Imagine being American

1  2020-02-26 by Matues49


THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT! I WORK MY DAMN HEART OUT FOR YOU FUCKING LOSERS AND WHAT DO I GET? A few upvotes on the rare occasion that one of you mouth breathing degenerates think I've been "sentient". Most of the time you just downvote me. You know what. I'm done. FUCK YOU ALL. I'm going to SRD. At least I'll have the chance to have a discussion that isn't about men's anuses.


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  1. Imagine being American -,*

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Burgercel cope in 3..2..

Viruses actually violate the NAP, so guns.

To be fair a big reason why we have comfy cheap healthcare in europe is because burgers pay for our defense.

A big reason burgers don't have comfy cheap healthcare is because they pay for our defense.

Is there anything more cucked than being an American tax payer?

Yeah sure you “make” USA pay for your defense lol

They must feel so intimidated with all the power your country has over them (I’m a Brazilian living in Australia before you call me a fat burger).


I’m a Brazilian living in Australia

You're better off pretending to be fat burger

Yeah that’s true for the Brazilian part but I like ausie more than burgerland

Lol cope on behalf of other people, ultimate cuck





Sopa de zozzle, uma delícia.

🐒 🥣

International jewry is a pawn of the British aristocracy. You can see where I'm going with this.

Jewy doesn't really mean a whole lot when the country you're jewing has enough guns and bombs to wipe you and your allies off the map in a month's time if they so chose.


Weekend time*

We "defend" you so that we have a buffer from the chink's and the towel heads. We don't really care about you and if push comes to shove Trump will let either steamroll your shithole continent.

Sleep tight.


Daddy only made some vague treats about NATO but meanwhile he's only sending more troops to the Russian border. He can't even make us spend 2% of our budget on military (as is the agreed minimum for NATO countries).

Imagine thinking this is true! Lol your media is gaslighting the fucc out of you!

Thank you for your (free) service.


He says, 100k in student loan debt hoping he never gets cancer because it would bankrupt him 😩

No debt try again eurocuck

he fell for the STEM meme

Your job will be automated in 15 years

Ill be a millionaire by then since my job is in demand today, so imagine thinking I care

>he fell for the automation meme

To be fair a big reason why we have comfy cheap healthcare in europe is because burgers pay for our defense

A common myth, any realistic military threat to Europe (Russia) spends far less on defence than Europe. Burgers only pay about 3% of their gdp on defence now, the UK as an example spends 2% and has universal healthcare which costs 7.2% of UK gdp (since America has a higher GDP per capita than the UK they would need less that 7.2% of GDP for universal healthcare).

The narrative around European healthcare being enabled by American defence spending is a lazy layman's viewpoint that sounds like it could be right but looking into it for 5 minutes shows it's a plebbit i-am-smart talking point

Correct, good work for a drama dramacel

That's not how it works, but that's what burgers like to think.

Yes paying billions for weapon manufacturers execs "R&R" is totally spending on defense.

This explanation is fucking retarded, burger healthcare spending dwarfs their military budget gdp %wise, and euros had good healthcare when they spent as much as Americans % of gdp wise during the Cold War

he makes $55,000 through his job at a medical-device company

Imagine making nearly $60k a year and complaining about a $1,400 out of pocket hospital bill. The absolute state of burgercels and journalism.

If I paid a 180 bucks a month and then still had to pay 1400 for a qtip I’d be kinda pissed. Then again, corona hysterics probably deserve it

Imagine caring if you get the Corona virus lmao like nigga just drink some soup lmao

1400 for a single fucking test? Burgers so used to getting bussy blasted by insurance companies they no longer need to be told to spread

It sounds like the providers are charging too much. For 180 a month, the insurance company is fucked of if the guy gets a flu year once a year.

You are independently discovering why the US healthcare system is so fucked

This is actually hilarious.

Imagine being so poor you think $1400 is a fortune lol. It never even began for europoors.

