Alarmists fear their inevitable deaths as first person in the United States dies of bat plague. Unrelated & unhinged political comments abound. Suicide prevention hotlines provided by the subreddit's automod.

1  2020-02-29 by NMJ87


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  1. Alarmists fear their inevitable dea... -,

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The west coast finally getting what it deserves


Chicken tiki?

California deserves more honestly.

I saw comments about an earthquake hitting. I'm thinking a decent magnitude earthquake + coronavirus hysteria, might actually solve the (((west coast))) problem.

This is all because the government officials didn't ban anime, games and Twitter. Now Allah has unleashed his wrath upon Burgerland.

i get why boomers are freaking out but why do young ppl care it literally cant hurt them

It can hurt anyone, I believe the kid that died was 19.

But there's a balance that should be struck between saying the world is ending next Tuesday and dismissing this as no more harmful than the flu.

For God's sake, I just want people to be objective for 2 seconds. I'm so tired of everybody flying to the extremes - not even their own extremes, they fly to the extremes prescribed to them based on whichever way they lean politically.

I'm so tired of this hyper-partisan populism.

It feels like a good chunk of the world is absolutely ready to toss the baby with the bathwater in every scenario they come across. Zero compromise, zero honest communication.

40 year old woman, I think they said, 19 y/o was incorrect information. A lot of news stations are reporting before they get the facts, from what I can tell

50 year old but yeah it wasn't a kid. People are just spreading alarmist BS.

Was it a normal 50 year old or an obese asthmatic with aids?

God DAMN SON fuck everything I can't even get to the facts while trying to remain level headed

Fuck this, the one time in a week that I check in on this story and the first thing I run across is misinformation

I'm fucking done, I am ripping this part of my public consciousness out, I'm not going to give a fuck about this until we are all sick at which point I will reverse position and tell you all that I called it from the start lol

Dude I'm done... I'm not going to Google coronavirus 19 again.

Thats the way to do it.

Just sit back and laugh at the futility at the actions of the people because its already too late to do anything because China already fucked us back in December by being the least honorable asians.

Just spend time with your boomer parents in a truly worst case scenario.

Don't spread misinformation. From the very link in the Covid-19 sub:

victim was a “medically high risk” woman in her 50s in Washington State.

The old and the sick/frail are at the highest risk. Young people do not have high risk.

until i physically see people die i will act like its not happening

Take the 30 yr old boomer pill and check out of caring for society. It's pretty awesome when it works. You just gotta realize that the vast majority of people suck to be around and have a mild case of retardation. Then you just focus on your family and friends and only care about laughing at all the other retards.

The problem is, no one has enough information or the qualifications to process the available information into useful conclusions. The answer to 99.9% of important questions right now is "well we don't know"

Even if you don't trust what the CDC says, why would you turn to reddit and redditors, people you know are mentally defficient, for advice interpreting complicated matters of statistics and virology? I would trust facebook comments over reddit comments.

I just can't see the CDC withholding truth, or the WHO either.

Qui Bono? I don't feel like doctors have much to benefit from being secretive.

I think people confuse the CDC not saying things until it is 110% sure they are accurate with "witholding information" because they'll hear things from other sources that have no obligation to the public to be accurate.

People just like to have something to spaz out over

It's 1/6 death rate for boomers and 1/500 for youngs under 30. It's still crazy high.

Sounds like natural selection to me.

1/500 is nothing

In the grand scheme but that's insanely dangerous from a chance perspective. 4 People at random in a high school just croak? Well fuck. Also keep in mind if you get it bad and not just somewhat you have fucked up lungs for years or even forever.

So 🥳

Definitely boomercide at least

How big are your high schools jfc

2000 mathcel

It was a rhetorical question you fleshlight

40% of burgerland is obese, yet only 0.2% of younglings dies from coronavirus. Conclusion is that the 500th youngling is probably unhealthy as fuck, and smokes.

Vape addicted zoomers on suicide watch

Also considering the symptoms surviving the disease doesn't magically mean you got off unscathed, there's probably some major lung damage.

Also there's studies being done that you says you can get reinfected.

There's also something about cyto...something storms, never being truly out of your system, and something about animals being carriers.

holy shit someone needs to do something

Coomers on suicide watch

Boomercide and population control?

We may be heading towards another renaissance.

That was fake iirc.

Really should've saved it somewhere but idk.

t. orphan

Just went to Costco in the Bay Area. Couldn’t enter or exit the parking lot for 20+ minutes. Lines packed. Every cart had toilet paper & water.

Going to a crowded Costco because you’re terrified of an airborne virus is a pretty big brain move

Especially to buy such retarded products. Non perishable food? Nah I'll just by TP and water instead. Catching the pangolin flu so you don't have to wipe your butt with 1 ply.

I'm not sure if the average Californian household even has a can-opener.

Its all Chinese and Indians clogging up the Costcos today. If you need stuff from Costco literally go during white boomer hours aka 9am to 2pm on weekdays.

Its always fucking indians clogging up costco

Imagine being so dumb that you are OP

Hopefully it's karma for all the anti-vax hippie faggots totally sticking it to Big Pharma here on the west coast.

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imagine getting so scared of this you kill yourself 🤣 nigga i HOPE i get that flu and it kill me 🤞 i would be coughin and shittin my organs out and die like a G

If I start dying from the Corona Virus I'm gonna go to a furry convention or something and lick ALL the knobs, door and otherwise.

And took out a boomer no less

I’m pleased to see coronavirus is working to forward the woke agenda

Didn’t pray hard enough smh

I'm gonna post pictures of envelopes with white powder in them to r/oldSchoolCool.

>Early 2000s


Zoomer detected

I'm a xoomer who likes to act like a boomer in here and throw off the zoomers. 😁😁😁


this wouldn't happen if you guys only showered once every 3 months like I do. gotta build up your immunity

That's what you get trading with CCP chinks. Karma really got them this time.