Are Greeks white? Total shitshow in r/books when one bookcel says “no.” Proving once and for all my hypothesis: reading is for faggots

1  2020-02-27 by Dramabanevader


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What is there to argue about? The only conceivable answers are "no," "fuck no," and "pay debts."

If this means we get an nword pass I'd rather be called a nigger than a PoC.

This, but unironically.


  1. Are Greeks white? Total shitshow in... -,

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JFC I can't even ping someone to see what diseased rodent butthole smells like?

No wonder I never spend time on this sub anymore.

That wasn’t a very shitshowy shitshow tbh. Do better.

Also I can forgive them somewhat for being on the a subreddit for reading books, but he would have fared a lot better if he used fewer words:

Characterizing the entire body of classical literature as ‘old white male shit’ is a retarded take even for you diversity tards. No brown persons cut-and-paste memoir about microagressions will ever compare to even the faggiest classics like Plato. No matter how hard you cope.

Plato > Aristotle

Probably because Aristotle was a disgusting barbarian.

Michel Foucault >>> literally any Greek philosopher

Foucalt was a childfucking libertarian. Plato said pederasty was "repulsive before the gods," "abominable," the "ugliest of ugly things"

Plato: 1 AIDS Frenchman: 0 (died of AIDS)

Greeks didn't like bussy. They simply tolerated it cause Jesus hadn't been invented yet so they didn't know it was wrong.

Also Aristotle was wrong about literally everything while still being held up as a great intellect. At least some of Plato's work has held up.

He's boring and from M*cedon.

beware the eternal monkeydonian

Awful bait John Green

look at how many people I got to upvote it too, lol

I liked nichomachean ethics but idk if that was from Aristotle or play dough

Greeks arent white tho

the only white people are americans

If you're not literally in the Caucasus Mountians at this exact moment you are a shitskin

lmao no

It kinda was this way for a little bit. Like Europe had brits, swedes, etc. and America was the only huge population of european mixes that were nothing more specific than "white".

Now, that's mostly just everywhere.

americans invented the concept of white people because they have no indigenous culture

le 56%


How is this even relevant? Do you rightoids just recognise a fellow troglodyte and involuntarily start typing a racism even it's a completely different meme? 'Hello ingroup member, I have also visited and know all the (((shibboleths))) updoots to the left!'








recognise a fellow troglodyte

Rude! 😡

This is the Amerimutt meme, not the crime statistics.


To be fair the definition is now ever expanding to any group of people you want to hate. It used to be that Hispanics were Hispanics and that was that, regardless of their skin color (unless they were actually black or native). Now it's "harrrr harrr but there are also white hispanics ergo they can be bigots too because they disagree with me".

Unless they try to migrate in which case they're poor brown people

All people are scum in the eyes of us proud Azerbaijanians

Hey, come on now, at least I'm not Armenian.

Greeks are Turks that speak Greek.

you mean roaches?

Same same

G*rmanoids aren't white.

I'm 50% greek, 12.5% samoan, and the rest is mayo mix. Are you telling me that I have more oppression points than I thought!?

your great, great, great, great, grand mother fucked a nigger

I see people are still really triggered by Jemisin

Books: not dramatic

OP of that post is so incoherent I can't tell what point they're trying to make. But thinking that everyone who was writing in Greek 2000 years ago was Greek is as retarded as imaging that everyone posting here in English must be from the pedo island.

The best denunciations I've ever seen of the whole concept of "Hellenization" are from guys who wrote in Greek like Diodorus Siculus who is very explicit that Greeks learned everything they knew from other countries, and Clement of Alexandria who said (paraphrasing here):

There's this island in the Aegean where they worship this miraculous object that the gods sent to them. Lmao. Nigga, just open your eyes. It's a piece of driftwood. 😂😂😂 Just like stop worshipping trash and open your heart to Jesus Christ.

Women and children first BECAUSE THEY WERE PROPERTY. Love to see misogyny defended.

Lol these dumb bitches think watching Handmaid's Tale means they understand history. "Hey want to buy my wife? It's the 1900s after all!"

That doesn't even make sense. If women and children were property then they would go on the lifeboats last. You don't rush to fit your luggage on the lifeboat before making room for yourself.

For me it would be funko pops first, then YA novel collection, porgs, wife and wife's son, heckin' doggo pupper, wife's bull, wife's son's bull, and I'd go down with the ship.