Tensions Hit A Boiling Point Among Demcels When A Bernard Blitzer Calls Black People Retarded For Not Worshiping A Crazy Scientist

1  2020-03-02 by WishUWouldTryMeBitch


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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That guy really made his face like that his profile picture and thought "Yeah that looks good."

That’s the face of a person that has authored over 49,000 tweets.

That’s the face of a person that has authored over 49,000 tweets

He's just some twitter nobody.

I don't see the difference.

Imagine literally trying to force people to not vote for your candidate

What the fuck do they mean by a boycott???? Sit outside the polling booths with signs of his face saying that he must disavow sanders?

I love when Sanders loses and his supporters immediately lash out at minorities.

I rarely block resisters.

I need a really good reason.

I don’t block Bernie supporters.

I need a really good reason.

In fact, I rarely block anyone, save bad people.

I don’t even fkg block people back who block me FFS.

I’m blocking you.

You’re welcome 😃

Lol beat me to it

Why would you block someone who blocks you? They already cant see your messages

Do you know a better way to get off?

Blocking anyone for any reason is pussy shit cmv

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Twitter. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.


Standard Bernie Bro

All for the blacks until they differ politically, then they become a good ol rightoid style bigot overnight.

This is the same exact shit that happened four years ago.

Four years ago bernie bros said "Bernie is the most popular candidate among black voters, but in SC they vote for Biden because South Carolinians are low information voters?"

sir I have to inform you the above comment reeks of cope.

I recommend you embrace the seethe.

Major cope reporting for duty!

StupidPol was mad that their black people didn’t vote for Bernie. Which is oddly identity politics, but don’t let them know.

For a bunch that claims to be against idpol they sure do love it.

“If the blacks vote we’ll win!” - /r/CircleBroke2

“If the blacks vote we’ll win!” - /r/StupidPol

you have any more examples of this suppposed common phenomenon except that one twitter account, who is definitely a bernie supporter btw?

How do you get that from him saying "Bernie is leading with black voters"?

I think its younger generation black people. Black boomers made up like over 70% of the electorate in SC.

Not that it matters. The guy here in question is a faggot.

A faggot? Quite possibly.

Ageist? Quite possibly.

Racist? Not based on that tweet.

If that many Twitter retards are mad at him then he's probably correct

if you don't like bernard, you have the IQ of a black person

Sorry I'm not poor

Bernard likes bernard and he's rich

That's cause, like every politician, he's a narcissist.

that Tweet is racist AF.

South Carolina is a race?


"low information voter" is a redundant phrase