Shitshow on Twitter when normies address the genital question.

1  2020-03-01 by TaysSecondGussy


I like how wokies ruined the concept of gaslighting so they could gaslight people into having sex with them aka GODDAMN RAPE

I’m trying to think of a good reason why you wouldn’t date a person with a prosthetic leg and I’m coming up empty.

I'm lacktoes intolerant


I liked the follow up:

underrated reply

Do straight people have to put underrated reply every time?

Ging Freecs is the best dad

Suck that dick bigot.

Goes to prove that some cis people are literally only sexually attracted to GENITALS and not the person.

100% correct. You could give a chick a flat top, put her in a tuxedo and make her drink, smoke, and cuss like a sailor and I'm still gonna get diamond hard. Because she's still a female. With bobs and vagene. That she was born with. As a female. With female genitals. That she was born with.

Broke: sexuality is innate and you can't change who you're attracted to

Woke: being gay is a choice actually

When ur so woke you're actually a Bush-era Family Values Conservative Christian

i'm a straight man and i'd be more attracted to an actual XX female who for some reason has a dick than I would be to an XY man who for some reason has bobs and vagene because I am attracted to women, not men

an actual XX female who for some reason has a dick

That's the dream right there

they'll be able to grow them in labs and sew them on pretty soon

Allah willing and the creek don't rise.

You could give a chick a flat top, put her in a tuxedo and make her drink, smoke, and cuss like a sailor and I'm still gonna get diamond hard. Because she's still a female.

that anime is called Mayo Chiki btw, highly recommend

Lol, they made an anime out of the trans panic defense.

reads the description

Christ, that whole thing sounds like an evil alternate version of me 😂😂😭😭

Suck her penis, bigot.


If I would date a white trans woman, but wouldn't date a black trans woman that doesn't make me racist, it's just preference. I believe trans rights are human rights, but you can't force anyone to date you if they don't want it.

fucking a tranny is gayer then fucking a dude

If they pass they're not trans. Q. E. D.

These people need r/ShemaleDatingStrategy


I feel like this debate is borderline "being gay is a choice"...💀

This is how autistic troids are. You literally can't explain to them something every normal person understands - that people are attracted to the sex of their partners.

Once you proudly embrace your transphobia for the survival instinct it is, the word loses all power.

Nourish it, shout about it, be proud of it. Yes I'm transphobic, in the same way my hand recoils when it's burned.

Troids are disgusting and shame words will never change that.

Imagine it ever having power over you lmao

Is it that hard to imagine getting fired from a job because you rejected Zoe from IT because you didn't want to suck her dick ? I mean even a year ago people used to say that NOBODY IS SAYING THAT NOT HAVING SEX WITH A TRANNY IS TRANSPHOBIC, and 2 years ago I still had spergs explaining to me how sex and gender are different but now sex is a spectrum too. The slippery slope was a retarded meme when it was about lesbians and gays but not transexuals. It's a group with a huge percentage of narcissists and mentally ill whitoids, not just some gay dude wanting to get assfucked in peace lol. This is more like a free fall than going down a slope lmao


yea, you do seem to be a bit confused :( a straight man likes girls, so he can like trans women who have penises, bc theyre girls yes? but if he just likes vaginas then he can like trans men with vaginas, so hes not straight. i can try and simplify it more if you need me to

Why don't you want some hairy chest with your vagina? There's a vagina there!

Imagine reading that sentence pre 2014 lmao. I can pick my gender but you can't pick your sexual preferences. Autism was a mistake, I'd rather have the small pox than having a sperg explaining to me how pussy is actually gay lmfao

Send a suit for workplace sexual harassment in the direction of Zoe and also a wrongful termination suit. Make it 42% already.

Daily reminder that 90% of MtF troids are just male incels trying to bully lesbians into having sex with them.

That sounds kinda based though.

Something Wax Something Something Balls

hmm so maybe the troids aren't so bad after all

Yeah i’m transphobic. What about it?

"No I don't hate Asians or anything, i just have a preference. The preference being that i prefer to hate them and don't want anything to do w them" wheres the difference

The absolute state.

Based and ricepilled

I'll fuck them just keep them off the highways.

The same women who say that would lose their shit if they saw a man with a hot asian woman out of pure jealousy and call the man racist for having an asian fetish.

