Artwork dedicated to drowned rape engineers is posted in r/pics and everyone spergs out.

1  2020-03-02 by 641232


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Artwork dedicated to drowned rape e... -,

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What's wrong with being racist?

Uh, based?

based? based on what?

Based Status: Confirmed. Based Level (Approx): 1488

*Based Level (Approx) : Visigothic Übermench

Sad Ostrogoth noises.

All the sjw comments are getting downvoted and anti-refugee comments getting upvoted - on r/pics too which is pretty mainstream reddit. Are the tables finally turning?

eh 1 thread in the sea of muh refugees is not really that much of a change

Saw a thread like this in /r/europe yesterday too. So that's 2 more than I've seen outside of rightoid reddit before.

r/europe has been like this for a long time when it comes to refugees

r/Europe is always centrist until it comes to refugees or Gypsies. Then it's all 1488 for even the tamest user there.

it's europe hours, wait until the wht mrcns wake up


They most definitely are first it was r/europe then its r/pics. It's gonna be bucketload of popcorn in coming weeks. I thank greekcels for this drama.

Assume a brigade is afoot

Are the tables finally turning?

Probably. Just check what politicians from leaf leaning parties in Europe are tweeting: <- from a Greek Socialist <- from a Belgian Liberal (also some kind of EU president)

Even the socialists in Europe are starting to call it "invasion".

Leftists have always been the single biggest source of anti immigrant sentiment and violence. The importing of cheap labor undermines their ability to negotiate extortionate contracts for unskilled labor, so they are violently opposed.

There are plenty of leftists now which hate the working class.

Leftists have always been the single biggest source of anti immigrant sentiment and violence

lmao no

A tiny minority of leftoids are old fashioned purists and hardliners.

So you deny that Bernie supporters are Trump supporters in different clothes?


Wow, I have never seen anyone as unironically radical as you.


How crazy do your politics have to be if you see a meaningful difference between the supporters of Bernie Trump and Donald Sanders?

I'm aware they're both retarded if that's what you mean

They're identical is what I mean. If one or the other dropped out of the race, 100% of the supporters would transfer to the other.

To be fair most Bernie fans aren't even "REAL SOCIALISTS ™" they're just people that want "free" gibs that they will pay extra through taxes without realizing at first but shhh and people that believe in more than 2 genders and just boring, low energy, centrist mayos.

Old fashion socialism pretty much died when outsourcing factories to China happened and unions got dabbed on in the process, now most are just republican supporters because they're the only ones that promise to bring back manufacturing. <- from a Belgian Liberal (also some kind of EU president)

Michel's right wing retard

Maybe for europoors.

He was in an alliance with the NVA so not only for yuropoor.

MR are corporate welfare liberals, hardly right wing. They're only right wing in Wallonia, which is basically like a West-European Hungary in an alternate reality where the commies never really left.

MR are corporate welfare liberals, hardly right wing.

The retirement reform come to mind.

Obviously brigaded by MDEcels.

It’s been 40 years since Tom Petty said: “you don’t have to live like a refugee”. If these people still don’t get it then I don’t think there is anything to be done for them tbh.

Also, I think the word refugee has been an under looked contender for biggest word casualty of the past few years. It has like zero meaning now and is used to describe any MENA dude on a boat trying to get to Germany or Sweden. I’m actually shocked the journos went for “undocumented citizen” or whatever and didn’t use it here in burger land. I got $10 on that being the new term by the end of the year.


I always thought the term “refugee” implied they would go back someday. These people don’t seem to want to.

If I could live somewhere that lets me go around raping 8/10 blonde eurochicks with impunity, I'd never leave either.

I’m actually shocked the journos went for “undocumented citizen” or whatever and didn’t use it here in burger land.

Do you not recall the rhetoric when they were forming literal caravans and storming the southern border? Refugee was the go-to term.

Oh, did they? That seems like such a long time ago now. Glad they went for that strategy.

They’ve been using “undocumented” for some time now, mostly to refer to illegal aliens. Think I may have even once heard People without Papers.

People without papers, Christ. Makes them sound like a dog at a shelter or some shit, prob was the intent.

"Undocumented" is the word people started using when everyone complained about how insensitive it was to call them "illegal". Should we start calling them "underappreciated guests" instead?

I have it; "persons currently awaiting citizenship confirmation surgery"

They tried to use the word refugee. It basically stopped once countless stories and interviews showed they weren't by any definition of the word. Then they pivoted to the legal term "asylum seeker" and that's gone away since 99% of them have been denied.

wtf happened to reddit. yesterday in europe people were anti immigration, today in default sub r/pics people are anti immigration.

Jannies broke the system

People realized that unchecked immigration can be a bad thing and they don’t want beer virus, so now we need to keep the filthy minorities out

I read a story that Corona Beer sales have dipped 50%. I love that you just called it "beer virus" I hope it sticks.

Lol I lurk on wsb a lot and that’s what everyone calls it there

Makes sense. I might have to look at that sub more.

It's EU so redditers have to actually exercise their brains instead of "US bad."

Nobody's changed. All the politards are probably off seeing Bernie of some shit.

The redditor is a herd animal.

I remember a female politician from sweden or denmark i think, that was pro-inmigration and no less than a couple weeks she got raped and killed by an inmigrant TOP KEK

I remember that. There was a picture of her next to "Irony" in the dictionary.

The alt-left party of Sweden is beyond woke. Their ministers literally want to supply people that are connected or cooperate with terrorists with welfare, asylum and housing. As long as they can't be directly convicted for a crime.


This could have been copy and pasted from /pol/ and no one would notice.

MDEfugees out.

not that this isn't believable, but without a link it's just creative writing

Why is everyone hating on britbongs? They are people, just like us


They are people

Try again

Sounds like they need to take some pointers from Cubans. Them niggas build rafts out of car parts and shit and make it to the US.

People that are smart enough to do that and survive deserve automatic citizenship.

Cubans that came here to escape Castro are very hardworking and respectful. They learn English fast too. I worked with a girl who had only been in the US for 2 years and was very thankful to live here.

That's why Chapos crack me up. They've obviously never met someone who escaped a communist country and talked about their experiences.

They absolutely have, they just scream "Bautista plantation owner!" And plug their ears.

But it's not real communism.

Those Cuban refugees know a little something about a wealth tax.