Brown kings want to land on Greekoid island, locals fight back.

1  2020-03-01 by Endless_mining_shaft


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only time i saw retards of r/europe be based.

im pleasantly surprised

Well, this thread is a shitshow.

turkey is a shitshow

no kidding, this thread is great

Obviously the Europe can't take much refugees, but I've heard about another place that needs more diversity, It's Israel

absolutely based

arrEurocels took the anti-invaderpill long ago. I propose an alliance

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Imagine if refugee boats became target practice for experimental naval weapons. You could charge people to sit on the beach and watch them get obliterated by a railgun

They've been like this for a while now.

I wonder how Poland is anti migrant

Probably seeing what happens if they aren’t tbh.

the retards arguments is that polish people went in uk probably legally...

I symphatize with the islanders as well as the refugees

uh-oh badthink detected time to essaypost

Watching this hurts me deeply as a human being.

That's not how one should treat another human. No matter where they came from or if they truly can be labeled as "refugees", there is a basic manner one should behave. It is no problem if you don't want them to stay, but at least try to put yourself into one of those people. It's heartbreaking how that must feel to them especially the kids who don't understand why those foreign people are shouting or what they are saying.

I don't expect "you" to welcome all of those people but at least show some dignity as human beings as Europeans.

yeah now give up your homes and livelihood to illegal immigrants, bigot.

All European countries should send military to help Greece with this problem, and kick Turkey out of Nato, and implement sanctions.

none of that makes any sense but i fully support it

kicking turkey out of nato is out of question.

usa's 3 states to keep russia at bay are poland, romania and turkey.

tukey wants something from eu most likely

also dont forget that eu gave them 6 billion euros to keep them in turkey.

nato's purpose was to keep the germans down and the soviets out (of global politics). the jerrys have been completely pacified and the ussr collapsed decades ago. all nato does now is antagonize russia which just makes them stir shit up even more. but youre right turkey is an integral part of nato's purpose

what russia wants is to destabilize nato and cause some fracture so it could strenghten. neither side wants direct conflict and to keep it like that from usa perspective nato needs to keep going.

both sides are bad.

based and radical centrism pilled

high level comments:

I symphatize with the islanders as well as the refugees

Turkish posters:

ITT: Brown people making wh*tes shit in fear by practicaly existing

> Lmao you serious ? These are the same brown people that Turks want out of their country. Practicaly existing? They are illegally going into Greece ...learn to troll better

We are way too full of them, something like 4 million and Greeks are loosing their shit for 30k.

Turkcels seething they have to take in so many refugees from the country they are perpetuating war against.

Turks are human cockroaches. Britain did the world a disservice by preventing the Ruskies from finishing them off.

I still hate anglos for that. Fucking e*ros defended the roaches and now look at us.

Turks 🤮🤮

fight hard tan brothers 😤

WTF racists in europe!?

Think of all the food they can make 😡

Whites of real culture and Lineage, unlike burgers, aren't impressed by a couple of kebabs.

tell that to the swedes, bongs, canadians and a plathora of other cultural takeaway cucks.

Battle of Salamis 2.0. Greeks really out reliving the Persian Invasion 2000+ years later.

Congrats on leaving a poor country and arriving in a slightly less poor country.

Um this is juat colonization. Why are these racist Greeks stopping progress?