fats cope as suddenly everyone is part of the 1% when bmi is discussed

1  2020-02-24 by -M-o-X-


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Protip: if you are a lanklet, you can increase the BMI scale by about 20% to compensate for your extra bone and muscle mass.
If it still says you are fat, then you're a fat fuck lol

The scale accounts for height already.

I'll say this: the scale becomes less accurate the farther from average height you are.

HOWEVER. You have to be way, way off average for the accuracy to be off by an amount you could even measure. I don't remember the exact numbers, but unless you're under 5 feet or over like 6'6, you're probably good to within one point. If you are legally a midget or a giant, then you can make some minor adjustments.

It's true that human mass doesn't correlate squarely to height exactly, but considering like 90% of people are within a relatively small range, that doesn't really matter. This is a case of people who think that if you're not exactly average in every way, you're an exception that cannot be mathematically calculated. AKA business as usual for the internet.

I'm transitioning from lanklet to swolelet and even after gaining 15 pounds of muscle in a month i'm still not even close to being overweight.

idk how these fat fucks do it tbh

What's your cycle?

3 on 1 off with a protein shake after every workout basically

Lmao you cant gain 15 pounds of muscle in a month.

bruh idk, i know some of it was fat since i started eating more but i'm lookin pretty good already, shit's not hard

god there are too many fat fucks on reddit

One chose money, one chose power, one chose China 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

Because Reddit is American-heavy site lmao

Its the only burger insult i cant refute

We may all be fatties, but at least we have our freedom


God bless America 🇺🇸

Yeah man goddamn did you get a load of those AVERAGE male stats?

200 lbs, 40 inch waist.


Being skinny in America is a blessing. You can get 3k calorie meals of whatever horrible concoction you want and it only sets you back 6 bucks.

"American-heavy" lol
Is there any other kind? 🇺🇸🍔♿🇺🇸

Mexico is the fattest now... America isn't even number one at fat.


oh no tear down the wall we need to import more Mexicans

Nah US back in the lead because burger foids passed 50% obesity.

It’s not even top 10


Bring back r/fatpeoplehate


sudo nvram StartupMute=%00

linux in my drama, who would've thought.

GNU + Linux

If I might interject for a minute, what you're referring to as Linux, or like I prefer to call it GNU plus LInux

It's really more like GNU with Linux added

Unironically the most effective weight-loss sub I visited when I was a chubby teen. Shame works.

Next time you get in a fight with someone on reddit just realIze that they are a fatty

So they tested her after lunch lmao

“But muh muscle mass”, nobody who’s actually big enough to be overweight through not being a fatty cares about BMI, because they know it’s just muscle and that they look good. Only fatties are the ones unwilling to admit that people smarter than them with more self control than them created a quantifiable way to say “ur fat”

Note most comments are about "someone they know," not even close enough to skinny to lie about it being them.

They know that if they claim it for themselves then someone will find a picture of them eating a full cheesecake and post it.

They don't just test for BMI they also measure

We need r/fatpeoplehate back.

Antidiet recommends r/fatlogic which I’m about to go check out. I fear it’s probably within the plebbit/normiesphere though.

Edit: it’s not based it’s just fatty cope

Admins came down on the sub when FPH was banned. It was never like FPH, but I used to really love it. Was a much more centrist take than what you'd experience elsewhere.

It gets boring because it ran out of content like 3 years ago

It's nodded by AHS mods, so obviously it's going to be boring shit.

Unfortunately I wasted a valuable 50 seconds of my life scrolling.

/r/holdmyfries and /r/fatpeoplestories are the closest you can get now. /r/fatlogic hasn't been good in 5 years and they get super buttmad when you correctly point out the parallels between fat acceptance and feminism.

I dunno I just find reading stories about HAES funny. But thx for the recommendation.






just stop using reddit you fuck. /fit/ is gay, yet based -- sorta like arrdrama

You tell all the people who have never even looked at the chart since at 6'2" 200lbs you're slightly in the overweight category, which is about right. Also, big bone excuse:

And yet it has massive disadvantages - ask bodybuilders, athletes or people with high bone density for example

"big bone" looks like Michelin man.

at those stats you can be a sloppy beergut/donut having man, or a complete daddy, difference being whether you've been lifting for a couple years+ or not.

