Scientists want to find out why the coronavirus hasn't hit the african continent as hard as every where else. Is this a racism????

1  2020-03-01 by Giovincooooo


Maybe it’s because their all preoccupied dying of famine, war, and in diamond mines to get sick from the flu? Or maybe it’s cuz their sickle cells slice up the flu? I dunno and I for one do not care

its because chinks don't want to go to Africa because they hate dude niggers lmao

It's not hate, it's penis envy.

chinks don't want to go to Africa

bitch they rule africa now

They can't even stop themselves from dying what is this larp

Well, not for long.

Africa's like destination numero duo for asian ricecels

Yakub engineered coronavirus receptors into the non black races. KANGS aren't susceptible to this disgusting rodent disease 😤

Lol @ Twitter hoteps thinking it’s because Wakanda has some sort of ancient tribal secret to pathogen control. Mayos love going to East Asia to gawk at weird snack foods and then bring back lungs full of oriental goodies. Mayos don’t love going to Africa

Actual potential reason: If it is similar to the flu it won’t spread much in hotter climates. It also hasn’t spread much in South America or Indonesia, both places with hot climates

That means it could be mostly gone by summer but then explode when the fall comes again like the Spanish flu did.

Where does it go during the warm months?

it be slump

so global warming is actually a good thing, incredible


Why would scientists want to investigate the means at which a disease spreads? Clearly this is a racist conspiracy against woke Twitter accounts based in the US and the UK.

That's the funniest part. I bet a combined total of like 5 of them have stepped foot in Africa

I'm willing to bet none of them have.

Africa is amazing place to work or visit. It's got so many sites, cultures, languages, wildlife,'s fucking awesome to take in.

It's also got some of the most fucked problems. Outside of Albania, I never dealt with as much corruption as I did doing a job in Kenya. On the other side of the continent, I was in Liberia, inspecting a steel mill to figure out how much survived both civil wars and every time it rain, remains would get disturbed in the fields.

I've always wanted to go back, but bring with me a bus load of woke Americans.

I worked with a guy who was developing a system to track land ownership in Nigeria. Apparently, banks there still hand write everything, so sometimes ownership documents get lost and people just roll up and take land that doesn't belong to them or have documents forged that say they own the land owned by someone else.

Sounds like a job for blockchain pepega

this but unironically

Empire of Dust is a must see documentary about one Chinese man living the nightmare of building infrastructure in Africa

"It's all so tiresome."

It's weird. Some things are very dated and others are not.

Banking using phones was pretty much created in Africa as a necessity as central banks and local currencies could not be used all the time. Pretty much people traded phone minutes and it led to very fleshed out services.

Fuck give them clothes and bags of rice, cell phones and rudimentary access to the financial system has done wonders for poor Africans.

Give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day.

Teach a man how to fish and he will be fed forever.

Give a man bussy and dude lmao. 😔😔😔

The kangs and kweens would be in for a shock.

I got into a bit of trouble in the US when I was getting my masters.

My employer was paying me to get my degree and conduct research. One day, I was taking an English course and we were in groups discussing things like the our personal backgrounds..I had mentioned working in Africa and one fellow student asked me many questions.

He asked me what one thing I really detested dealing with and I said sand fleas. And I explain how they lay their larva in your skin of your feet like a bot fly only you pick them up by walking on the ground.

So the kid looks up pics online (I don't recommend doing this) and is horrified. I said "We have the same thing in America. Chiggers do very similar thing only they are arachnid family but they are throughout the US south".

Someone in the class filed a complaint. Not that they thought I used the N-word. In the complaint, they recognized I did not say this. They complained that I used a word that sounded close to it.

There was a question as to if I deserved sensitivity training.

Like that poor guy who got fired for using the word 'niggardly' in a staff meeting.

That's a rough take.

That's just mayo wanderlust.

As an international expat worker, my favorite subreddit is /r/iwantout.

It consists mostly of Americans who have a fantasy of what they think living and working as a guest worker in another country is like.

