Did this sub collectively get dropped on its head?

1  2020-02-29 by Klepto121

Why is it so retarded lately? Discuss:


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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I respect minorities. I just don’t want to live near them. Does that make me racist?

Yuk, my dude

No but it makes you based.

This is gonna backfire on you when whites become a minority. Who are you gonna live near then, huh?

Excuse me. The term is "diverse neighborhood" you racist.


When have we not been retarded?

Watermark still shits up threads but his bait is so weak he has to reply to himself

Invictus got banned from the whole site AFAIK. But I wonder what Romulus brothers up to tho

Romulus brothers

I'm 99% sure it's the same guy.

Romulus said he was banned.

Kaiser got cucked again. Tzar is around but playing too much pogo.

lol what

I was on a good path to bringing this sub back to its glory days but then reddit silenced me for 4 days. Fear not my fellow retards I am back on the path

I have been very boring lately, sorry I will make an effort to make more shitty comments and not post stuff because I am afraid of the mods.

mods please ban this clown

Sftu nigga πŸ‘‹πŸ˜’

you -> πŸ’©β™ΏπŸ’¦

me -> πŸ’ͺ🐴πŸ”₯

Weak af

inbred convict degenerate thinking anyone cares

This is actually on the upswing. More good content with less inhouse lolcows making attentionwhore posts.

Don't want to hear it. Refuse to listen

Tell us what post or posts you saw that made you assmad.