A Dramacel almost got laid!

1  2020-02-24 by Ultrashitposter


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. A Dramacel almost got laid! - archive.org, archive.today

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Which jannie is that about? I am guessing MasterLawls

Masterlawlz wouldnt watch parasite

Lawlz seems like he only watches capeshit

Sure he watches whatever if it might get him laid

I don't know. He's the type who watches Scorcese movies and thinks he's an obscure film buff. He doesn't have the capacity to just watch whatever a foid wants to watch

"So, have you heard of this director Quentin Tarantino? Fairly obscure indie filmmaker."


No 😒

Which jannie is that about? I am guessing

guys I found which jannie it's about

Checks out

I mean how tf are you supposed to have sex with a micropenis? Its basically gods hint to transition.

Its probably something you need to be upfront about because its kind of a dealbreaker, like having hiv or being 5'4"


Mandatory HRT for dicklets.


foreplay exists

Foreplay isn't sex.

Foreplay managed to swell his dick to the size of a peanut

i'm sorry nobody let you know, but the big dick is the foreplay

Transition AND 41%

Not even that because without a normal sized penis they can't get their neovagina surgery.

You can with grafted rectum tissue. It's generally not as favored because you'll have no feeling.

Just jam a knife in your taint CWC style and call it good.

how do dykes do it?

I’m a gaycel who hooked up with a 6’3” chad who had a micro penis. any ounce of attraction I had was eliminated when I felt it. those things are repulsive and their owners should be shoahed


he trusted a foid

He's never gonna make it

Around a foid, be paranoid!

Reddit will deepthroat women over any insecurities but when its about a cock all you see is "dick joke dick joke dick joke dick joke dick joke your fault"


Have sex incel 💅💅

Thats just our gynocentric society bro. Same thing with making fun of manlets and neckbeards.

our gynocentric society

And that's a good thing

Leans into mic


That's because being a dicklet is the worst of all fates.

5'4 height or 5.4 dick

5.4" dick is pretty close to the American average so that's not as bad as you think it is. It's still a sad size, but it's the sad size most men have and fail to please their women with.


Found the dicklet


do you need a hug friend 😔

is “hot” has ”great personality” has friends

Perhaps not a dramacel after all

Speak for yourself, drama chads exist.

yeah in your imagination

I'm a drama Chad, because I have the looks and confidence of an absolute fucking Chad, with some muscle and the height, plus fashion sense to boot, but I hate people and would rather spend my time online laughing at retards and acting retarded than socializing with the plebs and single moms that inhabit my city.


How could you not laugh if you was a woman and you pulled a guys pants down to see a tiny mushroom hanging out

This but seriously. For the first time ever I am gonna have to take the side of the foid.

37.6k upvotes and rising

The number of redditors with micro penises hoping to get laid is astonishing


LOL imagine having a micropenis

These posts are why I posted cack, so I can dab on all smoldix and they can't even touch me

(because of my spider sense reflexes. And big pp)

Can you try not talking like a retard?

Lol u r smol pp

Dicklets btfo

Ha! Speak for yourself. All males packing anything under at least 7 inches should be forcefully transitioned and integrated into the harems of other men.

OK now tell them that troids should be required to disclose their dick having status up front

I say “are you still turned on? Do you want to?” And he kind of gives me a blank look which prompts my dumb ass to say “I’m sorry it’s just that I can’t tell”

Count on foids to bring the suifuel to those poor dicklets...

Oh my gosh that's fucking great. Honestly, why do dicklets exist? Like why even try to date/fuck if you have a comically small penis? You have to know that you're not going to get anywhere with it. Absolutely no chance whatsoever. So why try?