Near as I can tell, they think they are going to be the next Anthony Bourdain.

They think they’re walk around eating exotic food and drinking at unknown local bars, when they will really be teaching English for 20k/yr, suffer from extreme xenophobia, while drinking with expat perverts and English majors at the local westernized hotel bar.

It's not even that. I'm amazed at the number of Americans that have maybe a high school diploma, can only converse in English, have nothing in way of working experience, and they are going to get to move to Iceland or Sweden.

Like holy shit when Trump got elected, there were people arguing that they should be allowed to immigrate as refugees.

Africa is amazing place to work or visit.

lol what part of africa is great

You can't thing of any famous landmarks in Africa that interests you?

only in egypt and they were basically white europeans back in the day when they were actually a real civilisation

im saying wheres a good place in africa and with africans

where have africans made a good city that wasnt from colonialism and then destroyed

Dude just own it.

i am owning it lol what does that even mean

name a good place in africa you nigger

Lol....still coming to terms that MDE got banned ...

lmao so thats a no then

africa needs 100% rhodesia style colonialism or its fucked because of all the dumb blacks

im sure everyone loves razor wire walled compounds and abandoned cities of skyscrapers overflowing with human feces amirite

Right. And I'm sure if Rhodesia still existed you would be some badass.

no i wouldnt live surrounded by savages in the first place because holy shit why would you subject yourself to that

thats why i thought you saying it was a "great place to work" was hilarious

incidentally did you need an armoured escort to and from your walled compound

Why do you care what I think? I'm not going to sleep with you. White people have baby dicks....

look you said a retarded thing like "africa is good" you should own it instead of being a fag

whats good about africa pls just mention like 1 thing

White people have baby dicks....

lmao he fell for the black dicks meme

You have no idea what a buffel is. Move on you wannabe Rhodesian.

lol are you talking about a random grass species? we have that here too and its considered a weed

Move on you wannabe Rhodesian.

oh yes please let me build a functioning civilisation on top of a pile of shit and then have it raped to death by feral niggers who then starve

sounds so appealing

I'm not sure why you are so invested in my opinion of you.

Most people would just move on.

ay man you said africa is good i just think thats dumb enough to hold you to

It really triggered you huh?

lol yes im jealous of africa somehow you got me

despite living somewhere objectively like 100 times better

you still havent said whats good about it dude

I never said you were jealous of Africa.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point champ.

For some want to keep interacting with me. I'm sorry to tell you big boy but I'm already seeing someone so it's never going to happen.

i just want to know why you said africa was a good place to live and work when all evidence suggests otherwise

and you keep avoiding it

You keep claiming I said something that I didn't.

I think you may be a bit slow.

Or you have nothing better to do right now than flirt with me.

I was talking to this black girl and she told me how much she hates it here around white people. She said she booked tickets to go to Ghana and believed that when her feet touched the soil of the motherland, she would be filled with ancestral energy. These are her exact words.

Wakangian energy barrier technology obviously

Probably because African countries have the shittiest form of tracking disease vectors. They only know they're dealing with an outbreak when villages fall over dead and they're bleeding out of every hole.

maybe it’s cus africa be hot

or maybe it cus africans don’t have healthcare or medicine so they just die

or maybe it’s cus no asians would visit africa

Scientists want to know how a disease is spreading. Do they hate black people?

Their path to a “cure” would be to kill and torture a bunch of black peoples. They need to stay away and mind their business.


It’s not because people want Africans dead...

Yes they do, you fucking nazi piece of shit

Because they wanted us to die from it and they're mad we're not. They wanted it to spread for population control

Corona was literally engineered to kill all black people. FACT.

Isnt it just because theres not nearly as much air traffic between Africa and Asia as there is between Asia and America/Europe?

They hate the black kang for just living

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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The disease doesn't effect people much outside of asians. Blacks the least out of all.

Black people are idiots

coronavirus only affects people with an IQ over 50 so 99% 100% of Africa is safe

I'm happy for you

lol why are black people so defensive and fragile about literally everything but also so aggressive and confrontational