Black woman who sells herbal coochie juice gets mean comments, "Black"fellas simp for her

1  2020-03-03 by tallcelvolcel


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Bea Dixon started The Honey Pot Co because she wasn’t feeling well, suffering from bacterial vaginosis for months. She shared that an ancestor visited her in a dream and gave vision to what would heal her.

Reviews: Cheap and terrible product. And probably dindu nuffin.

Some more: The products they make smell like menthol cigarettes and malt liquor.

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Black woman who sells herbal coochi... -,

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Yt pipo can be real assholes.

I encourage people to watch commercial for themselves. I only put a one star comment so that it can be seen first. Reviews are intended to describe the product not to state opinions about commercials. Nonetheless, there is Nothing racist about commercial. At the end the owner simply said she wants product to do well so the next black girl can have an opportunity. As we know there are not alot products in target that owned by black women. We are all also aware that African Americans have had a late start due to free labor produced by their ancestors in America and balance still has not been restored. It is not racist and did not target white people or any other race. There was no mention of black men and you dont hear any backlash in that regard. Some folks are very miserable and want to continue racism

Simping should be punishable. 1 lash for every comment.

Even though she sells herbal rubs for obese black women vaginas, I still find myself wanting to try her gumbo