Baker Mayfield gets called a "fucking midget" on the radio. rNFL Jannie locks and y'alls the thread: "Too many y'all think "I don't care about slurs" means the same thing as "it's not a slur." Stop advocating for hate speech."

1  2020-02-26 by canipaybycheck


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Midget is hate speech now? Lmao

I feel like media overreached trying to end midget and retard because I still hear them irl all the time

Midget has no backing because there are too few Midgets for people to give a shit.

Retard on the other hand has plenty of Tards who's family hates to admit that being a Tard is actually a bad thing.

But doctors don't call them tards any more, we might be several iterations past that in fact, so why is that still considered a slur?

Its a slur in the sense it implies that its inherently bad or inferior to be retarded just like any other slur.

Its also the obvious truth which also explains why they have to keep changing the medical name because the underlying concept is inherently bad. Basically they are perpetually trying to pretend that a spade isn't a spade

Little people! Jeez watch ur mouth

Yes, and you're a bigot for even asking.

Kaiser I'm disappointed in you.

You should be tbh

Yeah, the PC term is "vertically challenged person"

ps: dude midget lmao

Really? Isn't the PC term just 'little person'? I mean, all three seem degrading, but vertically challenged breaks the veneer and implies that being short is bad, which is a bit too based for PC society.

"Little person" is offensive too. They aren't people.

Dude midgets lmao

Midget = slur?

No shit.


A slight slur

Lol this is football and you think people care about being called midgets

TOO MANY Y'ALL THINK from unpaid white janitorial staff lmao

Manlets and jannies are not people.

Wow that story is lame as fuck.

Midget is probably the nicest slur Baker Mayfield has ever been called.

Plus he is 6'1 like I am sure that one hit home


Midgets transcend dwarfism with "orthopedic" shoes

R/nfl jannies are unironically the worst on reddit.

they've replaced the NFL logo for some Black History month thing for the full duration of February. They do the same thing for Homsex pride month. Fully 1/6 of the year the subreddit logo is earmarked for identity politics.

They're so over-the-top faggy lmao it's amazing

Any "man" under 6'2" isn't actually a person.

"Too many y'all think..." Truly fit to be a jannie. What an absolute turbo faggot u/ aedeos is.

Of course he’s from Seattle

Hey, it might be Portland.

The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Baker Mayfield gets called a "fucki... -,

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The jannie cries out as he y’alls you.

It's starting to feel like every 100,000 user plus sub is the same group of jannies. Maybe they pay you double time if you mod mulitple subreddits?

I have it on good authority that reddit moderators are actually denied remuneration in exchange for their work

How tall is this guy? Sub 6'2 men are now midgets to be fair.

People 6'1" and under are rightfully called midgets. Can't let anyone rounding up into the club.

Tony Grossi sucks tho so centrist take is this is a good thing