Philly’s newest white supremacist turns out to be a Melanin-American

1  2020-02-27 by philly_fag


lmao isn’t this the one state that’ll lock the election for drumpf?


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Jews did this


  1. Philly’s newest white supremacist t... -,

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Sorry snappy, not this time 😩

If You can't prove it was jews, it was clever jews.

Sorry snappy, not this time

We have deposited 10 Soros Shekels into your account Mr. Moore.


Lol, 2 months ago their too janny got exposed as a sex pest who was biting people at the weekly meetup, and then they reinstated a janny who got booted 2 years ago for being a control freak loser, that thought being a girl scout as a kid proved that she had good character.

😢 tfw phedre won’t bite you at the meetup

Wait...this_shit got remodded?


Nope, sexi_squidward did. She was the one who was modding people who didn't post in the sub, or even live in Philly, because they were her friends at the meetups, and talked in discord. Then when called out on it, pulled the whole "I have integrity, I was a girl scout" line. She's also causing drama by creating an abortion of a new header image for the sub that nobody asked for, or apparently even likes, and then getting all pissy when criticized for it.

The this_shit thing was tasty drama though, especially because it really showed that most of the power users and jannie of the sub are really just sad, dumpy alcoholics.

Unless you're an Eagle Scout, your childhood activities mean shit.

Even most Eagle Scout projects are low effort bullshit.

Some really cool ones though.

It's going to be a good day.

Justice 4 Juicy

People have had ample opportunity for productive conversation on this article.

Good morning, I hate jannies.


Jussy was an entrepreneur who saw a market opportunity since the current demand for hate crimes far exceeds the supply.


Good morning

Uncle Ruckus right here boys