Bernie Sanders calls out male feminists and conservatives for their contribution to the rates of cervical cancer

1  2020-02-25 by BlacJeesus


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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and that women who were raised by mothers who disapproved of their having sex at ages as young as 16 were also more susceptible to cervical cancer.

Finally we’re getting a lolberatarian candidate

Ikr? Old grandpa likes it that way

By far the most based thing he's ever said

Well, there is that one article about how women secretly like being raped. I'll post the pic if you want.

Nah I remember that one. It pushed me into becoming a volcel monk.

do it

Inconcievably based


or your sex friend when you were 13

Bernie run for libertarian party confirmed


imagine caring whether the woman cums

based and r/TheRedPill-ed

The trick is to make them cum, but also not care if they cum, which makes you gigachad

Imagine not being bussypilled

Lol he was 28 when he wrote this shit.

That's not going to have good optics for him.

no one cares lol the rape fetish essay already made the rounds in 2016

Yeh in the dem primaries, not a general election

lol this isnt 2000, get with the times boomer. people like pussy grabbing, rape fantasizing, cult accumulating nutjobs. the crazier they make him out to be the sexier he'll be

Interesting points to consider!

Tbf, it shows that they are really desperate if they dig up decades old stuff.

tfw your opposing candidate hasn’t done anything in the last 50 years that you can throw against him so you resort to an essay from the sixties to desperately prove they’re a bad guy

Bernie hasnt done anything at all in the last 50 years

Someone should post this to /r/badwomensanatomy.

I didn't realize how devoted they were to Bernie.

Lmao at Berniebots complaining about Handsy Joe completely ignoring commie grandpa's history of misogyny.

Tbh this is based because it's radical centrism.

Seems more like mysandry

why would anyone not vote for him? He has everything u could want


Lmao look in other discussions for a drama poster getting shat on for trying to pass this off as big news.

But also on Monday, an example of Sanders’ controversial early writings also surfaced on Twitter, specifically, a December, 1969 essay titled “Cancer, Disease and Society,” originally published in the Vermont Freeman underground newspaper. In the five-decade-old piece, Sanders argues that cervical cancer is caused by a woman’s inability to achieve orgasm, that women who dislike sexual intercourse are more likely to contract cancer, and that women who were raised by mothers who disapproved of their having sex at ages as young as 16 were also more susceptible to cervical cancer.

I'm starting to come around to Sanders.