Fat liberation activist writes revolutionary screed about fatphobic trolls

1  2020-02-24 by CornReaper


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What’s the overlap with FDS?


732.59  thegirlsurvivalguide    
724.71  vanderpumprules    
406.01  jobs    
178.30  ireland    
152.14  vegan    
129.12  depression    
4.41    askreddit

Surprisingly low

/r/vegan, r/depression

How surprising


Ahahaha fucking micks

I'm sad I have to live in this culture with this body

Beauty standarts are pretty universal, so no matter which culture you go everybody will mock you you fatty lmao

Breaks out into a full sweat, heart hits 200 bpm, and sounds like a war drum while shifting positions on the couch.

“Only in America is this unattractive”

Also being fat means being smelly and sweating a lot, I'm not even counting all kinds of bad health outcomes. Nature is giving them all kinds of signs to not be fatso but nooooo, they need to eat their five Le Big Mac at breakfast.

They are quite literally killing the planet in their greed.

God, I can't wait till ecologists start blaming fatties for being responsible for double the emissions of normal people.

Pretty sure they die already, but thats a hot topic so most media wont discuss it I guess.


But your typo brings up a good point, fatties die sooner so they have less time to destroy the planet. Small victories.

I'm the head jannie of the sub they're complaining about, and I can tell you I only went there because I turned into a fat sack of shit when both of my parents got sick and I used food to cope. I used the sub as motivation to lose weight and I couldn't be happier. Being fat sucks more than you could imagine. All I want is to stuff my stupid face all day long, but it isn't worth feeling like shit every minute of the day.

literally babies would rather stare at more attractive people then ugly ppl

Apparently in China, it is socially acceptable to openly point that out to strangers.


have to

Being fat used to be a sign of wealth so was desired

Now it's a sign you are poor cos you can only afford McDonald and are too stupid to learn to cook

This is Henry VIII’s armor, from later in life when he was fat as shit and crippled with gout. That’s what spectacular obesity looked like when “being fat used to be a sign of wealth”.

To be fair he eventually got too fat for his armor, but because of it we still make fat jokes at his expense to this day

The Fat Liberation Movement? I guess all their protests are sit ins....

Fat Liberation Movement

So I guess hunger strikes are out of the picture.

That is when a fat person strikes you in a buffet line right?

They’re constantly hungry and so constantly striking.

Why are you writing... like this...

I like.....to....because I ....find ...it ....annoys....people....

And...............I .....really.....enjoy......annoying ......people.....

If I saw you in person...I’d make you eat cement...

Hmm....so a feeder fetish....that's hot!

fuck you... retard...

Even though I dedicate SO MUCH of my time and energy on reading and understanding weight neutral science

Why do fat people exaggerate everything?

Would you really be surprised if someone was hyper-coping about their weight by diving into feel-good pseudo science like HAES? She's not lying here.

I was going to suggest they use that time to simply lose weight, but then I realized it actually takes less time to eat less food.

They dont have the time to eat less, the are occupied with eating 🙄

The only thing they don't exagarate is their food portions.

i’m trying to gain weight so i get more gainz and these fatties can’t lose it wtf

i literally can’t grasp this shit

Remember these are basically all foids and this does not exist in countries who have embraced Allah


Burka hides the cultivated mass.

Western propaganda

Tbh if I wanted to cuck an entire nation for generations, shitting McDiabeetus all over the place would be the way to do it.

Already forgotten Jihadi the Hutt?

I run an anti-diet Instagram account dedicated to fat liberation...

What? Like taking off your pants?

lol I made it delete it’s post.

also, lards coping about obesity being unhealthy

there’s unhealthy thin people so being obese isn’t unhealthy


Literal brainlets. Like saying that there are unhealthy non-smokers so that smoking isnt unhealthy

There is a direct correlation between education and likelihood of becoming obese, which helps explain some of the brainlet takes seen on antidiet


[–]anniebellet11 points1 days ago

also, pro tip if anyone isn't aware... you can block people on Reddit very easily even if they haven't replied to a message by you or anything by reporting them. It'll then also give you the option to block. I love blocking the trolls even before the fearless mods get em. Let them scream into the void, cause the void is all that cares.