You're not hitting a lean 200lbs at 6'2" with just some lifting.

I dunno what kinda daddy you're trying to be but that aesthetic doesn't need or require 6% bodyfat.

If I'm not so low body fat that I could be dead in the next two hours if I stop drinking specially formulated nutrient sludge, I'm not ripped enough. Life is a perpetual cutting phase.

This is lanklet cope. Even 5'10" manlets can reach an aesthetic 180lbs with a bit of effort. 200lbs at 6'2" is nothing.

Oh look, it's a 6'0", 220lbs fatty that blurs numbers to pretend he couldn't easily lose 30lbs of fat.

Nah, I'm a manlet.

I'm 6'0 and I feel fat as shit if I hit 180 without lifting

High bone density is the ultimate fatty cope. They know they aren't body builders or athletes (although they will act deliberately vague about the topic on the internet so that others might think they are) but bone density is pure unadulterated self delusion. Your whole skeleton weighs less than 30 pounds, and unusually high bone density will only add a few more. If your BMI is 30+, you are fat.

And yet it has massive disadvantages - ask bodybuilders, athletes or people with high bone density for example

Please show me the 6ft 200 lb jacked as fuck dudes who are sitting around complaining about the 'disadvantage' of the BMI scale labeling them as fat

a counter example exists

wow better throw out this incredibly useful way of categorizing people immediately without a replacement

now am I talking about BMI or sex

I find that almost every "yeah but I'm special" argument on the internet boils down to not understanding the concept of a gradient. You would never suggest that there is no such thing as the color orange because we haven't nailed down the exact wavelength whereby light stops being red or yellow. People would think you're insane. Yet if you apply that exact argument to nearly anything else, the existence of a gradient means no single point along that gradient exists and the best course of action is to throw everything away and just refer to all points as "nonspecific point along given gradient".

Saying you're "intersex" or "trans" is like saying your favorite color is "not blue". Even if you accept the notion that sex is a gradient, neither term is actually defined along that gradient. They're meaningless terms of exclusion.


well that doesn't sound so fat.

160cm tall

lol, nevermind, that's a chode.

I actually agree with the fatties that bmi is useless, waist circumfrence is a better way because then the fatties can't use the "it's muscle" defense.

Fuck off with this shit. BMI is fine you're just fat. Based

It is crazy because BMI is a terrible metric. It's computed by dividing ones weight by the square of ones height. But our body mass isn't normally proportional to the square of our height. It's not really a cubic relation either, but something somewhere in between.

Phd in math

BMI is a terrible metric if you fall into the 1% of 6ft tall power athletes.

Works perfectly for a fat fuck.

It is crazy because BMI is a terrible metric. It's computed by dividing ones weight by the square of ones height. But our body mass isn't normally proportional to the square of our height. It's not really a cubic relation either, but something somewhere in between.

Fats are coping in this post a ton, but BMI is pretty bad.

More like Fat_B0T

Lmao I bet you don’t even lift or have a BMI below 18%. All I’m saying is ‘people’ that are endomorphs get a bit fucked

Smug hungry skellies are worse than fatties cmv

From cope to seethe in record time!

Lol reeeee

sounds an awful lot like troid logic to me!

not all women have vaginas! some have penises! inclusive language please! (even if the science is completely against what i am saying)


a BMI below 18%


i didn't realize you were also a fat sack of shit in denial

because no non-obese person ever says this

Nah I got a six pack, eeer 4pack since a neck injury. Being fat is almost more degenerate than being a pot head.

post proof or delete your account kat

Ask literally any discord tranny and they will back my claims

What's your height? I've noticed BMI gets kinda fucky for dudes over 6' who aren't actually fat

I’m Manlet so it’s easier to maintain a good physique. But you’re right, taller folks have a much tougher time being considered fit via BMI

You have a sixfour-pack as a manlet? Good shit dude, thats respectable

I like ipas and had to take a long break from lifting due to a nerve injury. My right pec is just now starting to grow back

You gotta let me know what your core/midsection routine is, I've never had any luck getting good abs myself 😖 seems no matter what I do, my midsection looks like a twinks after cutting

Idk I just do crunches at an angle. Those bottom two are really hard to get if you drink any sort of real beer.

have you ever tried bouldering?

