Virgin femcel vs the chad hentai game

1  2020-02-26 by TeeEssDoubleU


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Holy shit this is amazing. Not just this post, but the entire account history. Furries. Vegan posting. Pornography addiction. Cluster B personality disorders and codepencency. Kinky sex drama. This has everything and everyone involved is clearly nuts.

Loudly vegan Foid is in a nearly decade long relationship with a psuedo-furry guy with a transformation fetish, which specifically seems to fixate on very hairy werewolves. This extends primarily to the Skryim porn modding scene (Loverslab stuff). Foid has at various points, reacted negatively to her fiance's fetish, and he has in turn, decided to rub one out to porn rather than have sex with her. It's unclear how often the fiance has decided to do this, but I found only one concrete example listed, but several dozen posts bitching about it in vagueness. That suggests to me that it has only happened a few times, or based on her level of obsession, we'd be getting a blow by blow of every single time it has happened in every post.

Poster has been, over the last 3 weeks, been bulk posting about her relationship drama to various forums like AITA, Ask_men and relationships - spamming the same post while being incredibly vague, and very, very, very evasive in the comments about any specific details other than 'lack of communication'. In most of these posts she's asking if she should break it off with him (again) and is fishing for a 'no' answer. Apparently she's even tried 'participating' in the fetish, fiance is still not interested (Suspect that 7 years of this being an issue may be a factor). Approximately a week ago she e-sleuths up her fiance's alt-accounts, finding his various furry fandom and fetish accounts.

Fiance's furry accounts are, as you might expect, eyebleed inducing, and involve excessive, filterless public displays of private information and fetishism. These accounts have apparently been running the entire duration of their relationship and (per her description) blabbed a ton of private shit onto the public internet. She is now super ultra mega pissed off and has converted to Femceldom.

TLDR: Neurotic, dysfunctional foid gets involved with dysfunctional male furry and they create beautiful drama together.

I want the furry twitter/dA/etc accounts of this fiance. Someone find them for me, and I will post hidden camera footage of what Pizzashill considers sex. I do not make this offer lightly.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Honey Select gang, rise up!

I feel like this kind of game is tailor-made for future rapists and serial killers.

VidEo GaMes CaUsE RaPe

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Virgin femcel vs the chad hentai ga... -,

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how undesirable do you have to be for your partner to prefer jerking off to video game shit instead of fucking you

lets the player modify to their ultimate fantasy everything from the species and sex of the character they want to have sex with, to how big and how much their breasts and ass will bounce


Weak shit. Come back crying when he's 10 hours deep in a CoC playthrough with a 20 inch horse cock and six tits

hate myself unironically for understanding this comment

That's the spirit

I hate you for making me think of that.
