Drama brewing as DNC operative goes on FOX news to trash talk Bernie and his Cuba comments.

1  2020-02-26 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


My only issue with sanders is that he supports genocide/communism. If he could assure us it was just mayos maybe πŸ€”

Che never shot anyone who didn't deserve it, unlike the brutal American dictatorship

Che was also a racist shitlord tbh, he believed in the racial superiority of Europeans and didn't support gay rights.

The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”

In the end he got cancelled exactly like he deserved.πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΈπŸ¦‘

Kinda based

So was Gandhi and HG Wells. Lotta these lefties were.

I think it was more universal than being left or right.

True, unfortunately Reddit retards like to pretend otherwise.

Only thing they were correct about

It seems it was some jannie who woke up after years of inactivity and just banned a bunch of people.

Some do love that little bit of power.

So a jannie was banned on their primary and used an alt. Each drama jannie has 2 or 3 alt accounts on the mod list

Che was also a racist shitlord tbh, he believed in the racial superiority of Europeans and didn't support gay rights.

Based as fuck!


That was written early in his life to be fair

😻CIA says trans rights 😻

Cuba isn't democratic? But I thought that democracy was bad and it was a good thing that America wasn't a democracy? Why is it good that America's not a democracy and bad that Cuba isn't a democracy?

Again, why is it good that America is not a democracy but bad that Cuba is not a democracy? Why should Cuba be something that America is not? Why is America's policy on everything, do as I say, not as I do?

Castro kept Cuba from falling into a brutal evil dictatorship like America! Thank you Castro for keeping Cuba a republic, not a democracy!

I aspire to make people seethe like you do. You're like a canary in the rightoid cuck mine. Keep up the good work.

i honestly dont understand how people still fall for obvious watermark bait on this sub. are you new here??

It really is amazing. He does show his hand a little too much sometimes but his downvoted comments are a great intrusion detection system.

Literally no one responds to him. Like 90% of the time his bait is so obvious and his shtick is so tired that he just sits in the negatives, so I'm not sure who's seething.

(no one responded in this thread either except you lmao)

He is resorting to replying to himself now.

Sad. You hate to see it.

Apparently "downvoting b/c lazy bait" == "seething" among our resident leftoids.

Shut the fuck up low rent pizzashill

Number of innocent people killed by Castro : 0

Cuba has better human rights than the United States, it is also more democratic than the United States, freer then the United States. The only place where torture takes places in the island of Cuba is Guantanamo Bay. Give that back to Cuba and torture would by eradicated from the island. They've already abolished the death penalty, unlike America.

I once tortured some pitchers of beer at the bowling alley in Gitmo

gitmo nuts in ur mouth 😎

Whoa I didn't know the US was that based

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Drama brewing as DNC operative goes... - archive.org, archive.today

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Did the left virtually suck Obama's dick for normalizing relations with Cuba?

I woulda, dumbshit ass policy

No. of people Che shot who didn't deserve a bullet: 0

America on Cuba is hilarious, its basically being a bitch about not being able to overthrow a communist nation a boatride away.

The chaos and unpredictability of the current DNC roster makes me unironically long for.... HER.

If she was still around, there's be some fucking order, heads would roll, like, literally.

It's always mayos defending ...always mayos

Huh, even though I think Bernie would beat Trump in rust belt swing states this might make him lose Florida

Nah. Cubans tend to vote republican regardless, and no one else except them gives a shit about Cuban affairs down here.

How many of them were rich? I'm sure some might've been but chapos do exaggerate.