Redditors don't like being told that not complying with the police has consequences

1  2020-02-26 by MasterLawlzFan


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Whiny-ass overly entitled zoomers.

When will they learn?

When parents take away their internet and phone no doubt.

They learned it from their parents, and will pass it on in turn.

There is no escape. Only endless cycles of whining until the day of consumption is upon us.

please stop doing this officer

Lmao imagine if that worked.

this is racism!

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Redditors don't like being told tha... -,

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We need more public decency laws. Life sentences for people who listen to music without headphones on while on the bus.

Back when I used to ride the metro in DC like a poorcel (yuck!) it was always blacks who did this. Why is it always blacks!?! Consequences of slavery no doubt.

I mostly see Asians, Arabs, and Cumskins do it. Black and Indian people just talk loud. It's mostly newer immigrants and teenagers. Once people get older and stay around long enough they know better. Still, violently punishing teenagers isn't the worst thing in the world.

Ah well DC area is mostly blacks and some immigrant Central Americans but they generally behave.

Yeah I wish there were laws against speaking too loudly in public spaces. You know who would definitely get Bloomed

In Portland it's blacks 100% of the time even on a route that's like 0.5% black. My guess is they moved here from some other city where it was done as a territorial thing.

Where I’m at every black and beaner has some form of portable speaker and blast that shit where ever they go. The blacks tend to have ones the size of suitcases and roll them around. Fucking obnoxious.

Should be arrested

There is technically a sound ordinance that if your music is audible outside your car, you are classified as a sound truck and need a permit. Sadly it’s not enforced and even more sadly it doesn’t apply to people on bikes or foot.

Oh this is on the sidewalk? I thought you meant like on a bus or subway system.

Everywhere. On the sidewalk on their bikes. On public transit. They don’t go anywhere without it.

What if they're playing Nirvana like cool kids tho

Nirvana was never cool

You were never cool

Yes and

while on the bus.outside the house


Nah man. If they want to do it, fine. They just need to be quiet about it. Who knows, they might come for us capeshit readers next.

capeshit readers

how do you read a movie? don't you lump me in with them.

tho come to think of it i haven't read a comic since tom king's batman run ended the future prospects aren't looking good. it's the new nu52.

and for that matter

You should read Immortal Hulk or the new Thor.

That big bitch spit on one of the cops in the unedited video.

That's a rookie mistake 😂😂😂

OK, now I'm going to find the unedited video.

It’s also in the linked video. At the end. You can see her turn around and then the officer wipes his face with her jacket.

Simp-posting for authority... cuckservativepilled and fagpilled!

This, with absolutely no irony

lmao. sorry but your cop instinct is kinda wrong. Never spent a day in prison nor have i ever been caught up in criminal acts or is from some ghetto. I work as a network engineer in Norway and even my income is legit. Worst thing i've ever done that can be considered a criminal act is to beat the living shit out of a guy who tried to rape my cousin. Which the police didn't even care about because the guy deserved it. So get off your high horse. Not everyone is a criminal just because they dont like the American cops. Looking at you guys through my Norwegian eyes i see your cops are complete corrupt. There is always good cops out there. But from what i've seen on how you treat people like holy shit. I'm scared to even set my foot in america. Im seriously Afraid i would get shot by the police for holding my phone in my hand. And the cop would get away just because he thought it looked like a gun. When you're used to Cops who treat you with respect and dont shove your face to the ground just because you don't answer them or are just looking for an excuse to pull their gun out. And you look at whats going on over there in the U.S. Its like madness to us. You guys are so violent i cant even comprehend it. Because im not used to it. Because its not accepted here that a police officer pulls his gun at you for not answering or for no reason at all sometimes. Nor do you get arrested here for having your foot on the seat. Freedom here and people lives are all we got. And you need a hell of a god reason to take away someones limited time on this earth here. Before you can arrest them. Like stealing. Beating someone up or stuff like that.

We don't shove people into prisons for having a foot on the seat. Or arguing with an officer. As you're allowed freedom fo speech. Even if you've beaten someone up. Police don't come guns blazing. They show up at your door and take you to the station and ask questions. Unless you've beaten someone to death that is. We help people who get sent to prison. We don't treat them like dogs. Which is why crime is so low here compared to the capital of people. Like wtf. Prisons in USA is a business. Like what the actual fuck. You make money for every person in it. And look for excuses to send more to them. Like what the fuck is going on?!. You dont help them at all. Just throw them into some piss poor rooms sleeping on concrete or steel beds. Where gangs have full control over and kill eachothers in. And then if they survive like 10 years for unpaid tickets they get thrown out into the world again. Worse than they were when they got in.

