Absolute King righteously beats up a retard. "Lawyers" have the audacity to tell this Veteran that he wasn't within his rights.

1  2020-03-01 by TrappyIsBae


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I read the original post. As a lawyercel, the original story is hilarious, and so is the reaction. Absolute all round garbage fire. Every single detail of the story is against him legally. The more he talks, the worse it gets. Kek. Either he's a master troll with legal knowledge who has engineered the worst possible case, or a complete fruitbat. Wouldn't even be able to get bail for this dude, let alone get him off on assault.

In a just world he would be rewarded for slapping that guy up.



The fact that he says "I have PTSD" is really all that you need to know. It's like saying you're trans. Both are real medical conditions, but they've been absolutely swarmed by maladjusted little shits who are trying to build a "mental illness" excuse for when their antics inevitably come back to bite them.

I don't even care if he was really in the military. Nobody with real PTSD flexes the fact that they have it.

I guarantee that if the video of this got posted on PublicFreakout or JusticeServed then the Reddit hivemind would defend his actions

Dude is also a legit warlock irl.

Dont forget that his favorite subs are some of the quarantined incel safe havens...

Status: literally shaking rn

literally nothing wrong with stomping someone who tries to road rage you

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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This dude is fantastic but reddit suburban nerds shouldn't be expected to understand that

As someone who shops at Walmart dude showed incredible restraint.

shops at Walmart

Poorcels OUT

Sams club?


Just carry concealed and look forward to someone giving you a reason

It's shocking just how poor the quality of their merchandise is. I once had socks from walmart that weren't even foot shaped, the toe was square.

Somebody stone this round-toed mutant!

That’s exactly it omg, I couldn’t express it properly. They’re dangerous to me because I’m so like mentally malleable if they spend like more than two minutes explaining their train of thought I’ll accidentally end up a nazi or something, one time I made an emoji typo and changed mood to the new emoji 😬


Laughing at them immediately changing their expression to that emoji after hitting submit

Someone start PMing him about how Scientology will help him unlock his thetan levels

Anything the mods say in that subreddit is bad advice

Aren’t the mods all power-tripping cops or is that regular legaladvice

I realize all cops are power tripping retards but I remember even in that company those mods stood out as especially thin skinned faggots

I hate wokescolds for making hating cops look uncool

Yeah, the same cabal of mods controls every sub related to LA because they can’t stand commentary that calls them out for the dipshits they are

Uk legal jannies doxxed someone for complaining about mermaids troid charity harassing their kid then hid the evidence

Sounds like the dipshits that run LA

Why does anybody go to reddit for legal advice? Serious question? Legal consultations from actual lawyers are usually free and you have assurance that the person you're talking to knows what they're talking about.

Because Yahoo answers is for boomers.

Maybe they think it's a good starting point

It's not

If he isn't a troll, he's testing out his chances and the gravity of his crime before he turns himself in or speaks to a lawyer... the same way /r/askreddit is all 18 WayS to KnOw iF SHe Is In LOvE wiTH YoU AfTer ThE fiRSt DaTE content writers.

99% odds that this guy is a troll, but if he's not, anyone who goes out of their way to say that they have "PTSD" is just a borderline case trying to prepare an alibi for when he snaps and gets violent.

post history

antidiet deuxRAMA

Proof deuxcels are all fatties. (Except Trappy of course)

Can someone tell me if this person is trappy or not

Nah Trappy has a different account. I'm just some autistic retard. She's been busy with school unfortunately so she cut down on /r/drama time.

oh i thought she actually 42%'d

nice to hear the queen is alive and well

To be fair, it sounds like he and the other guy found each other.

he also said he has astrally projected sex with entities. that guy is really sick and that post needs to come down. yikes.

imagine yikesing something as based as banging machine elves