Reddit users get upset when a black lady use's her gamer-word pass.

1  2020-03-03 by Armadildo_


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Good find. That whole thread would have been nuked in two seconds these days.

We always said nig-rigging

I was telling that to some one yesterday and I immediately got nwordcountbot'd, but I'm banned from the bot so it just resulted in more ass-blasting.


I'd nwordcountbot you right now, but we're not allowed to ping, and I cant count that high.

How did the bot ban you?

You just have to copy and paste the gamer word a whole bunch of times.

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Reddit users get upset when a black... -,

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6 years old. How deep did you go?

I googled nigger-rigged and that was one of the first results.

Why were you googling nigger-rigged? If you're a Yankee wondering, yes, southerners do say it.

I was arguing with a dumbass sjw.

Yankees say it too.

Just say gamer-rigged

And wouldn't you know it? The user that called her a nigger was posting on chapo just let week calling people chuds.


Is this a joke or real?

Look at the screenshot the black girl posted with the guy calling her that then look up the account. He’s posting to all the chapo and similar subs.

You should call the n-word bot on their ass.

I wouldn't be surprised if the coward only does it in private messages.

Just looked, wolf_protagonist has got some great stuff:

Trump is one of the least popular presidents of all time. Part of me wishes he would try some shit like that, because there would 100% be a revolution. The other part doesn't want anyone to die, but I am willing to do so to oust "King Trump".

Global anarchy sounds wonderful tbh.

Because Brie made a statement about wishing for more female reviewers to review Cap Marvel that hurt the alt-rights fragile fe-fe's. They made up their mind to hate it before it ever came out.

It was an anti-sexist movie though, so they'd probably just hated both films had she not said that "awful" thing, instead of hating one so bad that they had to love another to 'prove' their point.

No one's buying it though. You can be sexist and claim to like Alita, it's not even that hard.

You all need to quit your own bullshit. So many people in this thread saying "See, we hate this movie because it's bad, not because we're sexist."

The movie isn't out yet, you have decided ahead of time it's bad because you disagree with the "political statement" having an empowered female lead makes.

Just say that, quit being fucking cowards and stand behind your convictions.

To add on to this, America is in a unique situation. Where you are from taxes might be a good thing but here they are used to further America's imperialist goals and to line the pockets of wealthy contractors.

Not that some, very small percentage of our taxes don't go towards to public good, but it's good for us to be reminded we are paying for this shit and we need to take more responsibility towards how it gets spent.

We are so far behind other countries when it comes to health care, social programs, education etc and with our wealth we could easily be first in those things.

That feeling you get when you realize your fellow countrymen are so brainwashed, and have made the brainwashing such an integral part of their identity that they actually lack the capacity for rational thought and there's probably nothing we can do about it and our species is probably doomed.

Yea, we are the problem.

Not the hilariously transparent 'movement' by "Gamers" (a very small subset of people who play games, who somehow think that their consumption of, and fandom for an entertainment product is a defining personality trait) who want to control the videogame industry and impose their sexist and ignorant worldview on the rest of us.

Yeah, I can't see how that would be a problem at all. /s

I think /r/MensRights is a lost cause. There is as much hatred an intolerance there as on SRS. Many of them are just as 'radical' in the "other direction" as the radical feminist that they rail against.

It's a shame too. As a man I think that there are some valid issues that they bring up. Doesn't anyone believe in equality anymore?

I used to visit /r/MensRights and defended it to people, and I understand that not all the guys who go there are radicals, but the majority are, and I don't feel right associating myself with them anymore.

Let me know when there is a sub where the majority of the people respect women and just want things to be fair and equal for everybody. Pretending that women were never oppressed and that all feminists are man haters is not going to help that cause in any way.

This is why I don't visit /r/starcraft much anymore. I hate to say it this way, because there are a lot of good people in this community, but when you are constantly making fun of people, ESPECIALLY bronze level players, it makes you guys look like assholes.

I mean really guys? Most bronze's don't go around bragging that they are so great, so why constantly make fun of them? Seriously. I stopped visiting /r/starcraft regularly because it was always the same joke.

"Hey everyone! Look at this guy! He is not as good as me! He just made/is making a rookie mistake! I totally feel superior to this guy now, don't you?"

It reminds me of jock douchebags, picking on kids that are smaller than they are.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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I wish we jannies let us ping people so badly

Final post is him being upset that people bully him for being shit in a video game

really rounds it all out

What happens to twist a man this way

🐎 H O R S E S H O E 👟

What if you become so racist that you collapse into yourself like a dying star, and become this black hole of communism.

I guess that would just be like jumping to the other tip of the horseshoe.

Wow, even posts over a decade old like this still suffer from the sardines. Amazing how technology works.

over a decade old

six years ago


2014 was the in the last decade dumbass

so shit from three months ago is 'over a decade old'?


Yes, any other stupid questions?

why has my uncle stopped touching me?

Unfortunately, you've outgrown his libertarian sensibilities. Download grindr, you'll find plenty of older men willing to do the same.

He's trying to win the primary right now sweetie.

what a queen

Reddit sure has changed.

Reminds me of nigger-knocking.

It's like ding song ditch. Where you ring someone's doorbell & leave before they see you

I've always called it nigger knocking.

ding song ditch

Is this the asian variant I wasn't aware of?

No that'd be the ching chong dritch

reddit has changed so much in 6 years damn

the guy calling her a nigger out-the-blue in DMs is active on chapo

I was a Janitor at a major university in the U.S. I topped out at $12/hr after 5 years. Never got a present from anyone, the benefits weren't that great, no one treated me with respect, was never treated like 'A hero' and my boss could certainly "Tell me what to do."

Oh what’s that Mr janny? You worked hard this week for minimal compensation? Oops!! Spilled my drink! Time to get to work. Clean it up jannie. CLEAN. IT. UP!


Mod her, ASAP.

I miss old Reddit :( This would never happen now. It's actually sad, I'm sad now.

edit 2: Lol hello SRD. I as a black woman am allowed to say "nigger rigged" this is me

lmao and this is me: