[Huge and I do mean huge drama shitshow] A self hating male feminist announces - 'men are trash' on SRD, this of course creates a landslide drama between him, srdines and normal human beings.

1  2020-02-29 by Turgnibil


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At least 80+% of violent crime and the vast majority of sexual assault is committed by men.

I mean isn't this just because men are stronger and not necessarily more evil.

In the worlds of D&D, words and music are not just vibrations of air, but vocalizations with power all their own. The bard is a master of seriousposting, autism and the magic they contain. Bards say that hatespeech was spoken into existence, that the words of the pepes gave it shape, and that echoes of these primordial Power Words still resound throughout the cosmos. The music of bards is an attempt to snatch and harness those echoes, subtly woven into their reports and bans.

The greatest strength of bards is their sheer versatility. Many bards prefer to stick to the sidelines in combat, using their autism to inspire their allies with pictures of hot bussy and hinder their foes from a distance. But bards are capable of defending themselves in melee if necessary, using their magic to bolster their swords and armor. Their spells lean toward charms and illusions rather than blatantly destructive spells (i.e. spamming racial slurs and telling posters to safety check themselves). They have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects and a natural autism that lets them pretend to do almost anything well. Bards become masters of the talents they set their minds to perfecting.


  1. [Huge and I do mean huge drama shit... - archive.org, archive.today

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men are trash

guilty :O

now where's my crumb

Say it 3 times

Men are trash

This but unironically

Also those comments don't seem normal even by SRD standards

I wonder if there was a brigade 🤔

I mean yeah? I just own it. Tf they gonna do about it? 😂

See, there's a problem.

I know what I am, but SRD 'men' seem to think that they are not.

Also those comments don't seem well-adjusted even by SRD standards

SRDines will literally defend getting cuckholded because they don't "own" their "girlfriend's" body.

Protip: look at their comment history.

Not them though, they're the good ones.

Yes, SRD men seem to think are that they god given gift to women.

Except they fail to find women to date them.

Must be the fault of patriarchy and all those other trashy men deceiving all those poor women.

That thread is a goldmine of insanity

Sardine doesn't know how uber works

Imagine if it was a woman driver who raped a minor boy. The comments would be much different. I highly doubt we would see victim blaming and instead calling for the woman to get 20 years in jail.

Obviously, never seen a teacher thread

Imagine Reddit’s reaction to a man getting mugged because he was walking down a dark alley, drunk, by himself, at 2am, in a shitty neighborhood.

I’m sure Reddit wouldn’t call him an idiot for putting himself in that situation. There’s be absolutely no victim blaming....

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes xD amirite? It's his fault for not having a pibble to guard him.

He wasn't mugged, Killary assassinated him.

This is full-scale psychotic delusions here. She's had about 250 male uber drivers and 196 of them were "hitting on" her. I don't care if you're [insert name of woman you find attractive here], it is fucking insane if you think that many men are that interested in you. I would say that this person should be institutionalized because her delusions are such a huge problem with living her daily life, but she just keeps calling more Ubers and giving all the guys 1-star ratings so I guess it's not really a problem for her.

Just think, some poor uber driver out there got called a rapist because he said she looked nice. This is where i like to victim blame too.

If she is telling the truth, what was she wearing in these uber rides? Was she shitfaced drunk heading back from the club spreading her pussy in the backseat? For that percentage of guys to hit on her she would have to be dressed like a literal whore and acting like it too.

I scrolled through her post history. No selfies or anything but if I know lefty twitter I can make the assumption she is a 300 lb black gamer girl. Of course the prime type of woman on EVERY moids mind

Probably a black woman self-justifying why she doesn't tip the drivers

Probably thought smiling at her = hitting on her.

You can hear the vagina rusting from disuse.

503 rideshares, 51% are men (251 or 252) and 196 of them (78% of all men) sexually assaulted her. Yeah, no, if you had a damn near 4 in 5 chance of being assaulted you would STOP DOING THAT THING.

Unless all alternatives are 90% or more then, yeah, white woman in Congo.

Last one sounds like a comment I would make tbh

90% of violent offences are perpetrated by men.

Which men? Anybody seen any stats on that?

well i heard 13%...

I love this stat because women are more likely to not get the cops called on them, or charged when they are.

Oh come on dude we all know men commit way more violent crimes than women, dont give me that shit.

Even if a woman does assault someone it's not like they are actually going to manage to hurt them so why tf would they get arrested?

Oh come on dude we all know men commit way more violent crimes than women, dont give me that shit.

I don't think women commit more, or equal, just that stated battery rates for women perpetrators are hilariously under accounted for. Hell, studies show that physical encounters are a lot more evenly distributed between male and female partners than "common sense" would dictate (although manslaughter and murder far and away is in the male column).