Except no one dates Asian men because of their dicklets lmao

Asian men make cute bottoms though. Once again, bussy proves superior.

Asian women be like

A preference for authenticity is a phobia, bigots!

Exactly. Me being gay is transphobic because I want someone with a dick. It’s actually homophobic for making me want gussy (🤢🤮🤢)

Honestly I feel more bad for the lesbians. I feel like 70% of MTF troids are “””transbians””” making lesoids take the brunt of this argument.

It’s just autogynophilia.

Actually, this is an important question; if not wanting to date a non-passing person with a penis is "transphobia", why isn't wanting to have sex with cis men as another man transphobia? That's the logical conclusion to this thought right?

If we say "gender is what you make of it", then why should sexual preferences even involve gender? We should be going after people who would never have homosexual sex with a cis person of the same gender.

I literally don’t have enough spoons to dissect that. I’m just a dude who’s attracted to dudes who just wants to grill

Spoons are not expensive bigot. While we're on the subject, you not having sex with women is transphobia.

Based. How do I flair up as a transphobe?

American flag?

That my friend is an exceptionally based answer 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸

roll tide 😎

You’re gay? Have you posted bussy yet?

No 😔 I was gunna on deux today on my alt that was banned and send the link to mods then post it from there for you guys 🤗 but I’m a lazy piece of shit whose done nothing all day.

Shut up and post bussy

I’ll be sure to link you when I do 😘

Looking forward 💋

A LOT of these responses are basically "What if they're straight?" which just proves that they still see trans people as their fake genders and it shows. If I was a straight woman, dating a trans man would be straight BECAUSE HE'S A MAN

they think mutilated trans genitals are as authentic as the opposite natural ones. lmao

I think I'd laugh harder at that than an actual small dick.

Hideous once again. Why should i listen to your opinion if you look gross?

i too prefer anime avatars

I was expecting the replies to be sane but instead I just hate twitter even more now

Sane people don’t use twitter - what were you expecting?

The only people that are legit twits are the degenerate, the mentally ill, the outcasts and shut ins - aka troids and foids.

Twitter is like 97% troids. What did you expect.

Troids and "sex workers".

As much as I dislike the community on Reddit, at least it isn’t Twitter.

It's true, the whole reason why I'm gay (=foidphobic) is because women are unbearable and should be avoided at all times.

Your time is near. FtM SRS is getting stronger.

I love dick, not sausages made of forearm meat grafted onto your front hole.

If the trend continues you may end up having to take the stealth Pepsi challenge on that. Be sure to do case report if so.

what’s the Pepsi challenge?

Try a coke and a Pepsi blind-folded. Old Pepsi ad campaign, so that but with penis.

😂 It’s more like the difference between a penis and a limb cobbled back together from a war injury. The only way you couldn’t tell the difference is if you’re mentally deficient kind of like trannies

All normal men think women are unbearable nuisances.

You just gay, nigga

Political homosexuality isn’t just for radfems anymore tho

Imagine not being gay in 2020 😂😂

Woman is to man as child is to adult.

not this blowing up a lil.... i aint got nothing to promote just donate to black trans womens' funds.

of course

Lmao trans are 0.03% of the population and blacks are 13%. We can assume women are roughly half, so 6.5%. So if transgenderism happens at a constant rate across races (it doesn't but I'm not gonna actually research lmao), we can assume that 0.03% of 6.5% of the population is black trans women. That means there are only 6825 black trans women in the USA, maximum.

why you no talk like grugg?

me get head hit after comment. me regress to cave time.

mmhmm das rite

um this lowkey blew up, so go stream @HeyThanks_LA and @TheWeekendT please!! and go buy some of my sister’s crystals! they have all kinds of benefits like helping with anxiety, depression, helps boost confidence, etc etc.

shameless. also lmao how is depression real just buy some crystals lmao

From someone in the spa industry, these people need to be fucking exterminated

if they keep using crystals for medicine you wont have to. unless coronavirus is actually vulnerable to mystic energies and vibrations tbf, hope youre wearing your power bracelet when the global pandemic hits

Imagine of corona just turns out to have some bizarre electostatic interaction that makes it die when it touches quartz.

I would unironically seethe to death. Any and all social media would be intolerable for decades.

