Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernadino Sanderino

1  2020-03-02 by Wizbot1983


Imagine being so inept that you let a professional shit poster win two terms as POTUS

Just watch the dems commit seppuku with a Biden/Warren ticket. Maybe they can get Michelle Obama to stump for them again!

If every election since 1976 tells us anything, it's that when a party nominates the "reasonable" candidate, they lose.

Biden/Warren are reasonable? The only reasonable one is the billionaire candidate. Oompaberg might just save this country with his stop and frisk. There's only 2 groups you gotta focus on, the extremists, which include all the commies and Nazis and the extremely online, who commit all the mass shootings, and the poor, who commit the rest of the crime.

implying commies commit mass shootings

Lmao the recoil of a single pistol shot would break their wrist.

I have seen a few incidents where their larps got kinda real, but yeah they don't usually have access to real guns and shit.

I have seen a few incidents where their larps got kinda real

We all know about those terrifying antifas ability to savage rubbish bins but those are elite communist troops trained by obama according to infowars.

can you repeat yourself with fewer memes/buzzwords pls.

you assertion that "communist larpers get real" is hilariously untrue.

Highly based. It's why Teddy Roosevelt was such a powerhouse. He got like 25% of the vote as a third party candidate for the Bull Moose party.

Sandernistas did this CMV

Commies are a scourge

woah, a prescient human post

Thank you, ((((Reid J. Epstein)))).

They're guna do it again lol

The article, who knows how reliable it is, but it claims that they contacted 93 sources, primarily superdelegates and they're all pretty opposed to him.

"Exercise your franchise! No, not like that!"

Can't wait to see the nonsense of all sides whether he gets it or not.

The rest of this year is going to be fucking retarded no matter which way it goes, prepare for insufferable populists from all sides and the losers, again whichever way, will be sure to harp on about how the world is about to end for the next 4 years.

Here's how it can go, in roughly descending order of likelihood:

  1. Daddy beats Biden in the electoral college despite not even making a token effort for the popular vote. Congress stays split and the Dems go into full Tea Party obstruction mode. Some Silicon Valley manchild wastes a couple billion dollars astroturfing a "CalExit" campaign that will fall apart within six months. Bernie's supporters scream "WE TOLD YOU SO" ad nauseam. Daddy gets a third USSC pick, but passes no legislation. The economy hits another big recession, enabling the Dems to put another empty suit in the Oval Office in 2024.

  2. Biden wins, but resigns because of failing health before his first term is over. I have no idea who his VP would be (obviously not Warren though, lol), so this is a wildcard scenario.

  3. Daddy faces Bernie in the general. The economy slows down, and Bernie blusters his way into the White House. Israel launches an offensive against the Gaza Strip within weeks of the inauguration, Bernie makes the usual noises about "right to self-defense" and "unacceptable civilian casualties," and a huge chunk of his base turns on him overnight. He serves one term, accomplishes nothing aside from a Supreme Court pick, and retires from politics. The Zodiac Killer replaces him.

  4. Bernie faces Daddy, and the economy is doing well. Daddy morphs into a semi-mainstream Republican, tells educated suburban mayos that Bernie wants to end homeownership and institute "death panels," and we get a repeat of 1972.

Trump should give out more tax cuts. Either people will like it and vote for him or he'll leave a huge mess for the Dems to clean. It's a win/win.

He might want to save that for if the economy actually enters a recession.

Mm.. id like to offer alternatives:

If anyone aside Bernie gets the nod, I think Trump will win slim and then repeat last 4 years

If Bernie gets the nod, he gets elected, literally nothing changes, because you can only fix the country from Congress and the corruption is too strong to kill --- but in this scenario, everyone left of center pretends it's all going super well

Then populism right/left swings ad nauseum until GAI is created in 2053

I just can't imagine the left not calming down once there is someone they perceive as being woke in the oval --- they don't give a shit if there are actual results they just wanna be right --- same thing for the red ties btw.

We're stuck now in "eat shit to own the other side" mode

GAI in 2053

I can't wait to go full homocracy.

I just can't imagine the left not calming down once there is someone they perceive as being woke in the oval --- they don't give a shit if there are actual results they just wanna be right --- same thing for the red ties btw.

I completely disagree. This, if it happens, is going to be the left crying betrayal over Obama, multiplied a thousandfold. It's literally impossible to be a successful president and give the left some of their core demands. Literally just Bernie sending his condolences when some rightoid dinosaur in the senate croaks will be seen as a betrayal.

