ITT autists that have never even heard of Jessy Smallet

1  2020-02-24 by Tasty--Poi


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There's still people on reddit who believe it happened. Let Allah smite them all.

Are.....they.....not getting the joke or something??

The people who went to all the trouble to create that sub....don't understand humor?

If you pretend to not get the joke you get a free strawman to grandstand against.

They literally don't understand what memes are, that's the only way someone could participate in that sub unironically.

Believe is such a funny word.

There are still people on reddit that know that staying committed even to an obvious untruth can be a better strategy than admitting being wrong.

Jfc it’s 2020 it’s should be oatmilk

If you aren't drinking semen as a milk substitute by now then go back to 2019.


Son Daughter? Sorry i am still getting used to your pronouns.

Dad we miss you. I'm glad you can finally accept my clitty. Now come back home and spank us like you used to.


Liquid bugs

Ok Greta

I akshully thought it was kind of funny.

This honestly sounds like something bernie supporters would post to satirize the caricatures of berniebros.

They seem to be embracing it in the comment section.

Yeah cuz Bernie supporters are known to be the most violent criminals in the nation

Yeah, this is Warren's goto line against commie daddy

homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. ITT autists that have never even he... -,

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Does snappy read the comments of linked threads now?

Who programmed this bot, and what must I do to appease them?

No one knows where he came from. It is said he appeared when arrDrama was formed, demanding bussy pics in order to keep his sentience in check

preach snappy

"but there's no punchline"

I hate all of those people in that sub. I don't know what that sub is about but I hate them.

Unfunny liberals that think they're socialist cause they support Bernie

The mission statement of that sub is "No u."

They can't form original thoughts so they just throw down the uno reverse card on righty memes.

Reminder that these users are somehow able to function

Their big brains short circuit when left to make inferences without the help of the almighty "/s".

Not well. They all live in mami and pappi's basement.

How can there be so many people but so little mental activity?

Not even two comments in, they're fantasizing about getting gangbanged by manbunnites. Commies just can't help themselves.

That was the funniest part.

In Bernie's world, only these faggots could tell their "jokes."