After weeks of calling their guy a CIA shill, a mayo, a rat, and questioning his love of bussy, Sander bros extend an olive branch to bussygig fans.

1  2020-03-02 by SlimjobDopamine


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I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




  1. After weeks of calling their guy a ... -,

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They targeted Peter. Bussy lovers will not forget.

Glow in the darks will not forget.

Sure, you're free. Do as you choose.

But rally behind the nom even its Bernie.


110% guarantee they'll write in Bernie if he drops out. They did it last election and they'll do it again.

lol having a donate link in the fucking main post.

Unironically the best thing about Bloomberg. Not having to hear him and his faggot followers beg for "donations"

He literally offers to buy your vote

And that’s good

Well I wasn't doing anything with it, why not?

So do bernie with the free shit lmao

I see more Bloomberg commercials on YouTube than anything else. Which is nuts to me because I've submitted negative feedback about them 20+ times.

They're doing out of spite at this point. He probably pays extra to spam them at people who submit negative feedback

What followers

Boomerberg is just as annoying as his fucking commercials end up being aired everywhere

It's so sad to see so many young people in this sub falling for the exact same bullshit every single politician in the goddamn history of humanity has promised. How stupid and naive do you have to be at this point in history to actually think a lifelong politician isn't almost entirely full of shit?

Seriously. You guys live in a fantasy world. I'm guessing most of you just haven't been around long enough to understand this cold hard fact but the reality is politicians will promise anything and everything get elected. Bernie Sanders IS NO DIFFERENT. Holy fuck you guys are getting swindled. The absolute state of naive 20 somethings in America is insane.


Imagine writing all that, proving to everyone that you are seething on the internet.


I mean, redditors are fucking stupid for having a messiah complex over Bernie, but you're equally fucking retarded if you think a grassroots organizer is 1 for 1 with some random wall street bussynaire.


Some people start to realize that every politician fangroup is cancer, not just trumpsters.

The fact that there was anyone unaware of that in current year is a little depressing.

probbaly because people in America are sick of all the bull shit going on in their country. honestly if you're American and aren't voting for Bernie, you're voting against your own interests.

unless of course you're rich.

Or you want to keep the second amendment, or you like freedom of speech, or you are middle class. You know, little things like that.

Doesn’t Bernie support the 2nd amendment?

He literally said he's planning on getting rating from the NRA decreased when he gets into office. He has a d- now.

Damn, TIL

You already got a reply that answers your question, but I'll add that he has been somewhat firearm friendly in Vermont, because it has a large rural population. But, he has always been a fan of "assault weapon (cosmetic feature) bans".

or you want to keep the second amendment

At LEAST he's not being a retard and calling for a buyback. I don't think better background checks are too bad but the assault weapon ban is a meme.

or you like freedom of speech

How is he going to limit this? He hasn't been retarded like Warren and called for internet speech to be regulated

or you are middle class

Free healthcare and free education is an insane boon to the middle class, most of whom can't get things like medicaid or pell grants and thus have very few options for both that don't involve massive drains on their income. Their taxes will go up, but it will be much cheaper.

At LEAST he's not being a retard and calling for a buyback.

Poor r-tard Beto... He'll never live that down, especially in Texas.

I don't think better background checks are too bad

I don't have a problem with background checks, but I haven't ever seen a single proposal that didn't make it illegal to loan your sister/mom/aunt a pistol because she was facing imminent threats. Also, most of the background check bills have waiting times in them as well. Like they think we wouldn't notice that.

the assault weapon ban is a meme.

It's like they aren't even trying anymore. I freaking LOVED Feinstein trying to educate the American people about firearms, when it was obvious that she's never handled a firearm in her life. Did these morons forget that the internet exists and that their idiocy could now be fact checked at the speed of light?

Free healthcare and free education is an insane boon to the middle class, most of whom can't get things like medicaid or pell grants and thus have very few options for both that don't involve massive drains on their income.

Speaking as someone in the upper middle class... No, it will cost me more. There isn't a single way to slice up his plans that won't increase my tax rate at least 15%.

I have no issue with college education being free and paid for with my tax dollars... If we limit it to degrees that translate to jobs in the market. Look at countries that provide free (or very low cost) college and then look at the percentage of those countries that have a degree. The provide the education to people who will be able to utilize it, not to everyone.

still unemployed then?

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I looked up German stats on this lol. 30% of hs grads go to college in Germany, 70% in the us. Along with this, students don’t view it as a time to party and meet new people with some occasional studying, they view it as a time to study and focus on graduation. Because of this, they also don’t spend money on amenities that make colleges in the us more desireable, like better gyms, nicer dorms, or pristine athletic facilities. That also cuts down on lots of staffing requirements and saves money that way.

We probably could do free college, but we would have to limit it to the top 25% of students and you won’t be able to get a degree later in life if you decide you want to go back to school.

It's incredible how badly we've screwed up the university system with this idea that "everyone should go to college". I still hear people make claims that college isn't just about learning about subjects, it's also about discovering yourself and the experience. Then they complain about the costs and don't ever realize those two things are linked.

I honestly don't think college should be free. I think it should be much less expensive than it is right now, but not free. I think trade schools are the wave of the future and we will see an explosion of those in the coming years. As long as the government stays out of it, the market will force them to provide good fundamentals at a reasonable price.

BTW, all that would have to happen to change the college culture would be a law allowing students to get a complete refund of their tuition and book costs if they aren't able to get a job in the field their degree is in. I guarantee you the number of gender studies and queer theory degrees being offered would hover somewhere close to none.

Yeah that’s what I mean though, you don’t “find yourself” in countries with free college, you study and when you’re done maybe go grab a pint with friends. I also agree college is too expensive, but the race to the top with amenities and student to staff ratios has also had a massive increase in costs that a school has to take on. Nobody in America wants to go to a school with dorms that are barely up to code and one staff member for every 75 students

I vote we offer the refund for those who can find jobs in their field of study to 1. Make the humanities retards suffer for their choices and 2. Incentivize good degrees.

I think you’ve got it reversed, I think if we offered refunds to people who couldn’t find a job we’d get way more gender studies or useless degree holders because then there’s no real consequence for getting a useless degree.

I think you’ve got it reversed, I think if we offered refunds to people who couldn’t find a job we’d get way more gender studies or useless degree holders because then there’s no real consequence for getting a useless degree.

I don't think we should pay them back. I think the college that charged them should pay them back.

Lol no colleges would ever agree to that. I’d be down for slight refunds since only private universities would be the ones it wouldn’t functionally be taxpayers paying for anyways

Oh, I know they wouldn't. That's why I want them to have to. It would totally affect the private colleges more, but there are plenty of state colleges that have gone woke and need to go broke.

You can open carry your smol peen compensator and scream the n word, or have free health care.. wat do 🤔

I have no idea what you just said.

Based strokeposter

berniebros are completely autistic i genuinely hope bloomberg gets the nomination just to spite these retards

The average redditor whether it be DDF or Berniebros are just stupid and annoying.

All the more reason to hope for a Bloomberg win to spite redditards in general

I want Bernie to end up with 1900 delegates, Biden with 1600 and bloomer with 500, then throw his delegates behind Biden to push him over the edge

Damn, TIL

if you don't think mayo pete is a cia asset you're blind. dude practically glows in the dark

Im switching from pete to sanders.

Its clearly the highest potential drama choice.

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear. Will Bernie supporters still call it a Russian troll?