Even if a woman does assault someone it's not like they are actually going to manage to hurt them so why tf would they get arrested?

Women can fuck people up too, dumbass.

Maybe you lmao

Maybe, not gunna lie. Not likely though cause I'm used to taking hits to the face from trained athletes that are built like brick shithouses.

I'm 6'6 and weight 260 pounds of pure muscle. I grew up in the gang ridden streets of Harlem where i supported my family through backyard street fights.

Replace Harlem with a city that was actually dangerous, and backyard fights with bareknuckle matches in dodgy ass basements that had 30-40 year old men with no issue hitting a 15 yr old competitor and yups you actually have my story.

Cool background story, but this is drama not dnd.

God I wish it weren't true. I mean it was fun but I saw things and got into too many close calls it really affected me emotionally. On balance not great.

What class are you?

Grew up working class. Now I'm a consultant 😷😷

Never heard of the working or consultant class. What skills do they have?

Nooooooooo don't reply like this, have a three day long slapfight

Yeah cool man, we've all seen fight club




Lmao I always love redditors utter disbelief in not uncommon life situations.

I've felt a vagina too... Need a play by play on that? 😅😅



Yes please.

3/10 there's a reason I'm a bussy man now

I think you’ve been gay since you were “fighting” those 40 year old men in basements.

Oh shit before that but them were ugly af

Got em lmao


Unless they are abusing children. Women are much more likely to beat the shit out of children than men are. Which is funny, women are probably just as violent as men, but they're weak and bad at it so no one cares.

All of the problems in our generation stem from the decline in child beatings. Women are going gods will.

Naw, child beatings should be done by their peers lord of the flies style, women doing the beating just creates serial killers

It's funny because you guys are talking about the blacks

Women commit more domestic abuse. Just because they are incapable of actual damage doesn’t mean I won’t judge them for not being able to control their temper like a fucking child

Judging a woman for being emotionally unstable is like judging a man for liking beer

If he likes it so much he’s a fat worthless fuck sure I’ll judge the fuck outta him too

Fuck there goes my analogy

I do that sometimes

A despecho de ser trece porciento de la población...

Shut up pablo

Haha, those sure are some kooky crime statistics you got there, dad! Where are those from, the FBI? Well, did you know that FBI crime statistics only track those that are successfully convicted of a crime, even though the vast majority of crimes committed aren't even reported, let alone lead to a successful arrest, prosecution, and conviction? Sounds like a big hole in the data if you ask me! And when you combine that with the fact that male neighbourhoods are more heavily policed male people are more likely to get stopped by the police, and more likely to be convicted by a jury for the same crimes as a female person, it makes you think that maybe those FBI stats have a lot more to do with systemic sexist profiling than some sort of innate behaviour in men! How's that for a brain blast?

It’s too bad we’d never get honest answers from polling SRDines and dramanauts on whether or not they have significant others and actual humans that can stand to be around them irl.

I’d wager that despite drama users obviously autistic and sometimes borderline retarded outlook on things, that they would have more relationships/acquaintances than the smug and self righteous on SRD.

I'm a bitter and jaded hermit and complete retard but even I've had like 20+ Tinder hookups.

It's because we purge all of our autism and shit takes online, freeing us up to act like normal people irl where it actually matters

A good bit of us are married

It seems having a sense of humor and not getting offended by everything is more attractive than being self righteous

We truly do love in a society

It's likely due to the increased soy among srdines.

Men that actively spout that shit are usually rapists

This, it's a projection of their own feelings and urges onto other moids.

But what if you unironically think most men are trashy because you think the average person is trashy regardless of gender?

Then it is more efficient to call everyone trash, and it better conveys your opinion. Autism is hard to cope with, sweaty, I know, but we have to try to use our words.

But women are less trash because their holes are nice.

/>falling for the gussy trap

Haha yes bussy meme my good le /r/drama gentlesir, it is still funny and has not lost its comedic effect after being used 870,239,234 times.


Very predictable tbh. The ‘good faith crusader’ types of Reddit love to trot out the “yikes your post history” argument without realizing how absolutely unhinged they look on a daily basis.

It’s a dumb argument as well. Social dynamics, especially in places where presence is mandated rather than chosen (school/job/etc), are exclusionary in nature. It’s safer and requires less thonking to unite around not liking someone/something than finding positive common interests. After all, the thing you like could be lame or creepy so conformity is the most prudent option. Basically if Jessica-who is dating Aiden the QB-says the autistic kid is creepy, you bet we all find him creepy, even if we also secretly like that band too and have an autistic little brother.

Men are trash Transmen are men Therefore, transmen are trash






Of the fucking can for these insufferable retards. People who post in seriousness on srd should be geotagged at all times in an app so we can avoid them in public.