I hate them too. I don't know how anyone can have beliefs about medicine and treating illnesses without an empirical framework. The things I learn need to be ratified by the other things I already know. Or, if they aren't, I need to be able to understand what I was wrong about.

Yet these people don't seem the slightest bit uncomfortable taking in facts, as near as I can tell, based upon the popularity of the person dispensing them. And if you ask them questions, they act like you're attacking their religion. No, bitch, I'm trying to get you to take thoughts to their logical conclusions. What other things would have to be true, if, as you claim, doctors are lying about herbs curing cancer?

You are speaking to the root of the problem with the religion comparison. It’s almost a misplaced skepticism in a weird way, they think there are exceptions, secret work arounds, and forbidden knowledge that exist as disparate facts to learn and apply haphazardly, while the science bitches have a fake religion based on boring biology textbook shit they never bothered with and use it to make money and generally oppress them.

You met any of the anti-vax nurses yet? They are a real treat.

If the nursing school cirriculum can't eliminate them, it needs to be updated.

A lot of them are pretty standard “science good even if I can’t into it much” at first. It’s the fucking Facebook groups that get them later on into their careers. Very smug about it too, “lol guess I just gotta wear this mask all season, I’m not gonna put that into my body”. 🤯🤬

They're so concerned about what they put into their body, but so indiscriminate about whose girlcock they consume.


Sometimes I feel stupid for buying a nice $15 meal every once in a while because it might be better to save that money and make food at home. Then I remember there are dipshits buying pseudoscience garbage like healing crystals and Gwenyth Paltrow’s vagina rocks.

straight = heterosexual. heterosexual = sexual attraction to opposite gender. if a trans person has transitioned to a gender opposite their partner, then both partners are straight. straight does not equal cisgender partners. get it together

imagine ruining your imaginary argument by the eighth word



homosexuality is an abomination imho. the word i mean. putting a greek prefix on a latin stem is just disgusting

It never began for etymologycels.

Btw thoughts on the -cel suffix?

its good for dramacoin

heterosexual = sexual attraction

I love the blatant lies. Heterosexual means attracted to the opposite sex.

Goes to prove that some cis people are literally only sexually attracted to GENITALS and not the person.

This is the dumbest fucking argument they have.

Having a preference for a particular race would be rooted in racism as well. What reason is there for not liking a trans person?? Because they’re trans?? Lol that’s a prejudice, any way you cut it

incredible. watertight logic as always.

Trannies are the only alphabet people who want to force people to be attracted to them. It's the weirdest shit to me. "You're a bigot because you don't get a hard-on for me." like what?

Because they're all incels

Yes, why do you think we want to drop the T?

Yeah, I'm not gay but my friend is and hates trannies. He says the same thing as the others "I love dick and masculine men and have no fucking interest in pussy or a fake dick. Fuck off for trying to force me into it."

I genuinely think lesbians have it the worst though. They spend their lives being into women and then some tranny comes around and wants to harass them because they don't want dick. It seems the FtM are more into women than men.

"Transbians" made me sympathize with women for the first time in my life.

Same dude I literally just said the same thing earlier

I'm attracted to trannies, and would suck the feminine pp. I still hate them.

I like jerking to porn of dudes fapping. Do women think I give them fucking eye contact? jfc.

And I do love male bodies too and FmT still have woman bones so fuck off. Neo penises are disgusting. I dont suck microdick and cutfags either what a bigot I am fuck you.

only sucking cheesedick

Oy vey



it's too late for him now, he took the schmeg pill

That’s why you’re a DYEL, you’re missing on all the smegma protein

I don't suck microdick and cutfags

Based. Don't suck ((their)) wangs.

Now finally if someone turns me down because i am trans doesnt know i am pre-op (or lets say for this example i am fully medically transitioned and have had surgery to now have the male genitalia) and he turns me down purely because im trans even though i now (in this example)Match the body of a cismale and no other reason that is transphobic

Yeah because male dick is the same as troid dick lmao like girls would be interested in some literally frankenstein tiered abomination you need to pump up like a bicycle tyre over a fully functioning male penis. The absolute state.

What kind of retsrd actually thinks like this? Of course normal people dont want to date basket cases and genital preference is fine too, specifically not wanting to date someone with an artificial vagina that will more than likely have disgusting defects. It's ok to not want to emotionally invest in someone whose rectum will potentially leak into their vag or someone who is more than likely suicidal
