r/the_Europe banned 🤓😲

1  2020-03-02 by MasterLawlzFan



AHS doing Allah's work!

>Haha. Success! It only took being called a n----r 20+ times as well as dirty commie, reporting a few posts, calling out genocide jokes and cost me some 200+ karma. But at least that concentration of hate and intolerance is gone.


can’t believe that this is an unironic post

And, for the millionth time this year, racism was finally ended once and for all.

do not comment or vote in linked threads

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I don't think there were any actual Europeans there.

Nothing of value was lost.

Haha. Success! It only took being called a n----r 20+ times as well as dirty commie, reporting a few posts, calling out genocide jokes and cost me some 200+ karma. But at least that concentration of hate and intolerance is gone.

cost me some 200+ karma.

beer virus now

This is the true cost of war. Rip 200 karma. Never forget March 3rd.

commies in 1942: frozen, starved, shot, exploded, still marched 50 miles a day to destroy the fascist menace

commies in 2020: called a n----r 20+ times as well as dirty commie, reported a few posts, called out genocide jokes, still lost 200+ karma to destroy the fascist menace

basically the same thing, we salute all brave troops o7 o7 o7

Stunning and brave.


Omg 200 karma?!? Hell have to spend 0.001 second browsing /r/all rising and dumping shitty reddit tier comments to get that back!

Why did the [tr]/[j]annies remove this comment?

Probably got reported by the original person who posted it and felt cringe.


Woah no way why were they banned lol

"behaving in a way that would discourage a reasonable person from participating on Reddit"

Is this a new addition to the "Harassment Policy" stuff? I dont remember them adding this bit before, but if its real then I sure as fuck look forward to this Pandora's box being abused to shit 😋😋

"If offend normie, then bad" is an amazing rule for drama purposes going forward

behaving in a way that would discourage a reasonable person from participating on Reddit

as opposed to being a huge oversensitive faggot that keeps posting crab rave memes in ahs like they arent secretly crying

holy shit what a retarded rule

Chapo should have been scorched from existence if that's a rule.

Every single degenerate sexual fetish or drug habit is cool, right wing politics bad.

Looking forward to the rightoid seethe.

Protip for coping rightoids to fight back: everytime some leftoid says shit about cops/landlords/rich people/troops/business owners, copy the link and send that shit straight to AEO. Admins are too cowardly/freeze peach supporty to quickly ban any large subreddits (over 20-30k subscribers) unless there's bad press or something really big happens (looking at you, FPH) but they're very eager to act on individual accounts. AHS mods have spoken about being permanently suspended dozens of times.

Also for any incels/MGTOW/misogynists/MRAutists whining about FDS/Pinkpill, send reports to Anti-Evil Operations. They're probably using alts to make their communities seem bigger than they actually are (spez and kn0thing grew reddit.com in the same way), so one report could take out multiple femcels.

Looking forward to the next phase of the online culture war.

Yeah I'm not going to do any of that.

Virgin enthusiastically enlisting into the front lines of the culture war to fight for "his side" 🤓 vs Chad procuring only the choice bits of drama from both sides for his personal amusement and delight 😎

Nobody is going to read that sweetie.

Proxy accounts dropping by the hundreds

80% of the market cool. 20% bad.

Hard drug subreddits where people encourage blatantly illegal and dangerous activities? Fine by me!

Shitty frog meme? re-re-REEEE

I just want to be able to call my friends retards again.

I'm not asking for a lot here.

So you're asking for friends?

Friends with developmental disabilities.

who doesn’t call their friends retards? stop being such a pussy

Probably for stuff like 'shoot the immigrants'. Been a lot of that since the turkroaches unleashed the hordes.

Yeah I mean I was kind of joking. That place had a pretty clearly soonish expiration date lol.

109 subs

Lol, that's like celebrating beating a deaf man in a rap contest that the deaf man doesn't know they're participating in.

Can Yurop the continent be banned from existence

Yes, when the Ottomans swallow it whole.

Literally cannot wait

The real manifest destiny 😍😍😍


Did you guys see /r/Europe after the Greece thing? Looked no different than /r/European or /r/The_Europe.

Can you blame them? Roaches are going to flood their countries with uneducated people that don't speak the language and have a barbaric culture.

Their cope and seethe is understandable but still very funny

uneducated people that don't speak the language and have a barbaric culture.

the welsh?

Bongs aren't people

No I can't, but honestly I've been wanting to see them grow a fucking spine since 2015.

Yurotrash are invertebrates.

That's like waiting for a jellyfish to grow a spine

East/Central europoors would like a word with you.

Migrants don't want to live there anyways.

If they tried to go there, eastern Europeans would chimp out epic style yet again and probably do some more genocides

They don't go to those countires because they are shitholes with terrible economies.

It's not beause they are scared of Slavs you fucking mong.

I've never heard of anyone who ever wanted to move to Eastern Europe.

