The illusion of opportunity: origins of the nice guy/incel movements.

1  2020-02-25 by heuheu

Every once in a while one of my followers asks me to explain where exactly incels/nice guys came from. It's a good question and one you could possibly answer using numerous starting points. A few possible ones would be:

  • The women's liberation movement.

  • The erosion of entry level, well paying jobs for men fresh out of HS.

  • Women entering the work-force and thus depending less on men for survival, allowing them to become more and more picky when it comes to partner selection.

All of these are viable, but all have been discussed in great detail within the manosphere, and I'm not one to beat a dead horse. But what I see discussed far less is the big lie. What is that lie?

the illusion of opportunity.

What is the illusion of opportunity? The idea that most men, no matter how ugly, are fully capable of finding partners. The idea male looks matter far less than female looks, and all you have to do is be nice and take a few showers and you'll secure a partner.

Why is this important to the incel/nice guy movements? Because they're both spawned from this lie, but both have taken different paths. Though, I'd argue the paths converge after a certain point and every nice guy is an incel waiting to happen.

  • The nice guy.

The nice guy worldview posits that being nice a unique trait to them, and thus a trait considered valuable by women. But what's interesting here is I think it says a lot about how society raises men to view themselves. They've clearly been raised to believe that most men are not nice, or they wouldn't consider being nice such a valuable trait. This, of course, is spawned from the big lie. That they'll have every opportunity in the world to find an attractive partner as long as they're nice, no matter what they look like. All they have to do is get a decent job, play the role of big little beta bux and they'll be showered in vag. Of course, it almost never turns out like this, so you end up with a large number of angry young men that can't figure out why they're single, and spend a lot of time on the internet reeing about how "nice guys finish last" and "women don't like nice guys."

This prevents them from ever doing any self-reflection, because in order to do self-reflection they'd have to accept that they were lied to by everyone they love, everyone they find important, and society as a whole. I view the "niceguy" movement as the incel waiting room. Once the nice-guy accepts he's been lied to, and realizes the shot at opportunity was a lie, he becomes increasingly aggressive, socially isolated and alienated and is then ripe for the picking by various extremist groups, right or left-wing, religious or political (often one in the same.)

  • The incel.

The incel movement, in some way, has always been around, lurking in the shadows. But only recently, it's exploded in popularity. This is because more and more "nice guys" are waking up to reality, they're accepting they've been lied to, and they're pissed off. The incel doesn't care about politics, because society, in general, doesn't give a shit about him. Incels live off the grid, outside of the contraints of normie society. This makes them easy to demonize, easy for the pink-hairs to turn them into an all domineering oppressor, a boogeyman. This forces the incel into increasingly fringe echo-chambers, which leads to even more radicalization.

Why, you might ask, is society so hostile towards the incel and fairly ambivalent towards the nice guy? Because the nice guy is still painting within the lines. He suspects he's being lied to, but hasn't connected all of the dots yet. So he remains in society, carrying out his role as a tax payer to support the foid welfare system.

The incel, on the other hand, represents a rejection of the normie order. This means he's threat #1 to the bluepillers, because if more men catch on to the big lie, society as we know it will cease to function.

So the origin of the incel is the big lie, a lie we tell to maintain societial order. A lie perpetuated by the women, as a control mechanism. At first glance, it might seem like men control society, but it's actually the women. And if more people wake up to this, it will be the end of female reign, and they can't have that.


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. The illusion of opportunity: origin... -,

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Shut it incel

Shut up dork

Your pulitzer is in the mail

Incels live off the grid

Literally lives on reddit/4chin

Literally as on the grid as humanly possible

Stfu retard

Pretending grid in this context means the same thing as it does in the conspiratard context.

Good Morning

Found the incel

Take your soapbox elsewhere, incel

Incels made it lame to hate women, I fucking hate so much 😒🖕

I unironically hope incels manage to make society at large woke to the foid menace. If only incels weren't so ugly and unattractive, maybe someone would listen to them.

It’s time to: H A V E S E X I N C E L

point on this doll where the shower hurt you

Yup, takes all kinds

Is this pizzashills new alt

You stole my comment :(

Yeah I dont know, can't tell if it's a seriously good larp or actually him.

I guess no matter the answer he is pathetic.

niggaz rly b writing 18 paragraph dissertations and then wondering why they ain't get laid

That’s a whole lot of characters to say Uncle Ted was right

I’ve met more coherent downies

Once the nice-guy accepts he's been lied to, and realizes the shot at opportunity was a lie, he becomes increasingly aggressive, socially isolated and alienated and is then ripe for the picking by various extremist groups, right or left-wing, religious or political (often one in the same.)

What about dudes who've always been cynical and jaded, not because they can't get foids to spread their legs (they can easily), but because they learned early that most people, not just women but yes also women, are empty vessels pretending to be human, with no sort of deeper consciousness or personality, and are completely incapable of love or a deeper connection, if such a thing even exists? And that the lie isn't that foids will love you, but that people in a broad sense are basically just parasites and puppets, and a fulfilling human experience is all but impossible to obtain?

Actually s good post. Thanks, OP.