You don’t quote my comments you fucker. I’m better than you in every way imaginable anyway. The tone you use in your comments is pathetic. It must be quite a touching moment of respite when you reach 100 percent method acting and if just for a moment, truly feel like you’ve accomplished anything of importance in your life. Before reality hits you like a wave of emotions and you realize you’ll never amount to anything more than quoting comments on the internet. I feel sorry for you. By the way OP said he wanted to eat my shit so...

Maître d', can I get some garlic bread for this pasta please?

Lmao that terf waa crazy but had some great quotes.

That and Bernie is actually retarded and either won't compromise with anyone and gets nothing done, or he goes back on his principles and Team Woke disowns him.

I think this might be your best work yet

DNC right now - Better dead than red!

Another Trump presidency would be pretty good for the Democrats and their billionaire donors.

It's almost as if politics is just a reality tv show for the wealthy

It's also almost like reality tv is politics for the average retard 🤔

Bernadino Sanderino

I ain't got no crystal ball

lol they are gonna be split into two parties by 2024

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Watching the DNC flip their shit over a milquetoast social democrat is funniest shit I have seen in a while. Biden will likely get the nomination and get creamed by daddy and it will be deserved.

He’s a socialist

Imagine being such a hair-splitting pedant that you felt compelled to point this out.

It's not pedantry. His point is that it's underselling it to call him a "milquetoast social democrat"

Call a spade a spade - he’s a Maoist-thirdworldist commie that wants to print money to pay Israel

Define socialist

When the government does stuff, but unironically


That's easy, Bernie Sanders

People on video literally saying they are a socialist

I say im a libertarian often in /r/libertarian, im not i do it solely to fuck with them and it isnt true.

Your an asshole reddit troll not a true believer who honeymooned in the Soviet union

and bernie sanders looks like a troll doll, neither of us tell the truth we just do it to fuck with boomers.


Odds of Biden even surviving until November seem low.

I mean he's definitely got kuru


The GOP is gonna cut some world-class attack ads if and when Joe is the nominee. Of course they’ll use the endless videos/photos of him smelling women’s hair, frenching his granddaughter, and groping that baby’s crotch. But personally I’m excited to see how they use Hunter Biden, his fuckup son. For one, Hunter was kicked out of the military after testing positive for coke. He’s been caught smoking crack more than once, and iirc he got arrested for possession after he left crack and paraphernalia in a rental car he returned. Also he was robbed at gunpoint when he tried to buy crack in the projects, then holed up in a hotel after finally locating some hard. Stayed there for a couple days and only left his room to buy more crack. He was very recently caught smoking crack at a DC strip club, but the best part is that apparently he sent a club employee out to buy a dildo, which apparently a group of strippers used to peg him in a private room. Spent like $7k there over two nights.

still more respectable and dignified than Trump Jr. tbh

All they had to do was run a decent half inspiring moderate candidate. Instead they run an inexperienced bussy lover, a stapler mommy and a dementia patient.

If Obama weren't so recent, they probably coulda turned Booker into a serious contender. IDGAF about policies or any of that shit, what matters to me is that he played D-1 football and saved a person from a burning building. That makes him the kind of Chad people can vote for whether he's competent or not.

But American politics is sorta quota-based, so there won't be another black guy for a while.

Absolutely true. People vote according to who they could have a beer with. As a Muslim this is hard for me so I go by whoever will enjoy beating women as much as I do. 👌👌

Perfect. Booker played high-level football and probably has CTE.

Sunni or Shia?

if these are the qualifications necessary then I'm backing Any Firefighter for president in 2024

That's a respectable position.

ya but he's a closet fag

Wait, 4realz?

ya like he’s never been seen with a woman ever apparently

until he started running for president and Rosario Dawson took one for the team and became his beard

tbh I discounted him and kamela for their association to Smollet, but I'd vote for an incel.

ha well I doubt he’s an incel, he’s probably giving and or receiving miles of dick

Dude, bussy, lmao.

Booker is too much of an ass clown

Dude, Stanford football lmao.

Biden came out of his k-hole to give a decent speech after his SC win


If Bernie starts to put on the Bern then they are fucked, the DNC can't withstand the slightest criticism.

But of course he won't, and that is why he is going to lose (and so is the DNC lol).

We know that. That's how Trump won the first time. They pissed off all the young voters with bernboners who then refused to vote for Hillary. He was a spoiler candidate.

Can we nominate Bloombergino as the official candidate of arrdrama? Radical centrist af