So many fucking mongs in this sub who have never left USA but somehow think they know what Europe is like because they read somewhere about brown people and licences.

Whenever I see threads like this all I see are inferiority complexes.

Cope harder burgers. I can cross the road wherever the fuck I like and the only licence I own is driving.

Oi mate! Yew gawt a loicense fa that seethe post?

tfw burgers can only joke about britbongs because they don't know any other european countries

Idk why mutts seethe this hard lmao. Inb4 "muh rapefugees"-meme. 13/50 is the answer

Remember 56%

6/90% as daddy Bloombased said

Yeah bro I know a lot about Czecxumberg and Herzokekistan

I was told the UK dissolved the rest of Europe this year.

tfw you realize we just don't care if they exist or not lmao

Implying the others matter

lol okay nogunz

Imagine being proud of the fact that school shootings happen every week. Weird.

Rightoid sub purge when?

Lmao okay europoor.



I know two people who moved to Pooland to go to med school because they couldn't get accepted into any Western European med schools. They moved back right after finishing their degree.

And there are some lolbertarians who unironically consider moving to shitholes like Bulgaria for tax reasons until they realise that living in Eastern Europe isn't worth it.

Genocide is like a colon cleanse for certain regions - unpleasant but it feels great to be cleaned out

This is why I love living in Canada, our border is with a country of people that make more money than us on average and don't want to live here. We don't have to worry like they do at their southern border.

Of course this suddenly became more a problem once Trudeau tweeted he welcomes all refugees, and all of a sudden thousands streamed up from New York into Quebec (strange how simple words, not even policies can often be enough of a deterrence).

But despite of the fact both Toronto and Montreals shelters are overwhelmed, putting 2x the strain on an already tough homeless problem, thanks to our government, yet we don't have problems like EU countries. It could always be worse!

Maybe being in close proximity to the greatest country on Earth has its benefits

The US benefits from our manufacturing and the rest of NAFTA as well but yeah of course a ton of our economy is based on trade with the US. We benefit greatly, it's cool the brits were able to keep some of the land separated into another smaller country.

There were lots of plots to invade Canada that never happened or failed in the past, fortunately.

But I love the US and would still rather live there. I'm plotting myself to move to TX, I already lived in SF, California and didn't like that dirty ass city, and I paid the same in taxes with no healthcare, somehow. Other parts of the US are more my style.

US emits a paladin-like aura that adds +5 to saves against migration.

Seriously. Why can't the gov place them in the Atlantic or up North? There's no one there.

Let the Inuit throw them in the Arctic

The average Inuit man is about 5'2. I doubt they can push anything.

Ok Chang

Slavs are as bad as roaches

Awful take

Slavs were enslaved by roaches until recently

Imagine being a roach slave

Im gonna be real for a second here. If a turk enslaved me I would be pretty embarrassed.

I mean, I don't want to victim blame but all you have to do is literally open the fridge door and theyll scurry under the dishwasher.

Slav cope, go smoke some reds you filthy subhuman

Lol pussy can’t even handle the grimey Slavic lifestyle. I have reds in my pocket rn bitch boy, I bet you don’t even have retard strength faggot I will snap you like a lincoln log

I could sniff out your slav filth from a mile away

As it should be

Jeez, you guys need to calm down

No. This is what the sub is for.

Slavs vs Ubermensch - who won the final showdown?



you gotta wait for season 3 or 4 to find out



uneducated people

sir have you ever met a greek person? they're like dumber, broker, fatter, hairier versions of italians

pita monkeys

sir have you ever met a greek person?

Thankfully not. And it is true, all the migrants are doctors and scientists.

My idea is to turn Bongland into a refugee camp. Replace all bongs with migrants and make the bongs be homeless or whatever, who really cares. Maybe Bongland wouldn't suck as bad.

I like it

"this is for giving us australia, ya limey fucks"

And C*nada.

Bongoids truly are a primitive species

Not us Canadians!

the only difference between bongs and leafs if the leaf gubmint allows its people to have SOME guns to defend their cabins from bears and wendigos

You're Bong Lite

Say 4 insults about Greeks

Not a single one of them is "lazy"

Even when they try their hardest, burgers fail to pretend to know about anything except how much costs combo#6 in McDonalds.


Pleb. #4 for life.

That's just dow unkind.

Yes. Their ancestors left these nations in a state of dependence. Now Americans have destabilized this part of the world through military action overtly and covertly. Get fucked.

That's pretty based tbh. Yurop finally going to be detroyed

Wish it was America. The world would literally be a better place.

If America doesn't exist then the world doesn't either. You really think America would go out without nuking the rest of the planet into a sheet of glass?

Americans will throw stones through their own glass house just to fuck up yours. We coined the term mutual assured destruction for a reason.


Re-elect Dubya 2020!!!

