Black man pulls a gun on Black Lives Matter demonstrators at his doorstep

1  2020-03-02 by SendWhiskey


around 5:40 a.m

I'm sure his neighbors probably wanted to shoot them too.

if anyone watched the gabriel fernandez netflix show his wife is the black DA of LA county. she’s based

You can tell at the end, they bang on the siding. They were probably doing that prior to the confrontation, as well.


This is the logical conclusion to being based.


4 dimensional based-cube


More retarded jerkoff comments seeking karma

You guys are dumb as bricks, fuck you add fuck everyone who up voted you, fuck every one of you with a giant donkey dong


This is so based, I can't even get my head around it.

The fact he told them to get off his porch and they were all "mmm-hmm" and defiant about it is whatever the polar opposite of based is.

If he had shot, it would like transcendental basedness.

You literally can't look at a black person without imagining killing them and masturbating

You’re trying too hard


The corruption of the leadership of the evil American and evil Israel empire empire will be their undoing. Praise Trump and Netanyahu for destroying the evil empire!

Weak bait low rent pizzashill

This must be one of the signs of the apocalypse

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Who is this and what did you do with watermark?


See if they tried this shit in another state they'd have been killed and it would have been justified. California is so cucked I swear.

I wonder what would happen if he shot them. I assume California has some bullshit where you get charged with manslaughter if you kill someone on your property.

California has a castle doctrine, actually. Paraphrasing, the defender is presumed to have had reasonable fear of significant injury or death in the event they use lethal or significantly wounding force on an intruder of their home or property.

His wife is the DA for LA County. He would've never gone to prison even if he was charged.

Extremely based.


I feel like rich black people hate poor black people too but they can pull a gun on them without getting called a racist.

Yeah, imagine if this guy was white. He'd be locked up and jail for at least a year guaranteed


Almost like it all comes down to class at the end of the day no matter what color you are.

A reality that fewer and fewer people are willing to acknowledge.



I think it's less about how wealthy you are and more about how intelligent you are and how you act. I'm a poorcel (not quite poor enough for welfare, but close) but you'd never be able to tell if I didn't say anything because I act like an actual human and am very intelligent and somewhat educated. I've known some poor blacks and Hispanics who were on the same boat, poor but actually smart and decent people.

This is the real story. When I was homeless I prioritized being clean, almost to a fault. It made it a lot easier to get work and to eventually get a place to live. I met so many homeless people that had the same opportunities as me and wasted them because of mental health issues, addictions, or just laziness.

Good morning I hate women.

Love from Khazakstan, this song goes very hard. I hate women so much its unreal.

Greetings from Turkmenistan!

I have uncontrollable hatred for woman 🇹🇲🇹🇲

If their lives matter why are they wasting it doing nothing.

How is the person who rang the doorbell black, yet knowingly rang the doorbell of a black man at 5:40 in the morning with intent to bother him?

Also I find this highly suspect from the protestor's statement:

"We heard him cock the gun"

99% chance its a striker fired wonder 9. There is no need to cock anything. Either they heard him chamber a round, or they're lying.

All they do is lie so

That's unkind. They are probably just ignorant and don't know how guns work. -10 points for the husband for brandishing but not using it. He's married to the DA, he should know that's not a good look.

That's unkind.

lmao no shit

But I agree that he shouldn't have brandished. He should have used it.

If you're going to brandish you need to use it, he should know that. Either come out shooting, or don't pull it out.

That's stupid. The world doesn't work function in total extremes like that. Brandishing can and will deescalate in most situations. That being said, he shouldn't have done it being recorded.

Its a combination of things. You shouldn't point a gun at anyone you are not actually willing to shoot. He was not willing to shoot those protestors. Pointing a gun at someone is something you can be arrested for.

Unless the individual runs away when they see the gun (which does happen), you now have to decide what do to, which can be legally complicated and dangerous. Even the police struggle with that step, with all those "I was reaching for my wallet" misunderstandings.

You're retarded. Someone doesn't need to get a bullet every time a gun is drawn in America.

How do you know he wasn't willing to fire on a mob of angry basketballs at 5 am?

Someone doesn't need to get a bullet every time a gun is drawn in America.

Here's where you are wrong, bucko.

Because he waved his gun at them, then closed the door.

he's tied in with the police he could have magdumped into them and gotten away with it

all they know is mcdonalds, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie.

Sounds like a good life I'm in

gotta be a female born after 1993

"We heard him cock the gun"

And? He was ready to shoot you dumbass niggas. I'd hope that if he was willing to cap some niggas he'd have a round in the chamber.

He didn't cock the gun though. Stop thinking about cock.

What is the difference between cocking a gun and chambering a round? Don't answer that, because nobody cares.

Let's hope to god your psych history forbids you from owning a firearm.

Guncels btfo

He's here for bussy (lmao)

and apparently cock too


You’re not based if you don’t use a Highpoint

What's with this "gh" nonsense. The brand name is HI POINT. There are about a thousand worse companies than them, if anything they are the cheapest manufacturer who still makes safe products that function reliably. No one talks about the terrible zamak slide pistols you could get from Jennings.

Sorry I was commenting and driving

Eat shit


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wheres a truck of peace when you need one? smh

The woman running against Jackie Lacey in the upcoming election said that she would never do that and would never disrespect protestors.

Which translates to "I will capitulate to your demands to stop prosecuting black people which will mean you'll never show up at my doorstep anyway".

cleveland brown

These people need to get some schoolin', learn themselves something about R-E-S-P-E-C-T

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


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On one hand BHM is big gay. On the other harassing public officials at their homes rules. Torn.

Is pointing out good/bad trigger discipline, despite having little-to-no experience with guns, the most midwit thing in history?


People protesting outside your house at 5:40am are why I support legal napalm flamethrowers tbh.

I would too, motherfucker. The fuck y'all doin on me doorstep at 5:40 fucking AM?



Hello, you've reached the based department. Due to extrordinarily high call volume allvof our agents are busy at the moment. Please stay on the line and your call will be answered in the order it was recieved.

Should have fired.
