Genocide denier, bestiality advocate, and now union buster. Vote Turkdaddy for congress.

1  2020-02-24 by GARITHOS_WAS_RIGHT


Dude, just form a union bro. The dying industry of independent left-wing media outlets that run off of dot-com boom investor money is totally the same thing as coal mining and steelmaking in the early 20th century. If you go on strike, you could shut down the whole country.

Good for drama

What a shock...a hypocrite in the media.

the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Genocide denier, bestiality advocat... -,*

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Seems like he gonna be cancelled. I propose I'll take his place:

-I am young

-I am Turk

-I'm not denying The Armenian Genocide but if it'll make me popular I'll deny it

-I don't think bestiality is moral but if it'll make me popular I'll defend in on television using arguments of philosophers like Peter Singer

roaches OUT


Roaches aren't conscious beings


Fuck off I will never forgive your people for fucking up the Armenian Genocide

I'll only vote for if you swear to finish what you started with the Armenians

You just want to be able to sniff Ana Kasparian’s hair. Jokes on you I already fucked her

But seriously, who hasn't?

Return to the abyss t*rk.

youll have my support 😏

Are you fat and really loud?

Is Turkey in the goat-fucking or camel-fucking part of the world?

The best that has ever come out from the Young Turds is the fight with Alex Jones

their 2016 election freakout stream was funny

fyi Cenk got so personally asshurt over a highlight reel of their meltdown showing up before any TYT content (b/c of how many more people saw/liked it), that he personally complained to YouTube and any permutation of "The Young Turks election meltdown 2016", even including the channel that has the original video, will not show up in search results.


I wondered why I couldn't find it the last time I went looking.

Here's a rarely seen sequel to that TYT main video which had some amazingly funny moments:

When alex Jones crashed their DNC stream it was the funniest god damn thing to happen on TYT


I knew 2019 was gonna be a great year when Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo showed up in Joe Rogan Podcast...

And those Ana Kasparian breast compilations

The original commie mommie

Cenk is truly the Alex Jones of the left.

Is Cenk fully into psychotic Turkish racial conspiracy theories where he believes they were actually the Sumerians though?

No, leftist conspiracies aren't nearly as creative.

Wait, now youtube channel "staff" wanna form unions?!

I’ve been in the TYT office. They have bagels once a week. The idea that they’re not hemorrhaging money and can even afford their skeleton staff is comical.

They've gotten a couple of rounds of investment capital, so I'm sure they are. It's not "If" it's "when"

I think they have a tv show and a website now

It must be amazing to find out that sometimes giving people free shit is just not financially viable rather than it being evil rich Jews hiding your money from you.

Unions for thee but not for me