Rockyeet singlehandedly raised temperature on Earth by 2C with his newest hottest take.

1  2020-02-28 by Platycel


Maybe I’m clinically retarded but I don’t get it 😞

Me neither, but it's probably because we aren't clinically retarded, aka involved in tranny subculture

Guess you’re right 🤔


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I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. Rockyeet singlehandedly raised temp... -,

  2. -,*

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The correlation between attachment to fictional characters (anime) and extremist ideologies can be explained by the inability to socialize with real human beings.

There's nothing wrong with healthy doses of escapism, but when it starts to dictate your entire worldview then it's time to cut the internet cord.

There's nothing wrong with healthy doses of escapism, but when it starts to dictate your entire worldview and replace reality then it's time to cut the internet cord. Òvò

I would say based and evapilled, but eva fans are among the most escapist people on the planet.

The rebuilds were made as a fuck you to fans.

The threads were fun to watch tho

I just started watching them and I think you might be right.

I’m pretty excited for the next movie though because no matter what there is gonna to be some good drama.

Shut up poultry.

Good Lord Kara you just put words to my thoughts.

Stop thinking in pictures, Grug.

mm this

all political extremism is motivated by autism

Based and centrist pilled

Yeah thats why women don't have any ideology except the one most accepted in their society. Love from Kazakhstan.

Autism and ugliness.

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How can you simultaneously be so wise and cringe?

Satanic furry power.

When you sell your soul to a cringe subculture you acquire sparse but amazing moments of brilliance. The most philosophical speech I've heard in person came from a Juggalo

We really need to start rounding them up soon tho. I've been practicing my lasso all winter long

The healthy dose is relative. You and me would OD on her dosage.

Thanks for that, Dr. Phil.


Just saw this thanks to sperg post about you. Probably right.

post it to enlightendedcentrism or you have no balls

!remindme 2 hours

Post it so I can post the copypasta about stonetoss single handily killing billions of Jews.

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remove the boulderlob watermark

His fugly-ass drawings are way too distinct for that to work



Been 2 hours



that's 3.6F in freedom units btw

463.3 Rankine*

How do you what Rankine is but have no clue how it works?


Rankine is an absolute temperature. When you are dealing with temperature changes it's the same value as Fahrenheit. So if something raises in temperature by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, it raises by 3.6 Rankine also.

yes i know how degrees work whats your point


463.3 Rankine

Are you sure?


An increase of 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit isn't an increase of 463 Rankine you fucking mongonaut

i didnt read the title just the parent comment i replied to??????

reported and blocked for being extremely toxic enjoy your ban

It's OK to be retarded. This is a safe space.

275 kelvin*

Brainlets, temperature change is still 2K or 3,6R

Based non-burger

how can temperature change be real if thermometers arent real

😂 We do have some grade A retards.

Me on the left and me on the right

Bussy is king and will always be king. Why is this a hot take?

I honestly don't get it.

You must not frequent many extremist circles 😅

Is the joke that rightoids like trannies?

Who is he mocking here?

based retard


chronically online autists that unironically identify as nazis

chronically online autists that unironically identify as anime girls

Imagine getting radicalized by the hacker known as 4chan, except one gets radicalized by /pol/ and the other by /lgbt/. Either way you circle around the horseshoe and become unfuckable by anyone except other chan autists.

Horseshoe Law

there have been several far-rightoids caught dating 'femboys' like Nick Fuentes who apparently has a catboi bf.

😂 for real? 😂

I need to see some evidence. I want this to be real sooo bad.

But in Fuentes' defense, put yourself in the shoes of a supposedly straight man. Could you resist chatting up that butt? I rest my case.

Fun fact: lolisocks is dancing to a song by S3rl

I love the gravitas of his self description at the bottom when it's all just standard pol autist seething

That’s a pretty homo tactic to accuse others of “gravitas” when criticized. Homos love to do that.

I’ve been around exposing the Jewish conspiracy a lot longer than Fuentes. He’s basically some teenager who turned up in 2016 riding the Trump train to a Jewtube platform. And he mostly avoids naming the Jew so that he can keep his precious Jewish platform. True hero.

BTW, the song is "Pretty Rave Girl".

Impressive, you've managed to be a bigger faggot than Fuentes.

Don't be salty just because the homos won again.

Look up /mlpol/.

I remember talking about this once before, have you heard of the Libertarian to Nazi pipeline? There is also a Nazi to QT trap pipeline.


A lotta bronies are unironic nazis. Such as most of the members of /r/equestriaatwar

Can we make Pinkie Pie the next symbol of earth pony supremacy?

>earth ponies

>supremacy at anything

don't make me laugh

Tell that to Steve Jobs and Tim Cook

Trans women are men therefore if you like them you can't be homophobic

Wrong, trans women are actual women

trans women are better than actual women

I don't get it