Unironic "it will work next time" spergouts over a TV show

1  2020-02-25 by YaBoyStevieF


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. Unironic "it will work next time" s... - archive.org, archive.today

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I mean most people in western societies - at least the "fortunate" ones - spend most of their lives at work being told how to dress, when they can shit and piss, when they can eat, what they can say publicly, and when they're allowed to leave. Like I dunno. Sounds pretty authoritarian.

Wtf I love authoritarianism now

I mean aren't commie countries that, but a lot worse in every way.

Pretty much.

Epic gommie moment

I don't know why commies care so much about the authorianism aspect so much. Just go with it. All countries have some degree of it anyway, might as well max out.

It's always funny when they say that it's not authoritarian, as if a bunch of fent-americans or bankers will fold immediately when a bunch of troons and simps ask for their stuff

It's because they know deep down that they don't have the ability to intimidate people and maintain an authoritarian state.

You're telling me that you can look at a troon cutie Chapo thread and not be intimidated?

Try telling more believable lies, sweaty

Well, one time I went into one of those threads when it was linked here. My dick retracted so fast I was certain it was going to rupture some of my organs. They could maybe weaponize their cuties. It'd really be the most potent (and only) weapon they have

commies already do, they get shit on by anarkiddies and demsoccels

being told how to dress, when they can shit and piss, when they can eat,

I've seen tards wear pajamas to college.

Then maybe we do need authoritarianism

Sharia now plz

Wow communists on reddit are all just mentally stunted poor people or literal teenagers arent they

on reddit

reminder the founder of this ideology was a useless literal neckbeard NEET who mooched off his trust-funder bestie, never went outside, had terrible hygeine, and repeatedly raped/molested his host's servants.

They have always been like this.


Sounds pretty based ngl

I'm a lot of these things too and even I'm not a fucking commy

Stop repeating yourself

I pee and poo exclusively in my pants to rebel against the regime

where they can shit and piss

In my communist utopia, everybody shits and pisses wherever they want

Sounds like San Francisco where the tards and spergs just shit on the sidewalk. Maybe Hitler had the right idea, just the wrong demographic.

Boy have I got a loo for you

shitting your pants to own the capitalists

You can tell the person who wrote that doesn't have a real job, because offices outside of finance and government haven't been like that for 20 years. If you don't want to wear a uniform learn a skill and quit your job at Taco Bell.

I, for one, look forward to commies solving literally every problem that exists

being so smoothbrained that you think the DDR has any lessons for humanity other than "literally do the exact opposite of what they did"

Great words from the crowd that keeps screeching about that border wall, guess they prefer it when the machine guns are aimed at the citizens rather than the foreigners

I'm so glad that reddit seems to finally be pushing back against the commies outside of their echo chambers.

Yeah, but the jannies cleaned it up. 🧹 Can't be having any negative discussion about commies in MY subreddit! Guarantee every user who got their comment removed received a permanent ban because, at 22 million subscribers, 0.000028% of the users are a huge threat to the sanctity of the /r/movies community. I got permanently banned there for simply commenting about /r/drama. The /r/movies janitors seethe nonstop.

Naturally, admins don't care because spez is another wannabe commie dipshit.

Is spez based? Simultaneously a nazi fascist as well as a commie.

Sped is the first black NazBol professional jannie