/r/philosophy thread about eugenics get's yall'd, 80% of comments removed

1  2020-03-01 by BAZAKBAL_


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. /r/philosophy thread about eugenics... - archive.org, archive.today

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Reddit is really anti-science and anti-philosophy when it comes to no-no topics lol

Reddit’s secular creationism is a really weird position to hold. We need a eugenics program for redditors.

secular creationism

That's actually a really good way of describing it. According to reddit doctrine, all of earth's races have set spawn points, and said spawn point is morally and rightfully "their land" forever. To suggest that there was a time before the race spawned there is heresy.

Except Europe. That's a wild card zone for some reason.

I fucking love science unlike all those MAGAtards. Unless it has to do with race, gender, sex, GMOs, nuclear energy, etc. Then it's obviously flawed science but all the science for the things I believe can't be flawed because I believe it.

God the nuclear argument really steams me up.

I'm here all week folks.

muh three mile island

only fusion. fission can suck my white hot fuel rod.

Hurr durr only consistent source of clean energy bad because nukes scary.

Most redditors aren’t too retarded to hard GMO’s and nuclear power TBF.

>If anything, people should champion the idea of doing actual research into whether or not there is a genetic factor in IQ, because, if there isn't, Then the research would prove that.

It baffles me that this is the top comment, it's like it's this guy's first day on the internet. I guess there's always a fresh crop though.

Sometimes I think leftoids hate science more than evangelical rightoids.

Both only accept things that confirm world view. I only accept studies that allow me to be racist.

Based and bell curve-pilled.

I accept all studies but philosophically rationalize why everything should be the way I want it to be

Have you ever taken a test where you think you probably did really badly because you're sure you didn't know the material, but might have done really well subconsciously, so you just avoid looking at the score because as long as you don't know it, it could be any number? That's the entire scientific community's view on researching race vs intelligence.

To suggest we look at the score is to suggest potentially destroying the fantasy. On both sides, honestly. Either answer would make a lot of people very upset. It's easier to simply never confront it.

Or I guess a better way to put it is "if there's no proof I'm wrong then I never have to feel bad".

Great analogy, but I'd add one more thing to it: imagine you bet a million bucks on it and then told everyone you aced it and.

That's intersectionality theory. The official position is that you can take any intersection of attributes, race, gender, etc. and rightfully conclude that any measured outcome differences are due to bigotry.

It was a greedy thing to do, because it sold out the opportunity to say "yeah the averages aren't the same, but that's okay". If it turns out IQ is a thing, they literally parted out and sold every happy peaceful path on that branch.

I mean you can get ahead of that by philosophically arguing that human beings deserve individual treatment and opportunities regardless, but hardly anyone does that anymore lol

Equal treatment and opportunities doesn’t imply equal outcome, that’s kind of the point.

And then even if everyone had the same IQ I don’t even think you could expect that just because of culture and entropy but still.

Equal treatment and opportunities doesn’t imply equal outcome

Which is fine and doesn't really dispute the basis of what I was saying

Then I’m confused how you think you’re “getting ahead of” the issue? They’ve already committed to it.

I guess I'm explaining how they could be less retarded about this if they weren't retarded

They should just rename IQ so pseuds stop trying to go "akshually there are different kinds of intelligence so the test is pointless."

Everyone always thinks the law of averages doesn't apply to them. We could have a system that measures 67 types of intelligence and people would still pull the "well yes my literacy (type c subset 2) score was low but that's only because they didn't take into account my ability to rhyme words with 'house' so really my intelligence is vast and immeasurable".

I wonder if it would still be the case that some people just aren't as smart as others in any way.

house mouse louse spouse rouse raus (german) blouse and are we counting slant rhymes?

Broke: Being pro eugenics because it won't affect you

Woke: Being anti eugenics because it will affect you

Bespoke: Being pro eugenics even though it will affect you

Actually he's against trying to stop global warming because it's the same kind of science as eugenics.

There's a comment that says " race doesn't exists."

Reddit people are a special kind of retard.


People who support eugenics would be unironically the first ones sent to the camps

Everyone knows this or is in denial about it, that's my point.