/r/drama help me choose a religion

1  2020-02-24 by caliberoverreaching

I'm an atheist/ agnostic and I don't want to be (being an atheist in 2020 is kinda gay)

Please help me


Of course it should be Islam. The official religion of arslashDrama.

Ok thanks

As r/drama's chief Pakistani propagandist, I wholeheartedly agree.

I thought you were worshipping cows

I switch sides depending on who sends me more crores.

Has the choice between Sunni and Shia already been made?

Considering the Shia are munafiqs, the choice is obvious...

Aw. What about Alawites? Or can we at least be Nasserist? A little bit of Gaddafi flavour? Basic-bitch radical Sunnis are mostly boring retards tbh

I have Alawi friends, they are pretty cool tbh But what kinda Alawites are you talking about? Afaik the Alawites in Syria are pretty different than here in Turkey.

Quranist is the only true radical centrist choice

Dude Ibadis lmao

Quranists are closeted deists, cmv

It's obvious! It's obvious that Aisha was the perfect women and not a scheming hussy.


Radical Islam

Is there any other kind?



And, pick yourself up what's known as a red letter edition bible, and ignore everything but the red letters.

And read this: http://www.universe-people.com/english/svetelna_knihovna/htm/en/en_kniha_conversations_with_god_1.htm

Follow up with 1-3

Jains are vegans who can't even eat garlic or onions.

It's the single most cucked belief system in the entirety of God's green Earth.

Quite the opposite.

The jainist belief system is the closest there is to the most accurate religion, the closest to godhood.

It's really unfortunate, that none of any religions actually understand or explain godesshood properly. They're all wrong. Like Jainism is with the onion family. But it is the closest overall.

Jains are vegans who can't even eat garlic or onions.

Not true. Also, Jainism is the only religion which says we're all fucked anyway so it really doesn't matter how much you follow this or not.

Sithrak approved

Jains are literally cucked by everything

Convert to Judaism duh

I am already ethnically Jewish, but my parents are atheist jews.

I kinda want to be like a blank-jew

Go back to your roots, king. ✡️

Nvm don't do that. The only reason it would be interesting is that a lot of them don't actually like converts. I was only trying to maximize drama.

There is nothing more Jewish than an atheist Jew.

So you're a jew, what's the problem

Judaism is linked with being rich and smart so it is the obvious choice

Choose something polytheistic so every time you need an excuse, you can come up with another god.

Like Lefties do...

Islam, without a doubt.

Is there a religion for bussy lovers? Go for that one.

People have already said Islam

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. /r/drama help me choose a religion - archive.org, archive.today

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I won't pick a religion that got BTFO in the past.

Marry your sister bigot.

That kind eliminates everything except for made up shit like Wicca and Kwanzaa.

What about nation of Islam?

Permanently BTFO.

no you have to understand it like pokemon

zoroastrianism evolved into jews evolved into christians mega evolved into lobsters that clean their rooms

Towers of silence are fucking based.

I want to insist on it in my will but I doubt you can really enforce that. Especially when you're dead.

I wouldn't ascribe to it but tradcath seems to be all the rage these days.

Being catholic is the best option if you want to hedge your bets at getting into a positive afterlife.

Cao Dai


No other religion has cucked others to such a degree and with such efficiency. Truly the most based of all time.


Wiccan. Those girls are thots and you’ll prob get a bunch of p*ssy.

Gussy ewww. Imagine willfully putting your dick in a foid.


they smell like cheese and kitty litter though

Wiccans aren't the kind of girl you want to fuck though, unless you prefer your girls smell of BO and patchouli.

unless you prefer your girls smell of BO and patchouli.

Hippy chic is my favorite flavor!

Become a Carthusian monk, you get to take a vow of silence and never talk to another person again.

Bismallah it will be Islam or we will conquer you by the sword.

outward christian, secretly islam

w/e you do as a mayo don't be a buddhist, those are literally weebs but for religion

I invite you to join r/thechurchofpeanut

Nihilists with good imaginations

I am satisfied hiding in our friend's apartment

Only leaving once a day to buy some groceries

Daylight, I'm so absent minded, nighttime meeting new anxieties

So am I erasing myself? Hope I'm not erasing myself

I guess it would be nice to give my heart to a God

But which one, which one do I choose?

All the churches filled with losers, psycho or confused

I just want to hold the divine in mine

And forget, all of the beauty's wasted

Let's fall back to earth and do something pleasant, say it

We fell back to earth like gravity's bitches, bitches

Physics makes us all its bitches

I guess it would be nice to help in your escape

From patterns your parents designed

All the party people dancing for the indie star

But he's the worst faker by far in the set

I forget, all of the beauty's wasted

I guess it would be nice

Show me that things can be nice

I guess it would be nice

Show me that things can be nice

You've got my back in the city

You've got my back 'cause I don't want to panic

You've got my back in the city

You've got my back 'cause I don't want to panic


This is the faggiest answer here.

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I though this subreddit was one of peace. Why can't I schizopost in silence?

Become a Catholic - we're the OGs and (((the real power)))

Sounds like you need the conversion therapy that Scientology offers

smoke some DMT while peaking on acid and watch some joe rogan

you’ll become religious and brain dead

Sikkism. You get to carry a bad ass knife


Roman Catholic, you get to rub it in others eyes that the church was literally started by the lord.

that and you get to have radical opinions on child murder and shit

Praise "Bob"

Get your Slack back.

Choosing the church of bussy is the only sensible choice for an early 21st century male.

Hinduism, be the street shitter


inarguably the coolest name

I won't tell you what to join, but just pray to a certain God (PBUH) to find your answer.

Daoism is based as fuck. The militant atheists in the CCP couldn't keep it down.

Gnostic Christianity


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Jehovah's Witnesses. Get yourself a tradwife.