The actual thread is dumb as fuck too

>15 year old girl lies about being 18

>guy has sex with her


Maybe this makes me a real extreme feminist but I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that when you're recruiting teenage hookers, you might want to make sure they're at least 18. He obviously got set up here in some kind of scam, but he could have avoided it pretty easily.

Don't 👏 fuck 👏 teenagers 👏 if 👏 you 👏 are 👏 a 👏 creepy 👏 old 👏 boomer.

Imagine being jealous of boomers getting gussy (🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮).

Imagine not being a boomer. 😎😎😎

Or just bang old women, problem solved.

Also no need for birth control.

Wait, he didn't even actually molest her? He just had sex with someone he thought was 18? Better send him to prison, right fellow Good Guys?

I’m p sure she actually did get molested actually

I'd have to read the actual story to know, but unfortunately I am illiterate. Could you do it for me?

sry bby I’m illiterate too. I’m just assuming that the srdines aren’t stupid enough to get the story too messed up


Ok but how can you mistake a 15-year-old for an adult? Like bruh lmao teenagers look, sound, and act like toddlers.

All women do. You can only approximate age by counting their wrinkles/botched plastic surgeries.

SRDines are trash.

mrsdeloresbickman is a legit loon, you don’t have to go far into his history before you see posts about him hoping other people die

Lol he is posting in SRD, Chapo, politics and 5 different circlejerk subs.


The real fugee crisis we have to deal with are the chapos and SRDine invaders.

It's amazing that SRD can take a reasonable argument like ”reddit gets absolutely retarded everytime someone gets sexually assaulted” look silly.

Can we say the same thing about black Americans?

Lol everytime TwoX or Chapo reads this, a small tranny has a stroke while sobbing.

Str8 black men are the white people of black people

I mean, the story makes it sound like the girl said she was 18, dude said "ill give you a ride if you let me touch you up on the way" girl went on ride and recorded it, dude gets arrested cuz underage

That's funny. I mean, ha ha funny.

it's a good bit.

Can someone tell me what I said that was wrong? Considering I'm the self-hating man in question.

Look my ex was raped by a guy she trusted at school so I'm kind of intense about this subject. I've been angry the many of times I had to defend her against people I once considered friends, and I was dunbstruck by how often people shared a view that she was at fault for it.

So please help me understand whats wrong with my statement.

The only thing you're wrong about is that "men are trash" is okay to say because a few men are pieces of shit. Men are not a hivemind, simple.

Or if you really want to insist "a few bad apples spoil the bunch" let's talk about my mother who often violently disciplined me when I was a wee thing in my preteen years, or my grandmother who did the same to my mother and my uncle, or all the women who kill their children, or all the girls in the train station near me that are pickpockets, or the 8-10 neurotypical female classmates that very audibly called me creepy and gross for no fucking reason whenever I passed their line of sight when I was in school, or the stray dogs that chased me around.

Hey, autistic SRDine dude. Hope things are better now.

People like referencing lived experiences with these arguments, but only so long as they reinforce the circlejerk. Even the SRD mod made sure to single you out when telling you and the nice lady to knock it off. You won’t make any point that convinces them to compromise their viewpoint, but that’s okay. The less you have in common with people raging on the internet the better, in most cases.

audibly called me creepy and gross for no reason


Ok circlebrokecel

This guy posts on incel tears lmao

Thus once again proving my theory.

German people LOVE David Hasselhoff

Absolutely nothing, I agree with you.

On another note, can we split the crumb?

One morsel apiece.

Your right ofc moids are just to self serving to see it

Nah the moids are right. Chapos, SRDines, and radfems all deserved it tbhqhwyf.



Your ex was a liar and a slut and you're a simp for believing her.


You're not wrong. We have an influx of fervent mde/td refugees that need to be reigned in atm

MDE/TD USERS are way better than simpoids like you and Mr. Nice Guy.

I've literally never posted in srd, try again sweaty

Your comment was right but the subreddit you posted it on means you don't deserve human rights sorry :/

Sorry, but we're not all like you. You live in a bubble. You're just an inferior moid surrounded by other inferior moids.

You left out the “white”

Had you added that “white men are trash” we wouldn’t be here

This is the ultimate state of an average, leftist, subreddit

Who knows what would happen to me if I didn't find r/stupidpol

getting mad over someone saying men are trash in the current year +6

Just respond with women are children lmao.

Men are trash, and bitches be crazy. I don't see the lie.


we are gonna get banned with all the blatant brigading lol

So where are the normal human beings in the thread? It's r/srd so no normal person would ever be there.

Women are trash lol.

Gotta love that SRD likes the crime statistics argument.

Love how that simp and all of reddit collectively is so quick say "bbbbbut men get abused too! Buy my emotional appeal."

How about don't say men are trash because it's wrong to generalize half the population. Being a giant sobbing pussy to gain sympathy is trash