Irish Amerimutts ban sloot from parade, r/news breaks out in slapfights between gays and gaelics

1  2020-03-02 by unrulyfarmhand


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I was drinking with an Irish coworker once. We were both assigned to a job in the US at around St. Patties. Someone ordered an "Irish Car Bomb" which naturally he was quite offended.

So he ordered "an American mass shooting".

The bartender and I asked what that was.

"Pour me all the shots. I drink them until I am sick all over the place. I then yell 'notthing could be done' and pass out".

I was always amazed how quick he was on his feet on the drink.

Imagine wanting another country to have stronger gun control laws

Are you autistic?

Yes but that has nothing to do with my stance on guns, which is very wide btw

How on Earth do you read what I wrote and think this has anything to do with gun control in the US?

"An American mass shooting" "Yell nothing could be done" HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

It's a joke about offensive drink names. No one outside of the US cares if Amerimutts have guns.

I didn’t mean to get on your jock fam, there’s just so many retards on reddit who care about gun control way too mich

No one what's your penis device....

You talking shit on my jock brah

English you speak it?

Nah that shit’s for fags


This is amusing. Too bad it never happened

It's Reddit. Why would anyone let truth get in the way of karma whoring?

wow sick a fake ass story from /r/jokes

fuck you faggot

Damn...we got a badass here. No one mess with this dude's reddit. He keeps it real!

sick reddit tier comment

**I’m pretty sure there’s a Simpsons clip for this.

When you go to do something and are blocked for your sexuality/race/religion/etc, simply leaving them to do your own thing is just allowing them to continue discriminating. Unless you get everyone else to go with you.

Your’s was the same argument made by segregationists.**

but... that's what you're doing. You're hating on catholics right now, at this very moment, in your very breath.

Staten Island lol

So you get youre argument from a simpsons episode?

Peak reddit

They should make referencing pop-culture mandatory every time a candidate speaks at the presidential debates.

That's very voldemort of him to say that

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Irish Amerimutts ban sloot from par... -,

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Miss Staten Island..... Madison L'Insalata

parade organizer Larry Cummings
