon srdines don't like that one very much for some reason.

And gamers have got to go

It’s like the difference between virgins and incels

and he’s 0 for 2

The SRDine is a hideous creature


Why is it always women who look like human chicken nuggets whining about gamers.

Imagine being so smug while also being such a virgin. A smug reddit using virgin.

Absolutely disgusting

Idonno, the g*mers seem pretty mad

Yes srdines are mad

Found the repressed g*mer

I’m glad I don’t game because reading is superior

Alright, nerd, keep it in your pantless library study.

If you play video games you're a gamer and you don't deserve human rights

It’s like the difference between virgins and incels


Just the racist, misogynistic and homophobic ones.

I only hate greedy jews who destroy the economy..

The Weakman is a superweapon, be careful with it.

[Imagine] yourself in the shoes of a Jew in czarist Russia. The big news story is about a Jewish man who killed a Christian child. As far as you can tell the story is true. It’s just disappointing that everyone who tells it is describing it as “A Jew killed a Christian kid today”. You don’t want to make a big deal over this, because no one is saying anything objectionable like “And so all Jews are evil”. Besides you’d hate to inject identity politics into this obvious tragedy. It just sort of makes you uncomfortable.

The next day you hear that the local priest is giving a sermon on how the Jews killed Christ. This statement seems historically plausible, and it’s part of the Christian religion, and no one is implying it says anything about the Jews today. You’d hate to be the guy who barges in and tries to tell the Christians what Biblical facts they can and can’t include in their sermons just because they offend you. It would make you an annoying busybody. So again you just get uncomfortable.

The next day you hear people complain about the greedy Jewish bankers who are ruining the world economy. And really a disproportionate number of bankers are Jewish, and bankers really do seem to be the source of a lot of economic problems. It seems kind of pedantic to interrupt every conversation with “But also some bankers are Christian, or Muslim, and even though a disproportionate number of bankers are Jewish that doesn’t mean the Jewish bankers are disproportionately active in ruining the world economy compared to their numbers.” So again you stay uncomfortable.

Then the next day you hear people complain about Israeli atrocities in Palestine (what, you thought this was past czarist Russia? This is future czarist Russia, after Putin finally gets the guts to crown himself). You understand that the Israelis really do commit some terrible acts. On the other hand, when people start talking about “Jewish atrocities” and “the need to protect Gentiles from Jewish rapacity” and “laws to stop all this horrible stuff the Jews are doing”, you just feel worried, even though you personally are not doing any horrible stuff and maybe they even have good reasons for phrasing it that way.

Then the next day you get in a business dispute with your neighbor. Maybe you loaned him some money and he doesn’t feel like paying you back. He tells you you’d better just give up, admit he is in the right, and apologize to him – because if the conflict escalated everyone would take his side because he is a Christian and you are a Jew. And everyone knows that Jews victimize Christians and are basically child-murdering Christ-killing economy-ruining atrocity-committing scum.

You have been boxed in by a serious of individually harmless but collectively dangerous statements. None of them individually referred to you – you weren’t murdering children or killing Christ or owning a bank. But they ended up getting you in the end anyway.

Depending on how likely you think this is, this kind of forces Jews together, makes them become strange bedfellows. You might not like what the Jews in Israel are doing in Palestine. But if you think someone’s trying to build a superweapon against you, and you don’t think you can differentiate yourself from the Israelis reliably, it’s in your best interest to defend them anyway.

still unemployed then?

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cough sorry, i meant to say "dude bussy LMAO"

Please don't share SSC articles on alt-right neonazi forums, Scott gets enough trouble as it is.

lmao you’re like the only who usually does this

Yeah so I'm trying to atone for that by telling others not to 😇

We're here for the drama, much of scott's work is dramaology. Explaining how and why this stuff happens.

Gamers: "Gaming is actually a totally normal, mainstream form of entertainment for people of all ages and walks of life. From older americans keeping their wits sharp with Soduku, to families socializing online with Words With Friends or in-person with Jackbox, to office workers taking a break with minesweeper or solitaire, gaming is a hobby that everyone can enjoy!"

Normal person: you know, that's actually a great point. Maybe if we invited those people to have a more prominent role in the culture and development of the gaming industry, there would be less stigma attached to gaming...

Gamers: kill you and hide the body

Nah the only reason there’s a stigma against games is cuz it’s a waste of time

Well that and because gamers are violent rejects who constantly screech racial slurs at strangers

Its so sad to see SRD taken over by literal bernie we hate gamers bros that made it a copy paste of every whiny subreddit out there.

It was always shit