Its just horrible. And dont get me started on your health care. It just makes me sad that people need to pay insurance in order to get treated. Like everything is money for you guys. Peoples lives dont matter to you over there. If you get cancer for example thats it. End of the road. Either you die. Or you will put your family in debt for generations. Until they get jailed for not being able to pay the bills or throwed out to the streets to fend for themself. Like they were some animal.

You guys talk about freedom. Americans have no clue what freedom really is. For us people in Europe its almost hilarious to watch. Its like some freak show srsly.

Invading other countries because it offends you the thought that they want to change the goverment system. Like Vietnam for example. Like mind your own business and treat others wil respect. Then you will get respect in return. Americans talking about their view of freedom, justice and peace just makes me feel unsettled. Don't get me wrong. I love you Americans. But the system you guys got is so messed up i really have a hard time even comprehending it. Its seriously just like madness to me.

Which is why i will never even set my foot on American soil. Not in a million years. I'm fine just here watching this madness from afar.

P.S no wonder your officers are so corrupt. Like here to become a police officer you need to go through physcological tests. Go to a police school for some years. And then you can become an police intern with a real police officer at your side the whole time until you graduate. But in America its like a boot camp. They hand you a gun and tell you " THESE people want to kill you and these ones too. Shoot first ask questions later" They get no real training. Its like a few weeks in training. And then they hit the streets with another guy who has had the same training but just been hitting the streets for a while. No training at all in Law. Psychological tests or anything. They are above the law. They got waaay to much power. Which goes to their heads. They are allowed to take a life at the slightest thing that makes them feel unsettled.

If an officer pulls out his gun here and shoots a person with a knife in his hand walking down the street. He will get arrested himself for murder. They dont escalate things, they always try to de escalate things. Using their guns is the last resort of options they have. They wouldn't even taze you unless you're acting really threatful or dangerous. Becuase they also get trained in people skills. They don't just let anyone have a friggin badge..

So are you a cop or not. Was i right. Or do you have one in the family?. I'm srsly curious. Because its only those who would defend stuff like this. Its like you're not thinking for yourself. Its more important for you to protect the officers no matter what they do because you have one in the family or is one yourself. Like wtf dont take stuff like this too personal. If a guy is acting like a moron you dont stand up for him no matter what hes done just because hes a cop. Doesn't mean that i don't respect the real cops who risk their lives to protect & serve others. For those i have the utter most respect. But the corrupt ones that will put anyone in cuffs just to demostrate their ego & power is just scum and shouldn't be allowed a badge. They just hurt peoples view on the police officers. The ones which really should be respected for serving and risking their lives.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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i agree with that the race card the 2th woman pulled was just BS. She was a complete ass. But you dont fucking arrest someone for sitting on her own foot. I'm amazed that more doesn't think that was uncalled for. Worst case she should have been thrown off the train for not putting it down after being asked multiple times to do so. But i wouldn't be amazed that you Americans think anything the police does is cool. Moved suddenly. Shoots "suspect". Its cool. He moved and i feared for my life. Everything the police does that takes away your human rights its alright with all of you. You dont see anything wrong with it since it is all you know.

Its like telling a north korean that his country is utter shit. And explaining to them its actually one of the worst countries in the world. Not the greatest one. Same fucking things with you Americans. You're all so fucking ignorant and spoon fed with propaganda from birth that your country is the best. Like its some competition. I dont really give a shit what you do over there. Its just hilarious for me. Since i got what real freedom is. Which i wouldn't even bother to try explaining for you. But a hint is that you wouldn't get arrested for having your feet on the seat. Its like watching a fucking freakshow when watching everything that happens over there. Its fucking sad and hilarious at the same time.

Like you hate nazis and hitler. Yet you elect a man that promises the same things hitler did. Which is why he got to power. "Make germany great again he said". Sounds familiar?. Its because your country is utter shit that Trump got to be elected. Which let men that never should be in power. Be in power. Just like Germany. I just hope you morons don't blow up the earth for all of us before i'm dead. Jesus christ...

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Imagine losing to a bot.

Is this pasta or are you just on amphetamines right now?

The big refrigerator-shaped foid yells about how 'this is 2018' so it's a bit dated. I wouldn't expect any news articles about it coming up.

I'm glad she got arrested too. So annoying.

Lol at her stupid ugly face