Yurotrash cope. Sorry your country doesn't matter

Lmao okay yeah, just let Russia and China reign unopposed, I'm sure that'll work out well for your countries with your extremely strong militaries and strong masculine fighting-age men.

Triggered much?

what the over-under youre a CB2 poster? anyone wanna take me up on a bet?



Isn't "the Greece thing" still happening?

Did you guys see /r/Europe after the Greece thing?


FWIW, I managed to archive some of the recent The_Europe front pages:



I wonder where the double standard comes from....


Here it is.

What Greece thing?

They don't realize people love making ahs seethe. All this does is show me more subs I can go to.

except the backup site with 100k people with more joining every day

Where are you getting this number?

Also like, they can fuck with people on reddit nonstop because they have no where to go on reddit.

NEETs who have their accounts banned eventually oh no.

Go chase a laser

G-G-G-Got his ass

Ignorant. Hateful. Also cheap fun and a good idea.

lmao 🐱

This is what coping and seething looks like.

Thinking someone who happily says nigger all over reddit cares about banned accounts


I used to have one account just to post easily upvoted comments and once it got near the top, I'd just drop gamer words and crime statistics. Simple but enjoyable.


Lol you have been completely coping broken lately.

You realized Daddy is going to ass pound whoever the Dem nominee is, but not until they all rip each other to shreds for the chance to lose to him, right?

Drumpf has no chance if Warren is the nominee

Lol right of course


You need to put this novelty account out to pasture.

What’s the novelty of this account?

Don't play dumb.

No see - the real way you win is when your sub gets banned.

Deleting that kind of sub is also opening the flood of refugees commenting wrong thinking in r/all, just send the boats back.

Exactly they always talk about meddling with other countries, how bad it is and how it creates refugees but then they do the same fucking thing to subreddits. Awww what ahs you don't want people migrating to your sub?


Cope more 😹

unironically seething about something unrelated right now

I'd literally never heard of this sub until now, can someone tell me its story?

Just your run of the mill fugee fort.

Chadmins should drive the rightoids away from this site by banning any sub remotely conservative.

The quality of reddit will increase 10 fold by doing this.

lmao leftys perfect world is nobody left to call them retarded

When there aren't enough rightoids, they just turn on each other.


So banning everything other than CTH

The cuckoldry will increase 10 fold too.

ban the people who can't stop thinking about cuck porn

this will result in an increase of cuckoldry

what did he mean by this

Is being banned from Reddit the ultimate form of cuckolding? Being able to see posts but unable to comment 🤔

Is it wrong to submit to the black kings?

Only if you wear black face as a sign of submission.

If that is the kind of experience you seek, Resetera is always accepting new faggots.

This is b8

wow how did you know

Rightoids are like roaches. You can't stop them.

Hey reddit, I'm a software developer. I can write code that analyzes posts/comments/upvotes and places every user on a scale of 1-100, with 1 being liberal and 100 being conservative.

That way we can just ban everyone that scores over a 25.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Can you write a script to analyze someone's comments to see how likely they would be to eat pee or poo

That’s just Longpostbot

did you use to be a journalist?

Can you write code to stop a porn vid right as I'm about to coooooom.

I'd love to watch the competition to see who can get the closest to 100, like happened with the nwordcount bot.

Or if people were actually banned, see who can get the highest bid without going over.

How can rightoids be so cucked to get banned 193 times and still crawl back. Weak.

Leftoids are much weaker in comparison.

devavrata17 gone for months, ain't comin back no siree


Literal who

It's "literally who"

r/fuckthealtright jannie who described alt-rightards in ways he thought were funny (they probably weren't but they sure made the rightoids big mad).

Few months ago, while lurking r/WatchRightoidsSeethe or r/subredditcopers, I saw a post saying devavrata had been permanently suspended. The rightoids sure were celebrating.

Then a week or so ago, when WRD had the rogue jannie/commie spergout where it went private and banned everyone, I broke the news to a SRDine.

Sir im going to ask you to refrain from stinking up my mentions. Otherwise I will stand my ground.


What's with the removed comments? One of them was just a coronavirus joke.


rightoids being banned is funny but the crab rave stuff is so unbelievably stale and unfunny, i hate chapocels

How is the blatant racism of r/Blackfellas allowed to continue uncontested? Not to mention the frequent calls for violence in r/AntifascistsofReddit. When will anyone consider banning or quarantining them?


I think only mutt ancestry larpers were there to pretend they're Europeans.




Haha. Success! It only took being called a n----r 20+ times as well as dirty commie, reporting a few posts, calling out genocide jokes and cost me some 700+ karma. But at least that concentration of hate and intolerance is gone.


Every week some MDE sub gets banned and every week some alternate pops up. None of these subs would get popular in the first place if retards at AHS didn't keep advertising them to the whole website.

These people are so hilariously mayos that they create their own problems and then cry oppression about it.


Good riddance, a well deserved banning for beta losers whose only accomplishments are literally their minds cross penis and skin color