That one billionaire candidate officially drops out of the Democratic race

1  2020-03-01 by KaaraRaven


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. That one billionaire candidate offi... -,

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You got it bussybot

Just how many billionaire and millionere candidates Democrats have?

Bloomberg, Sanders, Biden, Klobuchar, Warren, and Steyer.


calling bernie a millionaire

i really dont think a 70 year old worth under 3 mil is a "millionaire", pretty sure most farmers are worth more.


i post in /r/neoliberal poorcell lmao. Cope more about your net worth of 50 bucks and a handjob.


He's barely even worth a measly 3 million? Who the fuck could live in such poverty? He's go my vote just so he can hopefully buy himself a second set of clothes once he's in the White House.

He's barely even worth a measly 3 million?

This sounds like poorcell cope to the max, 2 mil at 78 is not that much.

I meant it unironically

Holy shit this is the dumbest bernie cope I've ever seen

im not even a bernie supporter, i just laugh at obvious poorcell cope thinking having 2 mil at 78 with no retirement is "rich"

“I really don’t think a 70 year old worth millions is a ‘millionaire’”

What? Were you dropped on your head?

zoomers not understanding people save for retirement

just because you have no financial planning doesnt mean the prior generations were as dumb.

He could have saved himself the further humiliation if he hadn't danced to Back That Ass Up before this


Why was he even there?

White man's guilt.

He actually has done helpful things but also like at the same time gives a shit.

To annoy the fuck out of me with ads.

he mainlines 24/7 news channels and thought a platform of "impeach, and a couple other lefty causes I pay lip service to" would resonate outside of his hardcore base of #resist boomers.

This is a huge blow for diversity.


Imagine being such a billionlet that dropping out increases the average net worth of the rest of the field.

Uh oh....if these clueless rich guys keep dropping out...who is going to keep propping up the XFL with advertising dollars?

Another one bites the dust.