Janny makrs sub private to flex on the dirty poors.

1  2020-03-01 by AlohaWarrior35


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Only the elite may enter—those with Reddit Premium.To the rest of you, best of luck on the outside. Maybe you should try being rich next time.

I have paid for and awarded 10 three day bans to the author of the post.The awards have been given.

ok this is epic

wait, you can pay to have somebody banned? Top kek

certain subs have custom awards where the mods will manually issue bans accordingly. it is not an intrinsic feature of reddit

Le classic ironic “gimme gold slut”

Very Funny!

Yea, it's a custom subreddit award that was stolen directly from us.

Your post/comment has been removed because it did not contain an emoji! 😱 😭 😩

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leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Janny makrs sub private to flex on ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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its bait, really good bait too judging by the mountain of seething comments like this one:

Stroking your own ego by power tripping in an online forum. Wow. Mind your aim there cap, careful not to nut in your own eye when aiming for your mouth.

lololol they are fucking pissed and also braindead

> Good lord people are triggered by this.

OP: isn't it great

> I guess many of the commenters didn't stop to ask why they were allowed to comment without having premium themselves. Epic troll man.

agreed. the only decent jannies are the ones that only use their power to mod abuse their community imho


It's kind of funny you should laugh.

I'm okay with jannies not doing it for free it it pisses off the majority of redditors.

Remember: if it pisses off a r*dditor, it’s all good!

Wtf that sub has ban awards too? I thought we were unique. Also, their 3-day ban costs the same ad our 2-day ban. We're getting ripped off.