Tyson Fury states basic facts. Joos mad ×6 gorillion

1  2020-02-24 by AlohaWarrior35


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Tyson Fury states basic facts. Joos... - archive.org, archive.today

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Based and AI-pilled.

Jews own all the banks, newspapers and television stations

And that's a good thing

Us <<<hiberians>>> once again escape detection

Fucking retarded goys actually still haven't realized that "the rainbow" is the secret financial network we have to control international capital flows.

((They)) were probably the ones behind the decision to make the first Wilder fight a draw

Reminds me of Space Daddy when he asked who really owns the media and all the echoes started to screech

The irony here is that Rupert Murdoch's son, who was the CEO of Fox at the time, is on the board of Tesla.

Why do jews have a dozen watchdog organisations and three councils in every nation. Nobody else does that. Almost suspicious how excessively they seem to need to control the narrative.

It’s almost as if Jews were abused and discriminated against by almost everyone in history and there was a literal genocide less than 100 years ago where almost 10 million jews died. Now when we have an actual Jewish state the west can’t stop supporting literal terrorists who kill jewish citizens. Being a jew is an uphill battle against the forces of evil.

You have to ask yourself what the Jews are doing that makes everyone react like this

Making dumb ass mayos jealous?

MDEfugees out out out

Jews into the train

Being successful in business, science and law?

East Asians and Indiana are also successful in those areas

TBF there are so many East Asians that you can't really genocide us if you tried.

We can still try though.

That's what the coronavirus is for


You- you can't just...say this!...I have to downvote you NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then stop being a Jew lmao like nigga get some nose surgery hahaha stop wearing a stupid hat lmao


People in the comment section desperate to get a representer for the aryan race somehow forget Tyson is a gypsy

He's a fake irish gypsy

Irish are such scum they have to steal the degenerate practices of my Romani people.

Based gypsy.

Utterly shocking that the big dumb caveman who punches people really hard for a living would make a gaffe like this.

He's not wrong though

Oh, well... then the opposite must be true?


Who wins in a boxing match, 10 Adam Greens or Tyson Fury