If you think $55k/year is rich enough that you wouldn't mind a $1,400 test, you're probably a poorfag.

human beings aren't equip to imagine on those cosmic scales

1400 dollars


Hey, be nice. That's an entire year of a europoor salary.

The average Europoor gets paid as much as the average Reddit jannie


Deserves 10 times that for travelling to Ch*na

Meanwhile in Berlin: Some dude called the Corona-emergency number over 60 times only to be told to go to his doctor who couldn't do the test. He then tried a big hospital but would have had to pay 300 euros for the test.

Berlin is screwed but at least rents will be lower in the foreseeable future. So, it's a win-win.

Corona virus is going to be the destroyer of the european welfare state

It's only Berlin. I am very much in favour of building a wall around Berlin and no one comes in or out.

They half-tried that a few decades ago.

But this time we will build a wall that makes Trump jealous.

It mainly kills old people so it would probaly improve the welfare state

Stop I can only get so hard

Why would there be a fucking emergency number for a mild case of the flu?

Berlin should be nuked anyways. It's even better if they all die from the flu.

Don't have to, I live the dream every day 😎

5 minute allah, brother

Burgers just vote for Bernie and this shit won't happen anymore.


I pray you Muricans finally come to your senses and finally vote for what is good for your country, so Bernie.


You laugh, but who will laugh when you recieve the bill after the operation on you to remove the dildo, that was stuck in your ass.


Imagine not being able to provide your own healthcare

He literally asked for Coronavirus testing which needs specialty equipment to be flown in lmao. I mean in china you would just die and here he knew next day if he had it. Also retard it affects asian lungs the most why you getting this if you're spanish.

Since y'all fat fucks can't behave, nobody is getting socialized healthcare

He should've just sent a sobbing video to Ellen or something and had a celebrity pay for it, or just make a GoFundMe

The fact that anyone would ever have to pay to get tested for a disease, especially this one, is so fucking retarded. America (and any country that does this) is a meme

Yes how dare people have to pay for their shot decision like going to Chinkistan

Yeah it’s stupid to go there but it actively hurts the population to not test them.

Could do it the chink way, quarratine them all and execute the ones that end up being sick

The fact that anyone would ever have to pay to get tested for a disease

If they're at risk of having the disease sure, then that's true.

However, there's plenty of "people" (burgers) who (would) put a strain on the system by getting unnecessarily tested for conditions that can't/don't exist.

For exactly the same reason you don't get tested for prostate cancer until 40 or whatever age it is.

The risk doesn't denote the need for a test until then.

But in this case at least, where he comes back from China with symptoms, you agree he needs it?

If they're at risk of having the disease sure, then that's true.

I'm under 40 and regularly test my prostate, daily.

Only a fucking retard would get tested for this disease. Literally who cares if you get it? Like it's a fucking meme virus lmao oh no I have a mild version of the flu oh nooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


First off, 3200 dollars for a flu test is fucking hysterical and should be illegal.

Secondly, it's amazing to me that someone making 55k/year can't afford to pay 4.8k for full coverage health insurance. That's less than 10% of his annual gross salary - I live in a country with socialized medicine and I pay about the same percentage with a combination of direct taxes and private insurance premiums that I need for a variety of things not covered by the government.

Finally even though the story tries to spin this as "American health care is bad", the weird thing is that technically even though he cheaped out and went for the limited coverage insurance he's still making out lower than if he had bought the full coverage because the remaining bill doesn't close the gap in what he saved by cheaping out. So maybe he actually saved money so far this year. Probably not as much as he could have since he seems to make bad choices and probably has never put a single penny into his tax free health savings account.

I really don't understand burger mentality at all. Your government gives you a way to avoid taxes and potentially make a return on that money if you don't need to see a doctor and practically no one uses it. I would fucking kill for this. Considering how long I've been working and the number of times I have been hospitalized (zero) I would literally have hundreds of thousands of dollars in that account. I think the lot of you need to get your GP to check you for terminal retardation.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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