Open Office Big tech innovation infects Northern California. CDC reports first US case

1  2020-02-27 by collectijism


dementia daddy gives speech

outbreak starts


TDS is actually a psyop a conspiracy to steer you away from seeing the hand shake the pres did with the fed and the deep state. Barter will be the future and ICE will be the currency. See you in my dreams comrade


See you in my dreams comrade.

Need to buy a drink before dreaming of my ramming your bussy plz.

lol my friend is going on a cruise this weekend and I'll crack up if they get quarantined and locked in their room.

I hear they make you blow the Japanese scientists before they let you off

Well, at least the Japanese are little so it's an easier job.

Its like finding a baby naked rat in a nest with your mouth

I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their


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Is there a way to crack california off of the continent to be its own mexico

Pray for an earthquake. The San Andreas fault is like God's perforation line on a coupon.