r/publicfreakout gets woke on statistics and many show up to display how they failed that part of math class

1  2020-02-26 by Corporal-Hicks


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. r/publicfreakout gets woke on stati... - archive.org, archive.today

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Is this the girl who shit herself?


crumb mlady juts a crumb

People keep saying this but there's no proof. People on the chans say it's an extremely old picture.

It is a really old picture. Like ten years plus. Ive seen it for a long time personally. Way longer than gun girl has been a thing. But that doesnt stop retards from spreading the lie.

She's like 20 too there's very little chance it's her.

I’ve heard this was a lie spread by famous retard and teeth to gum ratio disrespecter Charly Kirk, from Toilet Paper USA. Also it’s not sexist to make fun of her for this rumor because she is not a leftie. Smh 🤦🏿‍♂️

no, some no-name woke/antifa twittercel started the rumor. Someone posted the link a while ago and it boiled down to "her room mate posted this" with nothing to support the statement.

I wish I knew who the real girl who shit herself was so we find can find out her politics in order to know if we can bully the shit out of her or not

When your argument is so weak you call social security and VA benefits welfare.

"Old people can't criticize welfare because they get money from the world's worst retirement fund they were forced to pay into"

The military is just a government workfare program.

Post this in r/Army

Imagine getting cucked by gun girl

Imagine seething about the gun girl 24/7 god twittertards are pathetic.

What did you expect from twitter? They always seethe by low hanging fruit like gun girl

Funny part is I see a lot of tweets telling people if they ignore her she'll lose her celebrity but they won't do that.

Is the same that with Stonetoss wokecels are whole new level of retarded

“Do not give STONETOSS attention, because STONETOSS is a nazi. Do not go to the STONETOSS website and look at STONETOSS comics.

Wolves actually introduced me to stone toss, and I’m pretty far right lol

It’s free advertising at this point

yeah, the whole "ignore this person and they will go away" has been a lame internet argument since the 90s but it never works because the people who are bitching to ignore the person are the ones obsessed the most.

Imagine being mad over the fact that you have a right to own something instead of being illegal like other irrelevant countries lmao.

A large chocolate woman shouting over people is front page /r/publicfreakout material now?

How very pedestrian.

I got down voted with more than -100 multiple times for stating that men are more likely to be victims of assault than women, which isn't a debated fact in criminology at all. Reddit doesn't like the truth in general. Nothing new here

The thing that you’re missing here is that who gives a fuck, men should stick up for themselves. Not even being ironic. Foids are a protected class and a commodity.

If you downvote something enough, it ceases to exist.

also known as the LibLeft technique

Numbers are racist.

All I’ve learned from this Kaitlyn Bennet saga is that it is okay to do ANYTHING bad to a girl if she is a conservatard: you can call her fat, not funny, retarded, beat the shit out of her, etc. but only and only if she is a rightoid.

if she didnt provoke people she wouldn't get hit so much

"She was asking for it, just look at what she was wearing" (MIGA Hat)

This should be done to all foids regardless of political leanings cmv.

Rightoids are sub human so it makes sense

Guys, youre debating about two legit retards who use semantics to get their point across.

Based centrist

  • Blacks: 41.6%

  • Hispanics at 36.4%

  • Asians at 17.8%

  • Non-Hispanic Wh*tes at 13.2%

The 13% figure strikes again!


Yikes white people really use a lot of welfare that's crazy

Per Capita: the two simple words that strike fear into the heart of any Progressive



People calling 2015 "awhile ago" have no grasp on how long studies take to collect data.