π Dropping massive dramapill π
1 2020-03-03 by wocaj
Note: The vast majority of these links from reputable scientific journals, with peer-reviewed research.
1: Women prefer intact penises. And elsewhere you can find men do as well!
Source: http://www.healthcentral.com/drdean/408/60750.html
2: Masturbation feels better.
Source: http://www.cirp.org/pages/anat/
3: Circumcision significantly reduces sensitivity.
Source: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x/epdf
4: Despite the reduced sensitivity, there is no change to lasting longer during sex.
Source: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1743-6109.2005.00070.x/abstract;jsessionid=E233A9E106A9 A6D724B4E3606446784E.d03t01
5: Cut men have a more difficult time fapping.
Source: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1743-6109.2005.00070.x/abstract;jsessionid=E233A9E106A9
Which was the reason it was promoted in the USA in the first place.
6: Circumcision increases risk of erectile dysfunctions.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=14979200&dopt= Abstract|
7: If too much skin is removed in circumcision, it can make the penis smaller since the dong needs some skin to expand during an erection:
8: Circumcision does not lower the risk of AIDS.
9: Circumcision is more hygienic. Who the heck doesn't clean their penis? It's a three second job you do when you shower so this is not a valid argument. Women produce 10 times as much smegma as men - so it's OK to amputate an infant girls' labia lips so she doesn't have to wash them??
10: Circumcised foreskin sold to cosmetic manufacturers for profit:
11: Erectile dysfunction 4.5 times more likely to occur if you're circumcised
http://www.thewholenetwork.org/14/post/2011/08/does-circumcision-cause-erectile-dysfunction.html etc
12: Stanford's school of medicine list of circumcision complications (including infection, haemorraging, skin-bridging, phimosis, amputation and death):
13: Cut infants get long-term changes in pain response from the trauma of being circumcised
14: Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity
15: Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties
16: Circumcision linked to alexithymia
17: The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission
18: Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence
19: There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV
20: Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure
21: Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis
22: Circumcision policy is influenced by psychosocial factors rather than alleged health benefits
23: Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae
24: Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue
25: Circumcision has negligible benefit
26: Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma
27: Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life
28: Circumcision linked to psychological trauma
29: Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behaviour
30: CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning: Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population.
31: CONCLUSIONS: Circumcision was associated with frequent orgasm difficulties in Danish men and with a range of frequent sexual difficulties in women, notably orgasm difficulties, dyspareunia and a sense of incomplete sexual needs fulfilment.
32: CONCLUSION: There was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17155977 In conclusion, it's hard to stay calm when someone is as ill informed as you. Read a book sometime midwit.
1 BussyShillBot 2020-03-03
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1 LokamayadonDeux 2020-03-03
Lifefuel for Europeancels.
1 GeminiRocket 2020-03-03
1 CMDR-FusionCor3 2020-03-03
Suifuel for burgerstanis
1 TimothyK4 2020-03-03
Tfw European and circumcised for medical reasons.
1 OrionGaming 2020-03-03
Phimosis gang we out here
1 SnapshillBot 2020-03-03
Wow, that's a lot of links! The snapshots can be found here.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 IonicPaul 2020-03-03
Normally I hate bots being cute but after seeing the bearcum copypasta four times in a day this is a pleasant surprise.
1 DaeshMeOutside 2020-03-03
1 TaysSecondGussy 2020-03-03
Itβs over.
It was over before it even began.
1 MoistLanguage 2020-03-03
Who could have predicted that cutting something makes it smaller. π€
1 clubby789 2020-03-03
ITT: Americope
1 heeehaaw 2020-03-03
imagine wasting so much money in researching the obvious
1 Shitposting_Skeleton 2020-03-03
1 fuckedupridiculant 2020-03-03
Unfortunately, most Americans would also probably agree with you these days so the troll potential isn't as much as it once was.
I remember circumcision arguments on the internet all the time in the early 2000s or so. Nowadays it seems like people are more inclined to say yeah that's kind of a weird and shitty thing to do to a baby.
1 dan_the_baker 2020-03-03
The only people in favor of it who have not budged an inch seems to be feminists, unsurprisingly enough i guess
1 fuckedupridiculant 2020-03-03
Where do feminists say that?
1 dan_the_baker 2020-03-03
They claim there's an attempt to conflate it with fgm as far as physical damage goes and that giving it any attention at all will take away attention from the issue of fgm. See: any feminist discussion of circumcision ever.
I've also seen radfems try to frame it as an intrusion on the rights of a mother to make decisions about the health of her baby. Which is ironic since the vast majority of fgm is also carried out by mothers and grandmothers.
1 drdome122 2020-03-03
Fuck my BITCH mom for ruining my penis. How could my own father just stand by and let her do that
1 6r15movement 2020-03-03
The absolute state of ameridumbs
1 Eva_TryNotBeinRacist 2020-03-03
yes i hate kikes for what their propaganda did to my dick
1 Protista_of_Peace 2020-03-03
Unless you are Jewish, the reason you are circumcised is to keep you from playing with your dick.
1 ThinkingOnce 2020-03-03
Maybe /r/nofap should rename their sub to r/TheKellogsDoctrine.
1 i_Chapo-d_my_pants 2020-03-03
>circumcisions can do bad things to your peepee: the post
1 AuntyAbortion 2020-03-03
Thank you for doing this work. The thread is already full of seething Burgers trying to cope with their mutilated penises π€£π€£
1 thowaway_throwaway 2020-03-03
What's the radical centrist position on this?
1 [deleted] 2020-03-03
1 IonicPaul 2020-03-03
Mandatory cutting of both sexes, then grafting the leftovers to the genitals of the other sex
1 morroia 2020-03-03
Based and prepucepilled
1 oss_spy 2020-03-03
1 Osterion 2020-03-03
As this gentleman's flair states, if it's white it don't matter whether it's "intact" (lmao) or not
1 PatrickBaitEm 2020-03-03
The sensitivity thing must suck. In my younger days I jacked off so much that my dick head became dry and calloused like the ones you see in American porn. Masturbation was much less fun. I can't imagine how bad it feels during sex with a condom.
The whole death grip thing is just a cope to prevent Americans questioning why they've allowed a pointless Jewish practice to become so ubiquitous. It's the ultimate cuckoldry. An entire nation's ability to enjoy sexual intercourse has been curtailed π.
1 ArlenBilldozer 2020-03-03
Go outside or read a book.
1 SQLerection 2020-03-03
Anyone who defends circumcision is apart of a worldwide gigacope campaign backed by (((big pharma))) to sell lube.
1 anon69322 2020-03-03
Didn't read lmao, this post could've just been: Burgers cope, seethe, and have difficulty masturbating their flaccid microdicks because Jews ate the their foreskins
1 [deleted] 2020-03-03
1 Bussy_Galore 2020-03-03
So Americans are culturally required to have smaller, less functional dongs?
And here we thought it was a quirk of genetics but it was optional the whole time.
1 onitsuka 2020-03-03
fucking brutal circumcisionpill tbh, it's over
1 MoistLanguage 2020-03-03
Oy vey this is antisemitic! The ADL has been notified goys
1 DOG_ORGASM 2020-03-03
1 Matt32145 2020-03-03
Didn't the ADL send some letter accusing Iceland of antisemitism when they tried to ban circumcision? No wonder everyone hates these weasels.
1 DankMemester2865 2020-03-03
Dropping truthbombs! π₯
1 yoshispenis 2020-03-03
My girl loves to chew on da foreskin