Man who wants to moderate /r/TheDonald throws shade at some “tick tock” phone song service.

1  2020-02-27 by SandorClegane_AMA


Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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dude bronies lmao

all ponies are bronies

dude retards lmao

gtfo pedo

im a lolicon weeb, not a pedo or brony. get it right dumass

lol k. Pedos are either weebs, gays, commies and/or lolbertarians.

Don't forget trekkies.

Already covered in gays

lolicon weeb

pedophile weeb.

how is it pedo if the loli is a 500 year old vampire? checkmate


k foalfiddler

i prefer the term EquestrianSodomizer


im posting on rdrama thats a given

his chinese overlords will bend him over for saying that

Does spez really think we don't know that all apps spy/track us in that manner? Suggesting tiktok is spyware when almost every popular app takes exorbitant permission rights is exactly the kind of mis-direction I expect from the ass clown that Orwellianly named a team at reddit 'anti-evil operations'.

The real problem with tiktok is not the "spying" issue, but all the children on it.

Whose parents obviously aren't properly monitoring and limiting their children's internet access.

If spez had any real balls, he'd address the children whose parents don't properly monitor and limit their child's internet access.

But he doesn't.

You could say the same for myspace, facebook, twitter, snapchat, and instagram before they became more prominent. All newly popular social media apps struggle with the same issue because the internet is technically still a wild west where individual users don't need to prove anything.

You could say the same for myspace, facebook, twitter, snapchat, and instagram before they became more prominent.

As well, I have and do.

It really all starts at home, and it's a parent's responsibility to deal with it. But since lazy parents just want to use the internet as a cheap substitute babysitter for their children - governments, websites and ISPs need to step in.

It's past time for this to happen, we already have at least 2 wasted mostly useless generations.

I think the internet is an issue our modern governments cannot truly handle. Most politicians basic understanding of the internet, several elder politicians in America still use flip phones, this is a not a group of people who will be able to competently compose good laws to protect minors and not overstep their authority. So we are where we are, somewhat of a wild west where 99 percent of people think the web is a safe secure fun place, and maybe 1 percent understand it's true potential for good, and bad.

I think the internet is an issue our modern governments cannot truly handle.

You might be right. In the entire history of human civilization never has anything like the internet and smartphones happened. There is no precedence for this. Of all of human's evolutionary inventions and creations, we're in uncharted territory.

As far as the rest your comment goes, this is one of the interesting aspects of the memeish age wars. Younger ages tend to think they know all about the internet because they grew up with it. Seldom do most millenials and zoomers reflect on who built it for them. Just because they can press a pretty little icon on a screen they think they understand it better than those who created it.

It's also a fundamental part of why "free speech" gets so rabidly argued about.

Children (especially teenagers) tend to like to rebel, and few people want to accept that there really are authorities. No matter how old, color, gender, nationality, amount of money or position in life, there's going to be someone or something in a position of authority.

And children don't like to face that, and think that the internet is supposed to be some kind of free-for-all. Where they can be free of some arbitrary sense of authority.

I agree with much of the last few sentences, but would point out that the free-for-all isn't something anyone can control. Anyone with a can do attitude and access to the internet can do pretty much whatever they want after enough tutorials and videos when it comes to access and infiltration. The internet is not a physical place like everything else a government has ever been in control of, and it's not something that can be effectively corralled or walled off; the whole concept of "internet security" is a goddamn joke.

Unlike previous innovations and economic changes, the internet does not give power to a select group. It gives it to everyone, at almost no cost. Unlike the wild west, there's no ocean on the far side of the internet. It goes on forever, and it's a work in progress that will likely never be done. That's a hard thing for systems of government to keep nailed down, nevermind the fact that there are people actively attempting to make their job impossible (as they should).

There's also the problem that the internet can satiate some of the most visceral and biological human motivivations: communication, socialization and sex. And I really think that we don't have the cultural DNA to deal with something like that yet. That's why we have all this weirdness: incel, femcels, transgenders, terfs, the coomers, and the tradlarpers. All this is in reaction to, and also a way of dealing with this constant, and evolutionarily unprecedented constant stimulation the internet now provides. Only time will tell if any of them are successful. Eventually we're going to have to deal with it.

To quote The Filth: "A new not-self entered the system; in developing a response it was necessary to expose you to the antigen."

Woke and Morrisonpilled

the gov implementing any sort of laws oversteps their authority

we need government regulation, won’t someone think of the children

suck my dick pussy

I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Man who wants to moderate /r/TheDon... -,*

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He probably wants redditors to suck his dick again. This is a pretty good move to achieve that tbh

But he's too much of a cuck so he'll fuck this up.

I put Tik Tok on my Huawei phone

This reminds me of that famous Howard Stern skit when they call two different Chinese restaurants and have them read each other delivery order to confirm.

Update: 2/27 9:00 am PT

“These are baseless accusations made without a shred of evidence,” a TikTok spokesperson told TechCrunch


isn't tiktok literally just chinese vine

it's actually amazing how, like, all of zoomerdom and millennials just adopted it

This website and its controllers are the most pathetic fucking people. It’s really embarrassing. I mean just look at that photo of that fuckin guy and tell me you never want to tell people you go to this site