r/AgainstHateSubreddits army of trannies declares war on r/coomer

1  2020-02-24 by SendWhiskey


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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based retard provoking both sides

Imaging thinking that AHS is this retarded.

If anything this is a radical centrist inside job.

Lol yea. This aint AHS. If anything it's a radical centrist.

It could be a retarded /r/coomer, they ain't exactly the sharpest blubs in the lamp.

Not that AHSers are any smarter, but they don't spend half of their live figuring out how to ban people who say niggerword just to announce it's them and ruin it.

AHS has done it before to braincels. Since the admins never did shit, why wouldn't they just do it again?



Proof is gay

This sounds like a barf move tbh

uh oh someone said barf name. That's gonna be a sitewide ban for that person.

AHS is nothing but coomer threads these days. They'll get them banned sooner or later with their mass reports organized in the slack server.

I coom at drama

definitely one of their own users posting this lol

It’s a false flag false flag!

This is clearly fake. The fact that people have fallen for it is a solid argument against abstinence

The token rightoids in this very thread are believing it lmao

That's expected. Their 2 brain cells need time to process this info.

AHS would do it they just wouldn't announce that they're doing it

Nice try.

AHS is notorious for being full of trannys and pedos, this stunt is right up their alley

What, randomly informing a subreddit that they were going to raid it before they raid it?

Reddit does have a pretty bad pedo problem in general, and the jailbait banning years ago didn’t do enough.

Proofs? See /r/kotakuinaction and /r/egg_irl.

im going to commit a felony to get a sub banned

Well they do spend their time looking for things to be offended about

AHS is definitely not the sharpest tools but tools nonetheless.

Wasnt there a guy who posted child porn embedded into pics on /r/food because he didnt like the mods, and then admitted to doing that? Redditors arent very bright.

saying LGBT have a higher rate of child sex crimes is bigoted

I am going to post the CP that I have to own the bigots

What did they mean by this? 🤔🤔🤔

This is some microbrain double-double cross.

Fakest shit since molester Biden pretended he knew Mandela

Very obviously a troll attempt not by AHS.

in other r/coomer news, 😥 their collage didn't include pizzashill