reddit """investors""" favorite broker goes down, meaning no one can sell their quickly depreciating assests. Everyone calmly recognizes that you get what you pay for.

1  2020-03-02 by ManBearFridge


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Imagining being surprised that the crappy service you laughed at for being exploitable can't handle huge volume spikes.

Bonus all the "bye bye RH" posts. You deliberately fucked with their company and banned their accounts,l. I bet they're laughing at your lost money lol reddit sucks

It wasn't even volume spikes. It was a leap year date handling bug. And it's happened before.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. reddit """investors""" favorite bro... -,

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Itโ€™s Options retard

Oh god, people with all those tasty puts

Seeing how the DOW dropped 4,000 the past month, it would be fucking hilarious if the beervirus thing combined with tech issues like this is what causes the bronze age collapse of our time. Shattering North America and Europe into dozens of warring city states would be a good bit

And for once the righoids cant screech about the Joos being behind it, since the collapse of globalism would mean very bad news for a certain isolated Middle Eastern state surrounded solely by countries who hate them

Unironically I think I might start investing in shit now that the market is tanked. It'll recover once the paranoia dies down so shit is bound to rise.

Wait a few days/weeks/months. When shtf there's usually a rally from people thinking the way you are and other people seeing the recovery and putting their money back in. Once we get into earnings announcements and/or crownvirus really starts to fuck up the USA then we'll probably be in prime bargain hunting territory

Yeah I'm gonna wait for people to start dying. How else am I gonna get my investment money aside from taking wallets off the corpses of the elderly?

If something stupid like a "conscience" or "morals" is going to prevent you from picking up on some sweet deals then at least wait until earnings announcements, where the human suffering is abstracted

we're on the decline but a LONG way from tanked. The last month put us about where we were six months ago. That's still "market correction" territory. We need to start flirting with sub-20k numbers again before the buyer's market starts getting good.

Okay well after everyone dies then I'll make some purchases.

The Jews are the only thing keeping smooth brains off the street.

You're welcome

Is this the true origin of r/aftertheendfanfork?

im a RH IT guy

type your user name and pw below and ill get things working for you



...they have an IT department?

sick burn๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Their IT is also a wsb retard lmao they're so fucked

It's a honey trap, you brainlet


why did you comment "*******"?

Nice reference kind redditor, I see I'm not the only one reading niche websites like

You must be pretty epic if you used both those websites.

or maybe my pony friend played runescape in 2004 and browses shitposts in r/2007scape to this very day

Maybe, maybe not.

well thats my alt account if you couldnt piece it together just fyi

Maybe, maybe not.

we may never know

Maybe, maybe not.

Phish is a band, retard

*a GREAT band

I mean the official Robinhood Reddit account posted to WSB to ask them to stop taking advantage of that one RH bug, and the mods banned the account from WSB.

hey everyone, please stop using this exploit to your benefit



I remember that. It was amazing

They actually do pay using RH (unless using limit orders). Market makers like Citadel pay Robin Hood to route their orders through them (โ€œPayment for order flowโ€). They do not get priority for being filled.

(I donโ€™t work in this industry)


Based noooposting

They all have puts though

Some people on here are going to be bankrupted by RH.

This is revenge for laughing at them in box spreads.

Whoโ€™s getting spread now?


"Bears are usually referred to in homophobic terms."

WSB memes on Robinhood a lot as only being for idiot investors, but a lot of them still use it since it does make things easy.

Excuse me, I was told that it literally cannot go tits up.

Just turn ur screen upside down and everything's going great

Maybe turn on the red-green colourblind option too

Robinhood only got popular because it was the first with free trades, now all the actually good brokers do free trades like Charles Schwab. Once they get it back up a ton of people are gonna dump their RH positions and cash out to go elsewhere.

>Buy High, Sell Low
