Contra (the death squads) Mom attacks Bern. Bid3n and B3rnie🌹 supporters at each other’s throats in the replies.

1  2020-03-03 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Holy shit, I thought 'Contra' was hyperbole but you meant literally

Fucking gusanos need to be sent back from where they came

Stop trying to use my nation as a tool to get vengeance on your freed slaves

Stop trying to use my nation as a tool to get vengeance on your freed slaves

What the fuck are you even trying to say here.

I don’t think all @BernieSanders backers are awful.

"They're not sending their best, but some I assume are good people."

My reality is, I and many I love, fled Castro & Ortega. It’s an open wound. I can’t support anyone who finds a good side to them.

If you don't want Castro to kill you, maybe don't be a criminal?

>1.3 million followers

Is it normal for a pornstar to have such an audience? I know she is famous but is she really that famous?

She debutted in a time period where all the top shelf pornstars were aging out and all the new girls were so fucking mediocre that aging out pornstars still hung around doing MILF stuff.

I know she is famous but is she really that famous?

you underestimate how much her toilet-licking scenes have done for the feminist movement

She did a mainstreamish movie with Frodo Baggins, she's not mainstream at all but she's as close to mainstream as a pornstar can get.

I mean she was one of the most popular porn stars in the world 5-10 years ago. And now she streams?

There was a time where her, Faye Reagan, and some others were the new "girl next door/gonna be in real entertainment" pornstars. It was the dark ages, like the mid-2000s NBA and WWF/E.

Frankly the literacy rate in this country is too fucking high and the idea of raising it just pisses me off

The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Contra (the death squads) Mom attac... -,

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Mods should learn to word list better if you don’t want me to go around it tbqh.

Not to start shit but... on the spectrum of bullshit, there are more light years between Bernie and Castro than a few budgetary lines that would change between Bernie and Trump.

On a separate note, don't you just love patriotism that literally takes no prisoners.

being a Reaganite in current year

Aren't they all dead or irrelevant? It's over for Gipper-cels