Real Dementia Daddy claims half the US population has been killed by guns since 2007

1  2020-02-26 by YaBoyStevieF


I, for one, welcome Biden's policy of Thunderdome gun control.

Two Americans enter, one American leaves.

~40% of Americans have guns so I wonder which one is gonna leave 🤔

The one without. The true American thing is to use the gun to commit suicide.

Are Chapos considered american?

They’re hardly considered human

Is there some kind of pesticide that they can be sprayed with to make them go away

Just be within 5 feet of a black person and a chapo user won’t go near you.

Can't come up with a real reason to peddle gun control? Just make shit up

Are you implying that this is a made up statistic? Are you actually saying that 150 million people didn't die by gun since 2007?

Sir, I want to make it unequivocally clear, I doubt with every fiber of my being that a politician has ever lied.

This is clearly a mistake.

Good. I thought you were unironically trying to tell me that you don't believe that 11.5 million people are murdered every year with guns

That number looks pretty low tbh. Add 10 mill just to be safe.

Were they all black too?

They were all kids

They were all urban yoofs

The most wtf is that he didn't even realize he fucking said something totally insane... Seriouspost, but this man would be genuinely dangerous as president! I kind of feel sorry for him. He should be sitting in front of a fireplace napping in a cabin somewhere. This is like elder abuse.


In all seriousness, he wouldn't be. He wouldn't actually do shit; the people surrounding him that are putting this shit on him would be fully in control. He'd be a figurehead with no actual power.

He'd be a figurehead with no actual power.

So literally no change from his last gig.

more like the last half dozen gigs

I didn't notice this before but this is now an existential crisis

This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, downie, autist, or any other labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and a movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.


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Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


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More than all the wars including Vietnam from that point on


And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear

You shout and no one seems to hear

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes

Biden is Syd Barrett of Dem primaries band

Well 150 million is more than the number of casualties in "all the wars including Vietnam from that point on", he's right about that


I'm hoping Biden goes all the way. He's probably the only one that Trump can win an actual argument against.

That kind of absolute humiliation will haunt the Dems for a thousand years

Trump doesn’t need to win arguments, he’s just going to avoid everything they say and bully them on stage anyway

I still wish he would do a live stream of him watching the debates and making fun of them

Lmao I'd actually watch that

It would fucking rule lol

He’s got a Twitch why not use it

I can already imagine him putting taking off boots, showing off socks to camera, then taking out 3 McDonalds meals and then laughing while eating fries and watching debates.

Would he still be wear his way too fucking long tie past the belt to appear taller?

I think he’s based as fuck but good god he looks like he’s wearing his father’s red tie to his first communion.

Dude sleeps completely nude aside from that long tie.

Oh hell yes, with a little mug with an eagle on it, all sitting by a fireplace and intimate. Sheit.

That would be fucking amazing. I'd pay to watch that. Trump will always be king Twatter troll to me.


Implying Dems will exist a thousand years. Socialism is an evolutionary dead end sweaty 😘

If Biden gets the nod and loses we'll get sanders 2 in 4 years, if sanders gets the nod and is crushed the democratic party might actually just collapse

Bernie isn’t going to survive 4 years tbh. AOC will run.

Well someone like her, I doubt she'll actually run.

I wouldn't put it past her ego

She doesn't have the temperament to run, it takes a long time and no one will let her set up those cringry "questionings" where she forces the other person to repeat everything she wants them to without letting them explain the nuance in the situation in order to seem clever.

She just won't do debates. It's not like her base would care.

She had the temperament to run across the border so it should be enough.

Neither is Biden tbh

Would Trump for another 4? A bit younger but also a fatty.

He will thanks to all that speed he's on

He's been going so fast death literally can't catch up to him. That's why his hair is always swept back. Why do you think the man only ever has time to eat fast food.

I fucking love science.

Imagine Biden stealing the election, losing to Trump, and then Bernie croaks right before the next election.

Retards would still be talking about "here's how he can still win"

Biden wins the general but forgets he won on his way to his own inauguration and goes home instead.

It's then declared that Trump keeps the presidency by default because Biden didn't show up.

If Biden is more than 15 minutes late Trump is legally the president

Then the Dem party might finally go full Islamic inshallah 🙌

You think Trump would have a problem against Warren who looks like she is perpetually about to cry when she talks?

Yes. If she can form a coherent sentence he doesn't stand a chance

Trump is gonna come out with a feathered hat and tomohawk and just fucking end her career.

there can only be one Chieftain on this stage

Loser of the election gets scalped?

Her fate was sealed ever since 'Pocahantas'

Lmao Trump would absolutely abort Warren

Biden going onstage and just slowly detuning his guitar strings while staring blankly into the crowd

Biden 2020 Anthem:

Biden is Syd Barrett of Dem primaries band

Exactly, the best member.

More likely like the pete best. Syd was a genius.


Syd had mental problems. Band would start one song and he'd go off playing something else.


I'm aware, I'm aware...

Except we had a thing called an election with hanging chads in Florida and it was not reauthorized.


Always the chads fault smh!

incels can't hang lmao

“Dementia Daddy”

Yes what of it

Just hilarious to me.

Yes you can read good job retard



God, I wish it were true. The burger is a scourge on this Earth

The lines at the DMV would be shorter so sounds like a win for me.

I have to get fire support form a armor platoon just to survive a trip to Wal-Mart.