I have, and it's a great workout, I'm just too cheap for it. Don't get me wrong, it's not like money's tight, I just have too much pride to pay some place 20 bucks per visit just to climb up and down their walls for 60-90 minutes

Russian twists while cutting. You can bulk all you want but abs are made in the kitchen.

I'd go as far as it's not worth the extra effort, but youd have to try it yourself to know how to feel about it

abs are made in the kitchen

That's why I mentioned looking like a twinks midsection when I cut. I have very broad shoulders, with thick pecs and thighs, so abs like this look comical on me, like a hairy hourglass

I'd honestly want something more like this, but I understand that a shape like that is probably only possible through martial arts 😔

Embrace your inner power top twink lmao. Or get into diving and spearing and own the title of literal otter

I'm 6'0 and have almost no visible fat, but I'm stuck in the mildly overweight category. I only weigh 180. I agree it's funky.

That's basically where I'm at in the BMI system. The last time I was below the overweight category I was a skinnyfat shit who didn't either lift or do cardio at all, less healthy than I am now.

I've begun lifting a bit because I want my arms to be nice for tank tops in the summer, and they're getting fairly toned since I used to be a farm boy and thus used to have lots of muscle (which makes new muscle grow more easily). I've also been more mindful about what I'm eating the past couple months and spending a lot more time walking and stuff, whereas before I was just laying around eating junk food all day but still managing to not be fat somehow. So maybe it's my arms and legs pushing me slightly over the threshold or something. But I've also heard men tend to store fat more on the inside around our organs before piling it on the outside.

idk, the calculator i just used says ur on the very high end of normal weight


being fat makes you straight up subhuman. one of the few things the commies did right

Yup I agree

Post physique

BMI is bad for people with proportionally high amounts of muscle mass. For the other 90% of the population, it's an adequate indicator for determining when people are likely to develop a metabolic disorder, especially when considering how most body fat tests are either shit or expensive.

on average it's accurate for like 98% of the population lol

Yeah, I was being generous lol. Most people vastly underestimate their bodyfat% and people who describe themselves as ecto/endomorphs are mostly just people coping.

95% for men and 99% for women I believe. For women you have to work out like it's your job to attain enough muscle to throw off BMI, even then we're talking being in the overweight range, so BMI of 25-29. A woman would need steroids to reach a BMI of 30 without having a high body fat %, hell even a man would probably need it unless he's working out as a full time job.

have to be a body builder, wrestler, or a football player, idk how else you could do it

Tbf bmi actually is retarded, with a sub 12% bf% I'm overweight according to bmi because I actually have muscles, any measuring system that privileges skinny fat soy fucks should be ridiculed.

system with 95% accuracy is fucked because it is innacurate 5% of the time

Who says Burgerland is falling behind in math

People who don't have a bf% more than 10 lower than their bmi are hardly people so that should be revised.

a 6 pack and noodle arms doesn't count as 'muscles', pussy

I curl 50s for reps 😘

LMAO is that suppose to be impressive?

What do you curl bigboy? isolated, no back bullshit.

35 @ 160 4x12 I don't train strength like I used too mostly do Muay Thai and bjj, but I could curl 50 during peak strength

You're curling my max for reps you weakling

Wow, you're retarded.

Uhhh who said it was my max lmao what are your stats

what kind of retard cites his dumbbell curl numbers? i bet the only leg work you do is when you're cheating those curl reps

The guy specifically said noodle arms not noodle legs sweaty

The system is literally to tell Americans how fat they are. If you cant realize that this system isnt for people that dont eat dougnuts every day youre retarded.

But like bf% exists and does a better job

Bf% you have to go get measured or measure yourself. BMI is a general chart for an estimation of bf% which is quicker and easier to access. This is pretty simple to understand.