Some brony posts like 20 tweets that I didn't read about the far-right infiltrating the fandom

1  2020-02-25 by XylGryphon


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Some brony posts like 20 tweets tha... -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

If you didn't read them why should i

No one should

We should never pay attention to bronies

I mean the FBI probably should

I read some of it. Pretty funny to see chapo bronies spergout over poltard bronies.

Delete this.

That's also what Fürher would say.

Allah wills it.

Sometimes I forget that brownies were a real thing that actually existed

They still are a thing..

Furries > bronies


We went from furries to bronies to trannies.

I scared of what is going to be next.

False. Horsefuckers > dogfuckers

It's all shit

The guys also doesn't know his roots, all this madness started on 4chan, here's ground zero.

We should have taken the MacArthur approach and just nuked it all with no regards to civilian casualties.

inb4 my little pony porn

How naive he was... ho naive we all were

Infiltrating? I thought that's the premise of the show.

"Save the crystal ponies with their history." Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The fandom was literally birthed on 4chan. Nobody infiltrated shit they were here the whole time.

"The call was coming from inside the fandom all along sir. This time they left another message"

"well what was it this time then?"

""sharpie in Pooter or fuck off thot""

"But what does this really mean?"

Isn't it weird how Nazi bronies are an actual thing? As if someone like Hermann Göring wouldn't have personally executed one of these basement dwellers without a second thought.

See also: Nazi furs

adolf ghostler has been one of them for years i dont know why this fag is panicing now.

grown ass men jack it to cartoon horses on a children's show

😴 i sleep 😴

some of those men might be knotzys


I didnt read it either but I just wanted to say its depressing how bronies started a decade ago. Time flies man.

Also you cant even keep politics out of little girl colours pony fucking communities now? That's just sad. And funny. Something something cumjae

It's funny because a bunch of horny pedophile beastiality furey neckbeards infiltrated a children's show intended for little girls who cant google the show because their innocence will be destroyed by pony porn and cumjars.

I was on /mlpol/ that April fools day (and /fitlit/ and /mtv/). The reason everyone liked /mlpol/ was cause there are a ton of bots on /pol/ that spam shit (threads of interracial porn being the most common) and once /mlpol/ happened the url changed so all the bots disappeared. You could actually have a conversation, even if you were surrounded by bright pastel ponies


I've sait it once and I'll say it again: Real men don't watch My Little Pony.

filthy zigger